Refathom – Neuro-Performance Programs, Cognitive Training, and Mindfulness for the Modern Age

For Individuals & Companies

Empowering training programs for growth, stress relief, peak performance, focus, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, creativity, well-being, and success – unleash your potential with us!

 Why You Won’t Find Programs Like These Anywhere Else

Refathom™ Programs Combine Leading Brain Science & Timeless Mindfulness Techniques for Unparalleled Growth

Our neuro-performance programs integrate Neuroscience, Psychology, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Training to optimize the brain for peak performance and genuine well-being.

We show clients how to engage their minds to rewire their brains at the root level of awareness, cognition, behavior, processing and more. Since the brain drives all change, our programs create exponential growth on multiple levels.

Our clients benefit from multiple programs in one: personal development, professional skills, well-being, health, self-discovery, & more. These foundational changes revolutionize how people live, work, and engage with the world.

why our neuro-performance programs are uniquely impactful

We Go Beyond the Superficial, Rewire the Brain, and Foster Deep Lasting Change

We Deliver Key Information & True Transformation

While critical knowledge is vital to any good training, much of the information we receive these days adds to our cognitive overload and mental clutter because it lacks a plan and system for implementation. We teach our clients how to practice, EMBODY, and ENCODE key knowlege into real skills that become the new neural circuitry of the brain.

We Create Vital Self-Awareness & Autonomy

We show clients HOW their brains work at the micro-level from moment-to-moment, and WHY seeing it in action creates choice.  They learn to actively reshape their brains. Our goal isn’t just the end result, it’s the journey to get there and the process to continue growth. Our clients then become their own best SELF-COACH for LIFE.

Our Systems Critically Free Up Mental Energy

By first helping individuals decode, release, and shift their old patterns,  they are able to let go of past habits, thoughts, memories, and patterns that no longer serve them. They FEEL FREE and lighter after our programs. Along with their skills and cognition upgrade, they now have more stamina and energy to focus on the present and future.


Neuro-performance Programs Help People Work Smarter and More Effectively Than Ever Before

We show people new patterns for unparelled focus, deep work, creativity, and flow. Clients go from superficial time management to true mind management.

Learn to Work in Synchronicity with Brain Rhythms

Clients learn how to manage their mental resources effectively by working in tandem with the brain’s innate performance patterns instead of against them. This not only improves quality of work, but critically helps alleviate stress and burnout.

Improve Focus, Learning, and Memory

We provide critical learning in an age of nonstop distractions and interruptions, teaching clients actual science-based systems of getting and staying in focus, learning what matters, and remembering it well.

Tap Unleashed Creativity & Innovation

We’re in a New Era where innovation, creativity, and problem-solving are essential skills that set people apart from automations and AI, and help them stay relevant and desirable in a changing world.

Set the Stage for Flow State Work

In Flow State, work no longer feels like work. Clients learn how to harness mindset, attention, drive, and mood most favorable to tapping flow state. They also learn to prioritize what matters while in this powerful, joyful state of full engagement.

Neuro-performance is a Must-Have to Prevent Cognitive Overload, Anxiety, & Stress

Brain Training is Urgent and Vital in Today's Disruptive, Rapidly-Changing World

The brain evolved slowly, but has been bombarded by so much new stimuli in the last 20 years that it is stressed out, reactive, and constantly in survival mode. In an environment innundated with information, and with the rate of change accelerating even more – neuro-performance is vital defense against this chaos and a MUST to help our brains adapt for the future.

Refathom’s Programs are Essential Training for the Modern Age

What most people don’t know is that our brains are on high alert, absorbing every bit of information and getting overwhelmed without us realizing. Refathom’s programs unveil the secrets of how your brain perceives and processes this tidal wave of stimuli and the many dramatic ways it impacts how you perform. We also equip you with mindfulness techniques to shield yourself in these unpredictable times.

Neuro-performance is essential training for the modern age

Explore Our Individual and Corporate Neuro-Performance Programs to Get Started

Life is Short. Change is Hard. Let Us Help.

Our Individual Programs are for Growth-Minded People Ready to Optimize their Brains and Design their Best Future

Our neuro-performance trainings not only unlock higher human potential – they save clients years of hardship and struggle with piecemeal and ineffective change.

