How Not to Hustle – Reach Your Goals Faster and with Ease

How Not to Hustle – Reach Your Goals Faster and with Ease

See how to stop hustling & why it’s overhyped.

Hustling is overhyped in our 24-7 nonstop go-culture, with poor outcomes and a much too high price. In fact, hustling daily wasn’t even something to brag about for ages, but now it epitomizes the American dream and the rags to riches stories we love. In reality, this isn’t the path to success but rather the path to burnout. Most flame out before the endgame.

Here, we’ll examine: (1) why hustling is overhyped; (2) the real costs of the grind mentality; and (3) better ways to pursue our goals. Once we step back and get this perspective, we realize not only is this unsustainable in the long game, there are more viable paths with a greater chance of a win in the end. In the meantime, perhaps we stop feeding the beast with the hustle-brag? (It’s as cringe as the humblebrag and yet we all do it thanks to this very hype, me included). 

How not to Hustle – see why hustling is just hype

“Every day I’m hustlin” turned out to be more than a killer workout track, it manifested into a full-on mantra for the scrappy road to success. A myriad of influences converged together to turn the hustle into a way of life. And we can’t blame Rick Ross, these roots go deep. From the start of our country to the early days of childhood, hustle phenomenon is pervasively embedded in our brains. Let’s examine:

#1 – Hustling is Overhyped via the Parental Influence

So much of our perspective is shaped in childhood. That’s because the subconscious is easily primed at these easy-to-influence ages. And while your parents probably didn’t paint an homage to Ross, they likely instilled some version of the following in you:

“If you want to succeed at something, work hard at it daily and don’t quit.”

Sure, on the surface this sounds reasonable. We need to be driven and take consistent action to make our dreams a reality. We can all agree that’s a given. But taking smart action is different from old school hard work. Moreover, sometimes we can only get perspective if we stop going.

When we do pause to ask: What’s working? What’s not working? How do I feel? Is it worth it? — we get some high-value answers. Then we can decide if the ends really do justify the means. Or if the means itself is really the whole point of life. 

No shade to our parents, but a lot of them had a whole different version of success. They also believed that the plug-and-chug grind of daily life got you there.
But many of us don’t believe in that today. We want our own success, in our own way. At any rate, we can no longer climb the corporate ladder to middle management and expect a fat pension waiting for us. So we can’t opt for the path many of them took.

#2 – Hustling is Overhyped by Every Tradition & Culture

Whatever culture you belong to, including our American hodgepodge, beginning with the nation’s first immigrants, likely feeds into the hype of the hustle.

All traditions have parables about hard workers, who found glory in the end. These were farmers, shepherds, and tradesmen who spent precious years of their life toiling away for some later reward. 

We take on the mantle of that deferred reward today and almost wear it as a point of pride. “Yes, today I will struggle and exhaust myself, but tomorrow I’ll have the dream job, house, and car. Tomorrow, it’ll all be worth it.”

But what if that tomorrow doesn’t materialize? Will it still be worth it? If not, it needs to change. This (not just tomorrow) is your life too.

#3 – Hustling is Overhyped constantly by Modern Pop Culture

We revere the rich & famous like they were sages with philosophical wisdom on life. We look at their stories in retrospect and don’t account for all the variables.

Yes, some worked very hard. Some worked smart. But they all had good fortune. They didn’t have to toil for ages — they made it big early in life. They are the few. Yet we use them to sing the siren song of the hustle. We celebrate their wins as eventualities. We forget all those who follow the same formula and don’t share their result.


#4 – Hustling is Overhyped in and by the Business World

Rick Ross isn’t the only one who sings the gospel of the hustle.

The whole business world, especially the startup world and its “unicorns,” is obsessed with the grind.

Work all the time. Sleep never or where you work. Keep at it. Then you might be the next Musk or Bezos.

Legions of people follow this and do this daily. Yet they never reach that apex. To add insult to injury, when they get rejected — they’re made to believe they are lacking the special sauce. Sure sure, they sacrificed their lives but everyone does. It was never enough.

