Start the greatest self-discovery journey of your life and get true change!

Activate Your Secret Genius™ Individual Neuro-performance Master Program

Your 12-week comprehensive neuro-performance, mindfulness, and cognitive training program

Achieve Peak Performance, Authentic Well-being, and a Powerful Lasting Transformation as  YOU TRAIN TO UNLOCK ALL of the HIDDEN GENIUSES INSIDE OF YOU

Your brain creates your reality. Are you ready to transform yours?

The Activate Your Secret Genius program™ is a deep-dive into understanding, exploring, pattern-decoding, and rewiring your brain to create a new mental operating system worthy of the NEW YOU.

With leading brain science, mindfulness-based micro habits, and time-tested skill-building and self-exploration practices, this 12-week program goes beyond surface-level changes to create awareness, skills, and new performance peaks.

Get ready to reshape your how you think, feel, create, live, focus, work, and see the world. 

Why Training is URGENT in Today’s World

Our brains, which evolved slowly, hate the way we suddenly live our digital and overstimulated lives. Everything is a trigger and your brain is literally overloaded, and chronically stressed out.

You can’t live well, grow, or achieve your dreams if your brain is in this constant survival mode because the biochemicals of stress wreak havoc on your thinking, mindset, and mood. You need to train NOW to help your brain if you don’t want to waste more of your life’s energy just coping and surviving in this uncertain, ever-changing world.

Why It’s SO HARD to Make Changes That Stick

You’ve likely attempted to read books, watch videos, or listen to podcasts for tips and techniques on making changes. However, this often leads to information overload rather than actual help. Without effective action systems in place, most of the information we take in is only superficially remembered, contributes to cognitive overload, and creates resistance to change. This is because the brain:


Why it's so hard to make changes that stick brain energy is always in conservation mode

Is Always in Energy Conservation Mode


To save energy, it always defaults back into what it knows. Your old patterns & habits are deeply entrenched in your existing neural networks making them harder to change.


Why it's so hard to make changes that stick Your brain associates change with fear

Associates change with fear


Doing new things involves making it through a period of active resistance from the brain. Anything unknown is simply less secure than the status quo so it’s knowing what to ignore as much as what to listen to.


Needs training & rehersal to encode new pathways


Beyond discovering and assessing old patterns, the brain requires that you intentionally repeat optimal practices with awareness until they stick. New systems must be encoded into new dominant neural networks.


Why AYSG™ is a Transformative System 

Every lesson is built on: (1) neuroscience to prime your own brain with the understanding it needs to activate neuroplasticity; and (2) the step-by-step practices that help you get mindful, pattern-shift, and encode neural circuits. Plus weekly healing and exploration exercises for inner discovery. Each lesson builds on the foundation from the week before to facilitate your growth week-by-week.

In 12 weeks, You’ll Be Able to:

1) Get Laser-Sharp Focus: master concentrating attention on high-value priorities and engaging in deep work with clarity

2) Feel Stress-Relief & Calm: Stop your old neural networks from getting triggered on a loop by learning how to repair cues and redirect your behaviors.

3) Build Mindfulness Skills: From present moment awareness tracking to the ability to be a neutral observer, you’ll gain what you need to be masterfully mindful.

4) Unleash Powerful Productivity:Learn how to work more efficiently and enhance the effectiveness of your focused work sessions by aligning your tasks with your brain’s natural rhythms.

5) Master New Habit Formation: Understand how to rewire your micro mental habits to create ripple effects in your behavior.

6) Overcome Resistance to Change: Once you understand the neuroscience behind the brain’s resistance to change, you can follow the system to break through old barriers and drive personal growth.

7) Pattern Decode & Pattern Shift: Identify and transform the thought, emotion, and behavioral loops that are negative or unhelpful to you now. Transform the fabric of your mental landscape.

8) Unlock High Cognitive Abilities: From enhanced learning and memory to assessing, evaluating, and planning, your skills will be at whole new levels with your brain clearly aligned and supporting you.

