3 Best Cognitive Skills Elite Athletes and Successful Entrepreneurs Share

3 Best Cognitive Skills Elite Athletes and Successful Entrepreneurs Share

Along with the right mindset, the best cognitive skills and their foundational practices are ones you should cultivate to reach the top.


Whether it’s about winning gold medals, getting venture-backing or reaching some new success milestone, both groups not only adopt similar mindset traits, they both possess a critical cognitive skillset. 

If you want to accelerate your performance and progress, aim to prioritize these practices daily. 

Before we discuss the 3 Best cognitive skills, let’s touch on a few attributes of a winning mindset.

1- People at the top take the time for clarity. You must know what you want to achieve. It’s important to take the time to understand your goals whether that task is big or small. This way you have a clear objective to work towards.

2- Once you’ve done that, act without a fear of failure. The idea of failure is a fallacy. The only time you really fail is if you don’t bounce back.

When something goes wrong, you don’t need to stagnate or obsess. You can learn, adapt quickly, and move forward. This mental agility is seen again and again at the height of success, no matter what the game or venue. 

3- Healthy competition or pressure can be helpful when approached without self-criticism. Don’t berate yourself or unduly compare yourself to others. Look at the leaders in your field and learn from them. In a gentle way, allow their success to fuel your own growth, feed your passion, and foster your drive.

Keep these mindset traits at the forefront and you’ll have the drive to go forward and the stamina to reach your goal. Now let’s focus on the cognitive skills that elite athletes and entrepreneurs share, and that you too can develop to flourish. 

What are the Best Cognitive skills?

First, let’s start by understanding cognition simply to then digest why the following are the best cognitive skills. Your cognitive abilities can be defined as your mental capacities to: remember, reason, hold attention, solve problems, think, process, learn, assimilate new ideas, and make decisions. Amazingly, because of the brains remarkable neuroplasticity — your abilities are never in a state of stagnation. In fact, to keep your brain healthy, it’s essential to practice these skills and evolve.

This is why cognitive ‘skill’ is a more apropos term than ‘ability.’ They are flexible, and no matter your baseline — very much in your control.

In sum, cognitive skills are core skills that your brain uses to process information, learn, think, evaluate, decide, and act. But these skills don’t exist alone in their own silos. Rather, they are cultivated by developing habits that nurture them.

In that sense, the following three must-haves may be better understood as foundational practices that will help you exponentially enhance all your other best cognitive skills across the board.  

Let’s talk about the three must-haves cognitive practices:

#1 – Supreme Focus

Supreme focus or sustained attention is one of the most important skills that you’ll find common in both high performing athletes and successful entrepreneurs. This is so critical that without it, you’ll deplete other essential (and finite) resources like energy, time, and stamina — often without even realizing it.

To illustrate the point — consider for a moment how often you’re working on something important, and the next thing you know an hour is lost because you followed the trail of a random thought down an internet rabbit hole? Or perhaps you gave priority to a silly interruption? Maybe you answered an email or texted someone to the same end. Perhaps afterwards, you even rationalized your lost time as well-spent because you managed to tick off some admin task or other back burner item.

But when you’re honest with yourself, you know the original, high-value objective got neglected and all because you seeded your focus to something much less important. 

Further, engaging in distractions actually fractures cognition and thrusts the brain into ADD-like states. These neural pathways cement themselves the more you engage in distractions while working.

On the flip side, when you learn to channel focus like a laser beam, everything becomes much easier. In a practical day-to-day way, you find yourself excelling at meaningful work. This kind of laser-like focus also gives you an endorphin rush, boosts happiness, and helps you feel fulfilled. Think about how much easier life would be if you could just keep your eye on the prize — the task at hand in front of you. No one but you is usually stopping you. 

I refer to athletes because they’re a great source of inspiration when it comes to practice, dedication, and focus. Their visual and conscious attention is always on what’s happening now. Not what took place five minutes ago or the anticipated challenges that might show up later.

Why? Because they realize the game is being played each moment. There is no room to jump timelines into the past or future. Similarly, you must stay present and concentrate on each play as it happens, not mindlessly multitask or prioritize interruptions. 

Supreme focus is not an easy skill, but it is the most rewarding. Use a pomodoro timer, ignore all distractions (even the tempting ones like viral videos or funny memes) and concentrate fully for each interval. This is the only way to use your talent effectively. This is how to get to the top with ease.

#2 – Consistent Reflection

Another vital skill both entrepreneurs and athletes share is regular reflection. This takes self-awareness, a desire to improve, and devoting regular time.