So what if instead of hustle worship, the attention switched to sustainability? Imagine headlines like “How to find attainable success while focusing on balance and mental health” instead of “Company X raises 70 billion in venture funds.”

Indeed, when you give attention to this kind of balance, the result is that creativity and enthusiasm explode, and with it the chances of financial success.

#5 – Hustling is Overhyped on Social Media

This one is no doubt the most irksome and it’s two-fold.

It’s the capital I “Influencers,” who could be spokespeople for the third part of the trifecta — good fortune — getting the win early. Yet they mask this and peddle their luxuries as the fruit of the hustle to appear relatable. This feeds the hype. 

But it’s also the subtle influencers — the people you know who are posting — that affect the flow and physiology of your mind (down to your biochemicals).

Everyone, at any point, doing anything, taking any picture, curating exactly what they want to show has the potential to influence you. We live in a time where most people celebrate every milestone publicly while privatizing their grief and pain.

This disparity is toxic for our mental health, but it’s also demoralizing for our goals and growth. When we’re in the grind daily, but all we see when we scroll is other peoples’ “wins” — we can’t help but feel like we’re not doing enough. We think we have to hustle harder.

See how deep that goes? It’s not your fault you bought into the hype. So did I once. So have many before us. We can see, clear as day, the hustle is old and it’s embedded in our brains from the beginning. 

Unless we are the children of the exceptional dreamer or the wealthy, we are told to hustle from childhood. Then the rest of society, culture, and business bombard us with this message incessantly. 

We did not do this to ourselves, yet we must free osurselves. 

We have to free ourselves from the idea that hustling …i.e. the daily grind is the road to success. Some fortunate may claim it is because they got the payoff early, but most people will go their whole lives without that reward following this mindset.  

How Not to Hustle – understand the real cost to you:

It’s your whole life, not metaphorically but actually, that you are trading in when you buy into the hustle hype. Let’s break it down:

A) Your Vital Resources get Drained (Time and Energy):

These are the years, months, hours, and moments of your life. They matter.

When did we all start applying Machiavellian philosophies to our own life? I know I did for many years.

The end does not justify the means if the means equates to unhappiness while you spend your two most precious resources: time and energy. These are the only two things you can’t get back. The true internal costs. More “expensive” to pay than money which can be recouped.

Also, what is the end anyway? When will you stop?

Because most people don’t hit that crazy level of wealth or notoriety despite “hard work,” they keep going, bleeding more of their life currency. So if you’ve allowed the hustle hype to reign as your dominant workflow method, how long will you go before you stop? Till you’re 60 or 70? Till you hit that midlife crisis and realize there are way more important things than the promise of that someday success?

Then when you do stop and look back, will it have been worth it?

The ends rarely justify the means when you’re hurting yourself to get there. 


B) Inevitable Consequences Suffered (Stress and Burnout):

Stress creates disease. But it’s easy to ignore for a few reasons. First, we’re all stressed out all the time. It’s become the way of living. If everyone is doing it then it’s normal and can’t be that bad right?

Second, it takes a while for it to manifest into disease biomarkers or measurable endpoints. But make no mistake, the impact of stress is immediate.

The effect on digestion, cardiovasculature, metabolism, reproduction, immunity, growth, cell repair are immediate. The inflammation caused is immediate. The consequences are immediate.

We can’t see them on the outside right away that is all.

How long do you think this toil can go on before you experience adrenal fatigue or brain fog which zaps your productivity? And how long from that point is total psychological and physiological burnout?

The hustle makes no sense for the well-informed, who can readily deduce these consequences. Yet it is the well-informed that give into it most often these days.

The hustle is no way to live, let alone feel alive. 

how not to hustle – see the more effective road to success:

Hustling is overhyped and unsustainable.  A more optimal road to success is tailored to you and integrates the following key elements:

Boundaries — You are not your work. You are a diverse, complex human. I know what it’s like to feel so driven by your goals that it feels like you and they are the same. But it’s an illusion. Even when your goals are purpose-driven and offer benefits to many, you as a human are still more than the sum of this.