9) Align Your Subconscious “Default” Mind: Learn how to release any self-directed guilt, shame, or anger. This freedom plus new inputs, intentions, and goals turn your subconscious into your cheerleader.

10) Tap Your Creativity and Flow: Tap the connections in the mind, and get techniques to innovate, explore, and create or problem-solve with new vigor.  Learn to focus in powerful, deep-work states that induce flow.

11) Cultivate Intentional Optimism: Learn how to foster a positive outlook for overall well-being, utilizing cognitive reframing techniques to handle stress positively and build resilience.

12) Communicate with Confidence: Your awareness, compassion, and emotional intelligence will soar. You’ll also have strong clarity over messaging, techniques to manage relationships, and boundaries in place.

13) Master Your Own Mental Energy: Your brain bandwidth is limited. You’ll learn how to prioritize what matters in terms of deep work and priorities, and replenish your reserves before you tap out.

14) Deliver on Unmet Needs: Understand your own intentions, desires, and needs. Deliver to yourself in healthy, empowering ways what you need so you’re not left looking for it to be fulfilled by the external world.

15) Plan Your Goal Roadmap:  Create a future plan around your goals with clarity, intention, and deep purpose. With a clear destination, milestones, priorities, and strategies – you’ll sustain your momentum.

Why AYSG is a transformative system - not just pivtoal information

Your Will Feel Profound Freedom When…

Your brain’s default way of perceiving the world and processing information will change. You’ll learn how to seperate yourself and see things as an observer. This gives you the changes to unravel the old tapestry of your thoughts and feelings and create a new one. Life changes – even long held pain or memories – are released. You get a sense of freedom, you’ve never felt before. It’s like creating a new book for the story of your life, not just turning the next chapter in the old one.  

You’ll See the World and Yourself in  New Ways

Learn how to be a detective: You’ll pattern-decode how it is you work and what you need. This self-disocvery paves the path for mindfulness. 

Learn how to be a scientist: You’ll identify and change your responses to triggers to encode new behavioral circuits. You’ll be creating your own neural networks!

Learn how to be an olympian: You’ll train to gain mastery over your new super skills entering states of deep work, focus, creativity, and flow.

So Improve Your Life Now

Take the leap to change your habits, your thoughts, your past – to discover yourself, and create a new YOU with powerful systems & skills.

    Secret Genius is all about training your brain to think, feel, act with the skills of your highest self.  In 12 weeks, we take you step-by-step through the workings of your mind so you: Understand your “past” brain, know yourself, decode past patterns, unlock new awareness, enhance cognitive skills, design your future, and recreate your neural networks to match who you are now!

    Includes state or VAT tax

    Here’s How Our Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program Works


    12 weeks of learning


    In just 90 days, you’ll have made a remarkable change in how you think and work. Just 30 min a day of training to enact true neuroplastity & new neural networks.


    2 lessons per week


    Each week you’ll have a: Module A –  Brain Science (neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics) to prime you for change and Module B- Micro-Steps & Skills to practice to actually rewire your brain.


    45+ Engaging Videos


    With a combination of science and storytelling, each video feels like an adventure. Between 10-30 minutes long, they are packed with examples to help you truly understand your brain.


    Action Plan + Tools


    You’ll get an AYSG™ Calendar and Action Plan for your whole program. Each week you’ll have slides, practice worksheets, healing & exploration exercises, and more to support deep awarness and retention. All you have to do is work the program.


    Motivation + Support


    We make staying on schedule easy with email motivation, daily affirmations, and SMS lesson reminders. Plus you can email us, and we’re also happy to schedule a call if you get stuck at any point. We want you to succeed!




    We designed this program to be one that you can do again every few years. You’ll always get more out of it on each pass. Be sure to follow the Action Plan the first time, then return to the Videos, Playbook, Journals, and Notes to have your own guide book for life.