Top athletes are often known to watch video footage of their past games. Rather than being harsh, they look at their abilities and actions with a growth-minded approach. This is key.

Similarly, entrepreneurs often create MVPs (minimal viable products) or prototypes when they first develop a new product or service. When they do this, they know they’re not going to get it right on that first shot. In fact, they don’t even aim to because they know that to create the best version of their idea in the end requires a bit of ‘failing’ at first, reconfiguring and optimization.

Choose the right neuroscience training for you

We too can adopt this practice of regular reflection. It’s as simple as bullet point journaling for five minutes each evening. Think back on your day. Jot down two or three learning lessons and make a point to highlight what you did well. Be kind, honest, and balanced in your assessment.

Doing this will enhance your understanding of self. It will also give you parameters for what to improve, elevate your confidence because you took the time for well-deserved acknowledgement where you excelled, and boost your cognitive abilities across the board. 

#3 – Daily Training

For athletes, intense daily training is a must. They know, you know, and I know that practice is a part of their jobs. The G.O.A.T.s (Greatest of All Time) athletes like Michael Jordan are upfront about the number of free throws or layups he practiced before he was able to score his average 65 points a game.

But many of us working professionals forget that daily training is just as imperative to our own success. The first step is to break down our skills into the key micro-habits we need to excel. Here are the ones that I help clients and students work on no matter their field or area of expertise. You can cultivate these too.

Train yourself on: (1) how to learn; (2) how to remember effectively (short-term and long-term); (3) how to process new information without bias; (4) how to challenge your own ideas; (5) how to be creative in your problem-solving; (6) how to work in flow; (7) and how to make quick rational and intuitive decisions without constantly second-guessing yourself.

Of course there are others as well as ones that will be specific to you, but this is a great place to start. When you take the time to train daily, you not only keep your brain healthy as you age, but you’ll also maximize your performance from a micro-level to the big-picture just like an athlete improves the elements of her game. Put in the daily training and you’ll redefine your own limits.

The benefits of developing cognitive skills

Cognitive skills are both active and constructive. They can help improve every type of workplace situation. Some of the key benefits of having cognitive skills are:

Recognize and address patterns — You are able to recognize patterns by blending logic and reasoning skills. The brain loves patterns. When you work in patterns, every thing else becomes quicker and easier. 

Consistent goal achievement — Cognitive skills help you become highly productive and enact the goals you want to realize.

Confidence — By developing cognitive skills like that of an athlete or an entrepreneur, you are able to improve your confidence in your own abilities. You know no matter what challenge presents — you will find effective solutions.  

Of course, the benefits of heightened cognition are virtually unlimited. This is the space of genius, flow, and creativity.


From our assessment, you can see that the underlying framework here is practice. Cognitive skills in both elite athletes and entrepreneurs don’t magic their way onto a court, field, or boardroom. They take dedication and blossom with time.

Keep your three essentials in mind to get started: develop present-moment heightened focus, be consistently reflective, and build in time to train daily.

This right here is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 


ACTION Steps to Cultivate

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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10 Game-Changing Executive Training & Leadership Development Program Benefits

10 Game-Changing Executive Training & Leadership Development Program Benefits

Leadership development helps align purpose, performance, and people for radical individual and organization-wide benefits. 


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell

Successful leaders can transform businesses by guiding employees, proactively solving issues, and creating meaningful efficiencies — all while working towards the big picture goals of your organization. Luckily, these are not fixed traits but rather skills we can cultivate with training.

Leadership training is essential in the modern workforce

First, what is leadership development training?

It’s a professional training program, course, and/or coaching that cultivates a broad spectrum of essential cognitive, executive, and soft skills in employees.

Cognitive skills are how to learn, think, brainstorm, problem-solve, and more. Executive skills include management of people, time, resources to effectively execute a goal. And so called soft skills (the term is a misnomer, these are critical) are self-direction, drive, motivation and interpersonal skills. 

An ideal leadership development program would also include stress management, emotional intelligence (EQ) training, and habit training.

These are imperative because you need your leaders to be calm, focused, excellent during challenges and emergencies, and have the framework ability to learn and automate new skills. Without these, individual health suffers, burn out is eventual, and productivity drops over time — all of which bleed out into the moral and efficacy of the larger team or staff. 