Zen –Relax friend. You are not a robot. You need time to just be. You can’t always do. Zen can be anything from exercise or meditation to a hobby or sport. Take time to play. Forget the endgame inside your head and be in your body right now.

Milestones — What does achieving the goal look like big picture? Now break that down into achievable transitory markers. If you don’t have metrics to measure the path to success or if you think you’ll know it when you see it, you’ll end up chasing the carrot on the stick with no end. Make sure to create loads of success milestones along the way and reward yourself when you reach these. They’ll feed you.

Aha’s and Joy — It’s not just about the big wins, it’s about the tiny ones. The ones you don’t post on social media or share with anyone. These wins usually have nothing to do with work. They have to do with the wind on your face, the song that plays in the background, the hike that jolts you into the now. How many of these and how often do you have them?

Separation  — This is similar to boundaries but more intense. It means drawing a firm line in the sand between what you do and who you are. Don’t equate your goals to you because if for any reason they don’t proceed as planned, all you will see, think, and believe is that you failed in life as a person. Not that X didn’t go as desired, but maybe with some changing X+ Y will. Without separation, setbacks will break you and really stop your success.


You are deeper, better, more than your hustle.

how not to hustle – CREATe MOMENTUM WITH PRACTICE:

When we stop grinding, we get perspective. We see that the hustle is overhyped and unsustainable. We can think smart, act wisely, and feel good in the process. We know this moment is as valuable as any that comes later.

The key to making a new way of workflow and action work is to start implementing it right away. That helps us build momentum. It also allows us to decondition ourselves from the collective brainwashing and mindful move into designing workflows that suit our unique abilities and our whole humanness.


Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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How to Achieve Your Goals

How to Achieve Your Goals

Learn how to achieve goals by getting essential clarity. Predict your success and ease your hardships.

Imagine starting a race, without knowing when, how far, or even if there is a finish line. Sounds crazy right? Yet, this is exactly how most of us go about our goals. We take a laissez-faire “I’ll know it when I see it” approach. But without essential clarity, we cannot know our route, progress, or if we’ve arrived at the destination.

Wise people create predictors of success by gathering valuable data and analyzing it before determining any course of action. Yet many of us smart folk jump into a daily grind with the blind hope that it’ll move us closer to where we need. We do this without assessing the key pieces so we’re unsure how valuable or worthwhile our efforts even are. Here we’ll take a look at the five key questions that will give each of us essential clarity on our goals, and set into motion our own predictors of success. 

How to Achieve Goals — Your 5 Question checklist:

We’ll go through these questions together. Then for maximum benefit go deeper with your own reflections using this as a guide. In my neuro performance coaching and personal experience, I’ve found solitude and journaling are the best tools to facilitate insight-inducing reflections. With every pass, you’ll dive a bit farther into the sea of your subconscious; additional layers of information will bubble up to the surface. The following questions are an excellent place to begin that journey.

1) What is the pinnacle of my goal?

2) How will I know when I’ve reached it?

3) How do I expect to feel when I achieve my goal?

4) Will I be okay if I don’t achieve it and have to change my course of action?

5) Am I realistic about what it will take to get there and is it worth the cost?

Take your time with these. The more specific answers you come up with, the more information you’ll have to shape your own path. This is high-value personalized data that will only be revealed by you to you. Use it to craft the road ahead.

How to Achieve Goals Q1: What is the specific pinnacle of my goal?

What is the endgame of your goal? Try to expand on the standard short-form: “I want a promotion” or “I want to buy a house” or “I want to start a business.” Be as specific as possible.

Do this by adding in (a) descriptors and (b) the personal why. Descriptors are any narrowing details. For example: “I want a promotion in marketing for a tech company in Seattle.” See how that narrows down the playing field? This lets you create a visual which helps you focus on what you’re working towards.

In (b), you want to add the “why” of it. Why does this specific goal matter to you? What will it provide you that you really want? Again, be specific. Don’t just say “money” or “title” but rather “added income plus experience managing X and Y types of accounts.”