    When you join our Activate Your Secret Genius Master Program, you are investing in real transformation. We guarantee you will think, feel, and perform better when you complete the program as designed – including watching videos, practicing key steps, completings worksheets, and doing journal exercises. To benefit from neuro-performance training, you do need to engage fully because it’s the only way to activate your own neuroplasticity. Indeed, those who deeply immerse themselves in the materials, experience the greatest transformations. For your peace of mind, please know we are here to answer all your questions, and support you on your journey. Should you experience any blocks after completing the full training, one of our team members will meet with you direclty to help you identify and overcome obstacles. Invoke this guarantee anytime in the first 6 months after you enroll so that the content is fresh. We want you to thrive in every way. Your success is our priority. 

    Just Image How Good You Will Feel When You do the Activate Your Secret Genius Program

    Just Imagine How Good You Will Feel …

    When you make changes that actually stick because they are embedded into your newly created optimized circuits.

    When you don’t feel stuck in the past anymore because you’re truly free of old negative thoughts, subconcious beliefs, and bad habits.

    When it feels nice to be in your own head because it’s now calm, clear, organized, and supportive.

    When you have the mental energy and focus to get into flow and high productivity sessions regularly.

    When your memory works well so you can learn and integrate what matters to you with ease.

    When chronic stress and burnout are cycles you no longer experience because you know what your brain and body need to stay in harmony.

    When you go on a deep journey of self-discovery and align your purpose, passions, and priorities together to create the life of your dreams.

    When you have the plan and skills to achieve that dream and any other goal you set.

    Here's Everything You Get with the Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program

    Here’s Everything You Get!

    •  12 Weeks of Active Learning – Preview Week + 10 Week Main Master Program + Bonus Keystones of Harmony (Habits for the Body & Brain)
    • 45+ Training Videos 10-30 min – each featuring Dr. Arianna as she guides you through each lesson with accompanying slides. Every video is clear, well-structured, and fun as the science feels personal and exciting as you work to change your brain.
    • Weekly Self-Discovery & Genius Worksheets that you’ll do between Module A (after you’ve learned the Science – to prime your brain for the practice steps) and Module B where the science evolves into your practice.
    • Lesson Slides that you can print, which are also digitally fillable pdfs. These empahsize Key Points and strengthen the process of your learning and retention.
    • Email Lesson Support for 12 Weeks to keep you on track and help you stay inspired and motivated in your learning journey.
    • SMS Support Reminders – similarly to emails, these are topical  messages related to your lessons to help you stay focused, on schedule, and excited.
    • Continued Education in Our Community to supplement your experience and keep your learning active
    • 100% Refathom Team Support during the program
    • 6-month Transformation Guarantee
    • More Questions – Check out our FAQs

    Words from Our Clients

    See What Others Have to Say

    Desiree Foster

    As Director of Brand Marketing at a large consumer product company, my experience with Dr. Arianna’s Secret Genius program was truly transformative. The course absolutely delivered on the promise of increasing my skills in a way that no other trainings have done for me in the past. I have better self-awareness, ease/calm in my work, more focus & creativity, but most importantly – way less stress in my life! This journey empowered me to drive significant change in my own life, and it has been a true blessing. I highly recommend it to leaders seeking to elevate their skills and make a substantial impact.

    Joe Czajkowski

    This program has literally changed my life in every way. This has been the most impactful training I have ever received in my professional career of over 35 years. I loved every minute, as the course was very engaging-exciting-fun, (learning the science then practicing the skills in real life). This was my first-time exploring Neuro-performance training, what I did not realize – that this program would have a profound positive impact on my entire life! It’s not just a training program; it’s a journey that demands commitment but the results are unlike anything I could imagine.

    Michelle Martin

    The Secret Genius program was a transformative experience for me! I really enjoyed how Dr. Arianna told stories while going deep into neuroscience practices, and her approach made it FUN to learn. This program was so impactful for me personally – especially in the areas of mindfulness and stress reduction, helping me to be more present with my thoughts and actions. This training will change how you think and feel, it is truly amazing! smile

    Carlos Alvarez

    After completing the course, the Secret Genius program at Refathom has fundamentally transformed my approach as a plant manager. I now lead with sharper decision-making skills, heightened emotional intelligence, and a renewed sense of purpose. This program has not only elevated my leadership abilities but has also fostered a more cohesive and productive team environment. Highly recommend for any manager seeking to excel in their role.