With the help of leadership development training, organizations can hone the abilities of their current leadership, as well as identify and cultivate the future leaders. For any business to succeed long-term, this is imperative. The value of robust and agile leaders cannot be overemphasized and when absent, the ripple effects spread quickly to others. Before we look into the advantages of leadership training, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why a business should consider a course or program for a broad range of their professional employees — investing early and often towards mutual collective success.

Organizational benefits of leadership development programs

In different career stages, a professional workforce can benefit from an excellent training program in myriad of ways with both direct professional benefits and indirect personal benefits that impact stamina, mindset, and more, and thus improve work. 

Early- or mid-career professionals, new leaders, and even entrepreneurs or those who ‘lead’ themselves are all ripe to take advantage of such programs. The below are just some of the highlights — a solid program will instill multiple skills so the benefits are vast in practice. 

#1 – Increases productivity

This one happens at many levels. A good program will enhance cognitive abilities, and the outcome of better cognition is productivity. But it’s also impacted by the change in the individuals thought patterns, emotional signatures, beliefs, and attitudes. 

For example, in my course, I start by teaching the science of the mind, perspective, and perception. This is followed by how to re-cue triggers that cause destructive internal loops. EQ and stress training follow, and then we release the past at all subconscious levels allowing, creating the space for new cognitive processes. Only after we do this, do we focus on direct cognitive and executive skills because finally there is brain space and energy for this work to be impactful 

As you can imagine, this approach is groundbreaking when it comes to productivity because the internal bandwidth of the human has entirely shifted from past habits to present awareness and finally to skills for the future. 

#2 – Impacts the corporate culture

When you invest in leadership training, you are investing in your organization’s human capital — your most valuable resource. This will send a message to your employees that the organization cares about their development too. It also helps you reduce staff turnover and increase employee engagement. Finally, you’ll see a boost in employee morale as they feel a sense of autonomy and ownership in their work; balance in physical and mental health; and pride about improving their performance. 

#3 – Better risk management

As you train employees to be leaders, they make better decisions in every state. If you take a look at the cognitive triad, you know that every thought and belief influences feelings, which influence action and choice. You want people to think efficiently and outside of the box. You don’t want people that feel like sheep. Even if they aren’t in a current management role, you are creating their toolkit for them to take one on later while helping them in their day-to-day.   

individual benefits of Executive leadership training

“Leadership is not about title or designation; it’s about impact, influence, and inspiration.” Robin Sharma 

As this quote highlights, executive training or leadership training is essential for any individual that wants to grow impact, influence, and ability to inspire others. So if you’re a professional or entrepreneur — there are a host of personal and internal benefits to you directly that make investing in yourself worthwhile whether or not someone else (an employer or otherwise) decides to invest in you or not. 

In fact, as I say — your brain is your MVP. You should invest in it before and beyond anything else. If people cannot see your value now, it will soon stare them in the face. This makes you more desirable to everyone in the business food chain. 

#1 – Build self-confidence

Once you are not reactive, but rather proactive — your confidence radically changes. You also learn how to learn from perceived failures, stay in the right mindset, and keep your eyes on what’s next as opposed to the past. 

#2 – Improved emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is imperative to build interpersonal relationships within the team and outside.

When you are self-aware of your emotions, you become more capable of responding to every person and situation effectively.

This is a characteristic every leader must have and can be developed when you start with decluttering and enhancing your own headspace. 


#3 – Effective leadership style

While personality plays a huge role in leadership style, your character traits can be changed for the better. Indeed, character is shaped by your deepest beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Once all of these move into states of heightened function, you’re able to listen and interact with others at a whole new level. You also know and remap your internal triggers, making you more affable to others. People can bring you ideas without anxiety and the benefits of this open collaborative climate yields a host of benefits.  

#4 – Enhance communication skills

As above, communication is key to influencing others. Active listening should be reflexive. But on top of this, you want to know your own intuition and harness that as a stabilizing force. This means that when it comes to bidirectional communication, you’ll excel. You’ll be able to hear feedback but also stay strong in your own seat of power when that is required. This is a game-changer. 

#5 – Effective utilization of time and resources

A huge part of leadership is time management, resource allocation, and identifying priorities.

These must be aligned with the goals of your organization. Only an effective leader can direct themselves and the team to evaluate those resources to prioritize meaningful tasks. When balanced with the big picture vision of the organization, this is critical in moving the needle forward. 

#6 – Effective problem-solving skills

You want to problem solve quickly and rationally. To do this, you need to be confident, well-versed in the problem, and be able to think in nonlinear ways. Especially when it comes to the more complex scenarios, leadership training pivots your foundational practices to be more creative and useful in application. 