Think Sharper Our Individual Programs are for Growth-Minded People

Think Sharper

Mastering your mind unlocks a whole new spectrum of higher level cognitive skills.

Feel Lighter - Our Individual Programs are for Growth-Minded People

Feel Lighter

Transform your emotional landscape by shedding years of accumulated habits.

Perform Stronger Our Individual Programs are for Growth-Minded People

Perform Stronger

Skyrocket your productivity and creativity by mastering your mental resources.


From our starter Mini-Programs to our flagship Activate Your Secret Genius™ Master Program – Our clients are guided each step through the journey of deep change with comprehensive toolkits, action plans, and our support.

We offer catalytic Neuro-Performance programs for teams and organizations

Our Corporate Programs are for Growth-minded Companies Ready to Skyrocket Performance, Well-being, and Culture

Our corporate trainings revolutionize how employees thrive at work, engage in teams and projects, and support the overall goals of the company. Refathom programs especially improve:

Employee Mental and Physical Health & Well-being

Lack of well-being leads to massive losses. From absenteeism & presenteeism to additional health costs –  the stress-relief and mental health support our programs provide, make a pivotal difference in lives, costs, and health.

Company Culture and Employee Satisfaction & Engagement

Employees in our programs feel motivated to approach work in whole new ways. They also report significantly higher satisfaction on Engagement Surveys, and feel more loyalty & alignment with employers who supports their overall development.

KPIs, OKRs, & Other Performance & Productivity Metrics

From improved working habits to super-charged focus and cognitive skills, employees are able to work at much higher levels ater our trainings, and consistently reproduce that level because the behavior is encoded in new neural networks.

Team Communication, Alignment, Efficiency, & Success

Not only do our programs heighten self-awareness, EQ, mental organization, and goal-oriented work of the individual, they improve collective action at a group level. Groups plan better, find novel solutions faster, reduce meetings, and work cohesively.


Whether it’s our Facilitated Workshops or Our Master Program Activate Your Secret Genius™ – we work with your HR and Leadership to answer your specific needs and customize metrics that help you SEE and MEASURE the results.

Ready to Explore More or Get Started with a Program?

Where do you want to go next?

Words from Our Clients

See What Others Have to Say

Elizabeth Hayes

Dr. Arianna’s Secret Genius program at Refathom has been invaluable for me as an HR Director focused on company culture, employee wellness, and training. I gained key insights into peak performance, empowerment and developing leadership skills. The neuroscience-based approach simplified complex concepts, enabling me to apply practical strategies effectively. Highly recommended for professionals seeking to drive impactful change.

Joe Czajkowski

This program has literally changed my life in every way. This has been the most impactful training I have ever received in my professional career of over 35 years. I loved every minute, as the course was very engaging-exciting-fun, (learning the science then practicing the skills in real life). This was my first-time exploring Neuro-performance training, what I did not realize – that this program would have a profound positive impact on my entire life! It’s not just a training program; it’s a journey that demands commitment but the results are unlike anything I could imagine.

Michelle Martin

The Secret Genius program was a transformative experience for me! I really enjoyed how Dr. Arianna told stories while going deep into neuroscience practices, and her approach made it FUN to learn. This program was so impactful for me personally – especially in the areas of mindfulness and stress reduction, helping me to be more present with my thoughts and actions. This training will change how you think and feel, it is truly amazing! smile

Carlos Alvarez

After completing the course, the Secret Genius program at Refathom has fundamentally transformed my approach as a plant manager. I now lead with sharper decision-making skills, heightened emotional intelligence, and a renewed sense of purpose. This program has not only elevated my leadership abilities but has also fostered a more cohesive and productive team environment. Highly recommend for any manager seeking to excel in their role.

Desiree Foster

As Director of Brand Marketing at a large consumer product company, my experience with Dr. Arianna’s Secret Genius program was truly transformative. The course absolutely delivered on the promise of increasing my skills in a way that no other trainings have done for me in the past. I have better self-awareness, ease/calm in my work, more focus & creativity, but most importantly – way less stress in my life! This journey empowered me to drive significant change in my own life, and it has been a true blessing. I highly recommend it to leaders seeking to elevate their skills and make a substantial impact.

Your Key to the Best Future

Unlock true potential with Refathom’s life-changing programs for individuals and corporate teams – embark on your journey to excel and reach new heights starting now!

Explore and Get Started Now

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