    Elizabeth Hayes

    Dr. Arianna’s Secret Genius program at Refathom has been invaluable for me as an HR Director focused on company culture, employee wellness, and training. I gained key insights into peak performance, empowerment and developing leadership skills. The neuroscience-based approach simplified complex concepts, enabling me to apply practical strategies effectively. Highly recommended for professionals seeking to drive impactful change.

    So Are You Ready?


    You’re likely already a high-achiever with many capabilities. But now with this once-in-a-lifetime training program, you’ll learn to see behind the scenes of your own head, understand what your brain needs, and step-by-step repattern your neural circuits so you achieve peak performance and authentic well-being. Your new level of self-awareness, from perception and processing to feelings and actions, will give you unparalleled direction over your life.

    Activate Your Secret Genius™ is your path to unlocking your highest self. 

    Includes state or VAT tax



    Learn from leading neuroscience research-based methods what daily habits for NUTRITION, MOVEMENT, and SLEEP will recharge and balance your body. Plus get checklists and tools to support you get your physical body healthy and energized to support your new SUPER BRAIN

    Keystones of Daily Harmony Macro Habits to Feed the Brain and Balance the Body


    Keystones of Daily Harmony Your Nutrition



    Learn what foods, eating habits, and nutritional practices boost your brain, balance your body, and help you get energized.


    Keystones of Daily Harmony Your Exercise

    Your Excercise


    Learn neuroscience-supported activity habits that will help you revitalize your body. Getting active is key to a healthy brain, and we’ll show you how.


    Keystones of Daily Harmony™ Your Sleep

    Your sleep 

    Understand the power of restorative sleep on brain cellular repair and growth. Learn how to align your circadian rhythm and create supportive sleep habits.


    To Reach the Highest levels of yourself

    start your neuro-performance & mindfulness transformation

    Together, we’ll go on a journey that takes you step-by-step through the whole journey of learning, observing, decoding, and changing your brain to change your life. We give you a clear action plan with all the resources and support you need to create a new you and design the future of your dreams, encoded all the way into your new optimized brain.

    Includes state or VAT tax


    If You’re Looking to Skip The Work, This Program Won’t Work for You

    If you want to make real lasting change, there is just no magic shortcut. You need to activate your neuroplasticity and you need to change your neural circuitry to get the changes to stick.

    While we give you everything you need in the program – you do need to apply it to your own life to change your own brain.

    It also takes intention and committment to stay the path. While we’re here to guide you and support you, you need to work the program for it to help rework you.

    Those who succeed are the ones who truly desire the transformation and are passionate about the journey of self-discovery along the way.

    Start your neuro-performance journey now

    Now Get Excited About the Adventure Ahead!

    Joining the Activate Your Secret Genius program is more than learning; it’s a transformative journey. You’ll discover yourself, tackle deep-rooted challenges, enhance your abilities, and much more. Read on to get excited about what we cover each week.