#7 – Future growth

When an organization invests in a leadership training program for their employees, they are preparing their next-generation leaders to lead with operational effectiveness and workforce cohesion. You are also preparing for your future growth by engaging in your own training. It’s essential if you want to break out of states where you’re stagnant in your practices, daily habits, or learning. Even if you are reading articles and watching videos to learn, an effective program goes beyond this. 

It’s about actual active transformation, not mere information collection. 


Leadership skills are often considered essential when recruiting new employees. While some claim to be natural-born leaders, leadership just amounts to a robust set of cognitive, executive, and soft skills we can all develop. All can develop it with the right executive training or leadership development programs. 

Many skills are ripe for nurturing. The ideal training not only makes you self-sufficient and confident, it also makes you capable of handling change and challenges without compromising on productivity. 

Remember, even if your organization is just you – there are massive benefits to training yourself to be a more effective entrepreneur, creative, or freelancer. These are internal skillsets that apply to every micro action of your mind. So consider following through – it might be the best decision you make in your professional career.  

Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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What is Brainstorming – 6 Steps to Develop a Brainstorming Skillset

What is Brainstorming – 6 Steps to Develop a Brainstorming Skillset

What is brainstorming can be best understood through reproducible action. Practice these steps methodically to master creative and critical thinking.


When brainstorming encourages wild and crazy ideas; Nonsense often leads to ideas that make perfect sense.” ― Sam Harrison, Creative Zing!

Whether you are trying to find a solution to a problem or get creative with an idea, brainstorming is all about critical thinking. Read on to learn how to apply key brainstorming techniques methodically. 

So just what is brainstorming?

Brainstorming is the ability to generate several ideas from an initial concept. It may sound easy, but to get effective results, you must master how to consider different aspects of any given premise or starting point. That means thinking far outside the box. It means considering what sounds crazy, if for nothing else, then to spark off a neural link that leads you to something else that will work. 

Brainstorming effectively is creativity in action and the starting point for genius.  

It’s a perfect blend of two main approaches – problem-solving with lateral thinking.Developing brainstorming techniques should be an essential aspect of any elite professional’s cognitive tool belt. This is the type of skill that showcases nonlinearity in thinking and makes you standout amongst your peers — particularly in collaborative environments.

And as you practice, you’ll see that it’s not just about the quantity of ideas you can generate, it’s about reproducible quality. That is — are your ideas paving the way to the final solution? And are your ideas executable in practice?

When you practice brainstorming techniques, you’ll quickly discover that they become intrinsic to your decision making process. And when you do it often enough, you’re sure to capture all potential avenues before choosing your course of action.  

more benefits of a brainstorming skillset

#1 -Freedom of Thought

To brainstorm effectively, you must cultivate the right mindset and work without fear of criticism or failure. It’s all about being open and giving your ideas without any barriers. It encourages you to have an open collaboration and come up with new ideas that help you solve the problem.

In this way, brainstorming the essence of good leadership. If you can allow yourself to do this — you’re more likely to build and manage teams that excel at it as well.

#2 – Develop an Ideal Solution

The brainstorming skillset is all about generating multiple ideas and refining them further to create an ideal solution. With the help of brainstorming, you now have the capability to think about the different perspectives of the problem and generate a different variety of solutions that may or may not work.

Indeed, brainstorming is essential to developing and maintaining cognitive flexibility — of the 3 key executive success skills. Cognitive flexibility ensures that you’re not operating from bias, limitations, or other subconscious patterns that narrow the scope of possibility. 

#3 – Encourage Critical Thinking

Since the brainstorming skillset is used to solve a problem, it encourages you to think critically about the given subject, content, or problem.

Your thought process starts shifting towards skillfully analyzing a situation.

The more you brainstorm, you’ll start thinking critically, every time you are encountered with a problem.


#4 – Spark Individual and Collective Creativity

Sometimes, we think restrictively and refrain from thinking out of the box. It’s not because you don’t have the necessary skillset, but it could be due to the circumstance and the pressure. With brainstorming, you are able to think creatively and give your ideas the required detail and shape. Brainstorming is the perfect blend of problem-solving and lateral thinking.

6 steps to develop your brainstorming skillset

Step 1 — Whether you are brainstorming with a group of people or just yourself, it’s important to start with the problem statement. You must identify what you are trying to accomplish through the brainstorming session. This will help you generate creative ideas pertaining to the concern at hand and find the right solution.