How to Achieve Goals Q2: How will I know when I’ve reached it?

This one is vital because without it you will treat yourself like the donkey chasing the carrot on the stick. The carrot always moves and you set yourself up to feel awful and exhausted.

Make your endpoint realistic. If the goal is complex or has phases, be sure to create milestones that serve as markers on your race.

This will also help your mind register the reward for its efforts. More goals can always be added. But chasing one that never ends is thankless.

Brain Benefits, Applied Neuroscience

How to Achieve Goals Q3: What do I expect to feel when I achieve my goal?

This one is very revealing about — you guessed it — your expectations. If you pin all your hopes to the endpoint, that’s a strong indication that the journey itself needs to change. The path should also be rewarding. 

For example, if you think “I will feel happy” when “I get the promotion,” then you are creating a condition for your happiness. This messaging is internalized by the mind, which believes “only when I get the promotion will I be happy.”

It misses opportunities to cultivate this on the inside, along the way. Creating your own happiness is essential. And it is mostly done in the small moments, not the few and far between big ones.

Also, if you attach any part of your wellbeing to the goal, you’re gambling your internal harmony on an outcome often outside your control. Let’s say, the company decides to hire from a competitor or decides to cut the position because of stock losses. Then what? You plan to be miserable? I hope not.

How to Achieve Goals Q4: Will I be okay if I don’t reach it and have to change my course of action?

No matter your unique drive or ambition, it is safe to have a contingency (or a couple) and be okay with any of them. 

Sure this isn’t your first choice. You want to realize your goal, but life can be unpredictable. The only real control you have is the ability to be adaptive. So yes, go all-in on your vision, but don’t fear change. Know that you are more important than any singular goal. As long as you have you, you can do anything (even the unplanned). 

How to Achieve Goals Q5: Am I realistic about what it will take to get there and is it worth the cost?

What will you have to spend to make this goal happen? Time and money are just the easy-to-measure external costs.

What about your internal costs? These are the precious resources that we neglect to account for because they’re hard to quantify. We don’t notice until they’re spent and we’re left depleted.

Big ones: Your energy, relationships, attention, rest, ease, stress, sleep, wellness, family time, hobbies.

Be honest with yourself about these costs. Then do a cost-benefit analysis. Is your goal truly worth what you will invest, sacrifice, and deplete?

If it is, then you can proceed with both eyes wide open about what the toll it will cost you.

And if it isn’t, now you have that as essential clarity. You figured it out before toiling for years. The goal wasn’t as important or at least not compared to the resources it’ll bleed. All of this is valuable insight.

THE BENEFITS OF A complete picture:

Armed with this data, you can make more informed decisions at every level. 

Specific Goal — You know just what it is you’re working towards.

Well-designed Path — Milestones and markers to guide you forward and give you pause to reflect. Is the course still the right one? Does it need to change at all?

Alternatives — You’re more prepared in case circumstances throw a wrench in your plans. You’ve got this. You aren’t obsessed with the goal.

Rewards along the way — The journey is as important as the pinnacle. So you invest in cultivating skills to be happy/well now instead of deferring it.

Realistic accounting of costs  —  If you decide to pursue your goal, you’re much more likely to succeed if you know how much of you it’s going to take. This preparation will serve you well.


How does this feel? Do you have more clarity now? Can you explore this more in your journaling? How has this changed your goals?

We break this exact process down for you and go much deeper than what we can show you in this article in our goals and objectives 2023 workshop. It’s a powerful session that talks about goals in a whole new way — helping you understand what your brain prioritizes, how that competes with what you want, how to bridge the gap and get your brain onboard so it supports you.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Taking the time to work through the steps. The art is in our implementation and action. Spending a short amount of time now to reflect, analyze and decide yields a major return in time, energy, resources, and emotional heartache avoided.  

Take it a step further, people set goals but don’t actualize them and a lot of that has to do with the brain’s defaults and priorities. Don’t let this be another year, especially with the pandemic we’ve lost a lot of time.


Next steps to consider

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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