    Your Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program Curriculum

    Click below to learn more about each exciting week of your journey!
    Week 0: Your AYSG™ Preview & Prep Lessons - Starting the Right Way Is Vital
    • These 3 videos will introduce you to everything you need for the next 12 weeks.
    • They also help you breakdown and understand your transformation journey.
    • It’s important to take the time to set up your materials, environment, and mindset.
    Week 1: Your Brain, Your Mind, and the Nature of Your Reality - You are the Observer
    • Explore the profound connection between your brain’s structure and your personal reality.
    • Gain a deeper understanding of your role as the observer of your thoughts and emotions.
    • Overcome the feeling of being disconnected from your own life’s direction.
    • Step into the empowering role of shaping your perception and responses.
    Week 2: Your Conscious, Subconscious, & Habits - The Keys to Your Head
    • Unpack the relationship between your conscious decisions and subconscious programming.
    • Uncover how your habits are formed and influenced by both levels of consciousness.
    • Begin to break free from negative habits that have been unconsciously directing your life.
    • Harness the power to rewrite your mental scripts, leading to positive habit formation
    Week 3: Your Neuroevolution, Your Ancestors, Your Story - The Biodrivers Within
    • Recognize the primal drivers that influence your decision-making and actions.
    • Understand the evolutionary backstory that has wired you for survival and how it impacts you today.
    • Harness this knowledge to reinterpret your story, guiding a new intuition towards success and fulfillment.
    • Address old stress responses that no longer serve you in the modern world
    Week 4: Haywires of Homeostasis -- Stress & Emotional Hijacking - Finding True Equilibrium
    • Get a clear understanding of your body’s native stress mechanism and how it gets triggered all the time by what’s happening around you and inside you
    • Learn how to manage your external and internal stress triggers and redirect your emotions in supportive ways
    • Understand your own stress history and how it was shaped by past memories and charged experiences –
    • Start to release the past, and be mindful, calm, and aware in the present moment shaping how you respond and interact with the world in new ways
    Week 5: Genetics Isn't Destiny -- Epigenetics, New Cells, New You - The Reinvented Self
    • Jump into the fascinating world of epigenetics and discover how you can impact your genetic blueprint.
    • You are not stuck! Here you learn just how much influence you can have over your cell expression.
    • Gain the ability to shape your health by positively changing your thoughts and emotions.
    • Actively create your well-being and live knowing how much you can change and continue to reinvent yourself.
      Week 6: A New Roadmap for Your Focus and Productivity - You Super Concentrated
      • Learn to intentionally harness your focus for sustained periods of time like a catalyst in deep work
      • Create a personalized toolbox of productivity practices and know what works when
      • Overcome distractions and scattered thoughts and unlock higher states of thinking and creativity
      • Attain a super-concentrated state where focus fuels success with clear goals and priorities

      Week 7: Supercharging Your Learning and Memory - Cognitive Treasures
      • Learn how to learn – knowing how your brain learns is one of the creates life-changing growth opportunities
      • Understand what you can do to engage in deep learning
      • Improve your memory – transform working memory into long-term memory for knowledge that matters
      • Use integrative techniques for archiving memories for deeper retention and easier retrieval 

      Week 8: True Genius Needs Creativity and Flow - The Human Experience
      • Understand why creativity is at the heart of the human experience and learn how to tap into yours
      • Learn how to cross-map ideas for innovations
      • Use explorative methods to be in a non self-conscious state where you can brainstorm uninhibited
      • Learn and practice your flow state conditions to get into the optimal state of deep work 

      Week 9: Living by the Eternal Energy Equations - Cultivating Your Source
      • Master the principles of energy management to sustain high performance
      • Assess your life and relationships to assess how you spend your energy 
      • Understand how to build up and direct energy like a resource
      • Tap into deeper sustained states of vitality and consciousness through mindfulness 

      Week 10: The Power of Your Selection, Happiness, and Success - You as the Creator of Your Reality
      • Understand the power of your choice at the micro-cogntive level that you can influence to shape reality
      • End old cycles of negativity by intentionally replacing them with your self-discovered activities full of purpose, meaning, 
      • Emerge as the architect of your reality, selecting pathways to joy and success with a natural confidence
      • Embody all of your changes in your new mind and body
      Weeks 11-12: Bonus Keystones of Harmony (may take you 2-3 weeks to complete)
      • 3 powerful lessons with 4 modules on Nutrition, Sleep, and Movement for the Body and to Supercharnge the Brain


      Life is Short. Change is Hard. Let Us Help.

      Your life matters. Let us show you a whole new way to see the world, energize daily, work meaningfully, focus deeply, create innovatingly, and live purposefully. Join the Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program Now


      Have questions? Email Us.

      © Refathom™ Inc. 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

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