Step 2 — It’s all about the quantity and quality is just secondary. When brainstorming for ideas, you should be able to go wild and crazy with all possible solutions. Remember, there is nothing such as a bad idea. Let your mind wander free to come up with creative solutions to your problem statement.

Step 3—  Brainstorming sessions are a judgment-free zone. The verbal and nonverbal judgment of ideas during brainstorming sessions has the power to hinder the whole process. 

Step 4—  A brainstorming skillset can be used to create larger-than-life ideas. When you are brainstorming with a group of people, you could always take the opportunity to build upon someone else’s idea. Whether you choose to combine a couple of ideas together or enlarge one of them to come up with a brand new idea, it’s all up to you. 

Step 5—  Set a time limit to create ideas. One of the most popular techniques in brainstorming with a group of people is called 6-3-5. It simply means, in a group of 6, each of you has to come up with 3 ideas, within a given timeframe of 5 minutes. This could help you generate 108 ideas within 30 minutes. Remember, our brain works faster at a maximum capacity. 

Step 6—  Write your ideas down. If you are brainstorming with a group of people, use a whiteboard and categorize your ideas into different segments. Once done, this will help you eliminate any bad ideas. 


Brainstorming is not just about coming up with creative solutions, it is a process to put your brain in a creative frame of mind. With the help of a brainstorming skillset, you open up a different perspective of the problem statement. You start developing a critical thinker mindset that helps you get better at decision-making.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 


Next steps to consider

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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How to be Successful – Develop 3 Key Executive Skills

How to be Successful – Develop 3 Key Executive Skills

The 3C’s have worked to skyrocket professionals in all fields to the top. 


Great executives that run a sustainable, scalable and profitable operation share a number of common skills that support their success. Three of the most prized toolkits are what I call the 3C’s of Executive Success – Clarity of Vision, Arrow-like Concentration, and Cognitive Flexibility.

Focus on mastering this trifecta, and you’ll catalyze your growth. 

Consider this – you might be a charming salesman at a Fortune 500, or the genius idea guy at your startup, or the woman with unparalleled technical expertise — but your existing attributes will only take you so far. 

Why? Because truly successful people — at the top of their fields — have to do a bunch of things at once. They need to inspire and they need to execute. They need to see the big picture and understand how the pieces fit together in everyday operation.

You must wear the roles of many, taking them on and off as the particulars require. And all this must be happening in your head, lightening fast, in order to perform with expertise and ease. 

That’s where the 3C’s come in to guide your growth and mastery. Cultivating the 3C’s will not only help you get to the top, but they will help you fulfill the role with grace once you get there. 

How to be successful — your 3c roadmap

While there are several traits that round out any leadership success story, these three C’s really do much of the heavy lifting. The reason is simple: other skills will help you get, but in the absence of these, you’ll end up in a survival state — burned out, lacking in internal resources, scrambling — instead of thriving.

Eventually that catches up and you can’t sustain an upward trajectory. In fact, this is how most people flat line in their careers.  

How to be Successful #1 – Get Your Clarity 

An executive leading a high-performing team must-have clarity of vision.

Clarity is about knowing your: (1) Purpose – the why?; (2) Plan – the how?; and (3) Projection – the what? 

(1) Your Purpose is two-fold. First, find and refine the big picture purpose you have. You can explore our 5-step clarity roadmap to help you do that. Then get specific about the purpose of the task or challenge at hand, and how that feeds into the big picture. Do this with all your undertakings to practice the method, and turn it into a habit.

(2) Your Plan is about taking the purpose and transforming it into a step-by-step guide. Of course, you’ll have to amend it as problems arise, but the more detail you put into what this plan looks like, the more likely you won’t get exhausted, lose yourself in a fruitless rabbit hole, or lose sight of what’s next.

(3) Your Projection is the endgame. Be confident you know what it looks like or you won’t know when you’ve reached it. This might be obvious for a client deliverable, but it’s harder when it comes to more complex goals. Even when it comes to your personal life, projections are key.

While clarity of purpose tells you why something matters, clarity of plan gives your team a working roadmap. The projection outlines the endgame.

It’s essential to have clarity of vision for your own goals and especially as a leader of others. Don’t just manage people, keep them motivated, inspired, accountable and excited.

How to be Successful #2 – Harness Concentration Like an Arrow

To give attention to a task at hand and ignore distractions is perhaps the most valuable skill for any professional, and imperative for a leader.

