Corporate wellness program boosts employee productivity 

Increase productivity through corporate wellness program

“Successful people aren’t the ones who work just hard, they’re the ones who know how to work hard and stay dedicated.”Anderson Silva

In today’s business world, more and more companies are starting to realize the importance of taking care of their employees’ wellbeing. This is because happy and healthy employees are more productive, and they are less likely to take time off work due to illness or stress. There are a number of ways that companies can take care of their employees’ wellbeing, such as offering flexible working hours, providing access to mental health support, and offering wellness programs.

What is a Corporate Wellness Program?

A corporate wellness program is a program that is designed to promote the health and well-being of employees. The program may include a variety of components, such as health screenings, fitness classes, and educational seminars. Corporate wellness programs have been shown to improve employee productivity and reduce healthcare costs.

It’s no secret that employees who are physically healthy and have a positive outlook tend to be more productive. That’s why more and more companies are investing in corporate wellness programs.

There are several reasons why corporate wellness programs are beneficial for both employers and employees. For one, they help reduce health care costs. Employees who are in good health are less likely to get sick or injured, and when they do, their recovery time is usually shorter.

Corporate wellness programs can also boost morale and increase employee retention rates. When employees feel like their company cares about their well-being, they’re more likely to be loyal and stay with the company for the long haul.


1. Improves Employee Health Behaviors

Behavior change is the key to reducing health risks, reducing the prevalence of chronic disease, and reducing employee related expenses. Itis impossible to have good health unless you have healthy behaviors. There are many factors that determine how healthy we are, but none of them are as important as our behaviors.

The goal of each wellness program is to change and improve the health and wellness of the employees. One way of lowering their health risk and adopt healthy habits is through the wellness program. 

Research shows that wellness programs can encourage employees to smoke less, eat healthier food, exercise more and manage stress more effectively. It has been shown to help employees alleviate and better manage the symptoms of depression and improving their overall wellbeing. 

“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.  Deepak Chopra

2. Increases Productivity

Poor employee productivity can be defined as physically being at work but not working. This type of poor productivity is called presenteeism. Research shows that employees who are healthier tend to be more productive in the workplace because they’re more rested, energized and motivated to complete their work to the best of their abilities.

A good wellness program can help them get and stay healthier physically and emotionally. These programs can result in employees taking fewer sick days, feeling less stressed at work and being more focused on the task at hand. 

Productivity boosts morale and creates a company culture of excellence, resulting in an improved workplace environment. 

3. Improves Teamwork 

Teamwork happens when people work together toward a common goal. That goal could be professional or personal. You can work as a team to move a couch up a flight of stairs, launch a work project, or play soccer. 

Defining teamwork is simple, but understanding how to work well as a team can be complicated. Becoming an effective high-performing team takes practice. And guidance.

In a workplace, teamwork is important because it enables your team to share ideas and responsibilities, which helps reduce stress on everyone, allowing them to be meticulous and thorough when completing tasks. This will enable them to meet sales goals quickly.

Wellness programs can improve teamwork by helping employees to bond with one another and work together towards a common goal. By encouraging employees to be healthy and active, wellness programs can create a more positive and productive work environment. In addition, wellness programs can also help to reduce stress levels and improve morale.

6 Reasons Why Our Corporate Wellness Program is Unparalleled

There are multiple reasons why Refathom’s corporate wellness program is unparalleled but we will just highlight six. Plus we have a bonus corporate wellness workbook for you and your team.

1. Self-Awareness + Mastery

With a two-pronged approach: Knowledge to prime you + Skills to transform you – you master yourself outside-in (brain science) and inside-out (mental tracking).

2. Clarity + Concentration

With our brains now at critical mass for info processing, identifying & concentrating on meaningful high-value goals with your conscious and subconscious minds is essential.

3. Stress Relief Forever

We rework your stress loops and limbic system defaults. You answer your biological needs without reacting to past subconscious programming.

4. Bio-Optimized Brain + Cells

When we change your neuro-chemicals through habit re-patterning, we also elevate your gene expression, cell health & align biorhythms. This is an excellent added whole health benefit.

5. Confidence + Energy + EQ

We teach you to build energy reservoirs so you direct mental and emotional energy to the professional goals, relationships and endeavors that matter most. You’ll feel resilient and excited.

6. Cognitive Super Skills

This professional training actually shows you how to learn – anything – effectively. Plus, we show you systems for skyrocketing your memory, focus, creativity, problem-solving, flow, and more.

Key takeaways 

Keeping your employees healthy isn’t just good for them; it’s good for the bottom line. The ROI of corporate wellness is realized in reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and more engaged employees. 

As a strategic-decision maker of your organization, consider how you could enhance your performance and productivity consistently. 

Book a call to set a free custom workshop and get our FREE corporate wellness guide with a 15-page self discovery toolkit for your employees.

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