In this fast-paced, tech-fueled world, we are constantly interrupted and distracted. The brain is overstimulated and cognition is fractured each time. A lot of energy and time is wasted getting back on track so start developing your concentration skills now. Don’t wait until you have even more responsibility.


We can borrow here from sports psychologists, Kremer and Moran, who highlight the five principles of effective concentration:


  • Concentration is a deliberate choice that requires mental effort. Don’t force it, but choose it. 
  • You can only focus on one thing at a time (despite all the multitasking myths). 
  • Form a mind-body connection. Even if you’re sitting at a desk and typing, close your eyes. Visualize what you want to achieve. Imagine your head and fingers coordinating to get you there. 
  • Forget everything else but the task at hand. Jot down other thoughts or to-do’s but don’t let them compete for attention. 
  • During moments of anxiety, redirect your focus to a physical act like breathing or walking for a few minutes. 

How to be Successful #3 – Practice Cognitive Flexibility

This is definitely the hardest of the three C’s. Cognitive flexibility is your ability to perceive, think, problem-solve, take action, and engage with others in new and nontraditional ways. It’s a nonlinearity inside your head.

Part of the reason why it’s difficult is because it’s so abstract. What does it mean to do something non-traditionally? How can you think creatively instead of using only direct logic?

Well you get good at it, the more you practice it. A few recommendations:

(1) Be flexible often. If you always do things a certain way, take steps to try new ways. Get a little uncomfortable. You won’t know what you won’t know until you know it. 

(2) Use other industries for inspiration: look at someone in a whole different field and imagine how they might solve your problem.

(3) Don’t isolate yourself in belief bubbles. This is the antithesis of making new neural connections, which require as a prerequisite that you learn new things. If you’re in an echo chamber, you’ll own cement what’s already there. This doesn’t bode well for success because eventually you will come across an obstacle that needs out-of-the-box thinking. Additionally, you’ll narrow the pool of people you can learn and engage with to those that already think like you.


Hopefully, it’s clear why cultivating the 3C Executive Skills will accelerate your professional growth and help you lead with ease once you’re at the top. As this becomes part of your mental toolkit, you’ll find that the benefits expand into your personal life as well. Imagine how much faster you would achieve your life goals with the 3C’s skills embedded into the way your brain works. Just practice!

Remember, implementation is the key to making it all work. Your action creates momentum and once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 


Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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What Are Soft Skills – Accelerate Your Career by Developing These

What Are Soft Skills – Accelerate Your Career by Developing These

Soft skills will leapfrog you ahead of the flock and offer a wide range of benefits that extend beyond the professional realm. 


Your technical or hard skills might get you noticed — whether it’s a new job, a business deal, or backing for your own venture — but it’s the “soft skills” that make you standout and leapfrog your opportunities.

They are the attributes that make you an irreplaceable asset to every organization and individual.  

And for years, soft skills were either entirely overlooked or grouped into the non-integral “nice-to-have” category – across many industries. Technical fields like scientific research or software development particularly relegated these to the back burner. But in the modern workforce, that viewpoint has changed. In fact, soft skills are often what get you ahead of your competition and actually secure the deal (employment, partnership, venture, whatever). Then they accelerate your upward trajectory.   

Consider, a recent survey by Indeed, which asked 1000 hiring managers to rate the key skills possessed by their top performers. The top of the list attributes were:

(1) Problem-Solving; (2) Effective Communication (3) Self-Direction; (4) Drive/Motivation; (5) Adaptability 

All of these fall into the soft skills bucket. So exactly what are soft skills? Let’s break that down. 

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are all the non-technical skills that are imperative in driving your own performance and your success in dealings with others. I like to break it down into two broad arms. 

(a) Your self-driving skills. These include your motivation, ambition, ability to carry out and execute projects to completion, manage your time and resources well, deal with crises or setbacks with grace, and effectively problem-solve. 

(b) Your interpersonal skills. These days, we’re often working in teams, on external client calls, or managing others in our vertical  — all of these require you to engage effectively with others. Whether they are peers, employees, partners or clients, you need to have a plethora of skills in place to collaborate, lead, and influence others well. This usually comes down to your Emotional Intelligence and your Communication. 

We talk about a roadmap for building your Emotional Intelligence (also called EI or EQ) here. 

Communication can be broken down into your ability to actively listen, convey the right message depending on the audience, and incorporate nonverbal strategies such as body language and eye contact. A lot of this involves the striking the right balance of allowing others space to be their best (for example, the best brainstorming occurs in a judgement free climate) and taking a more assertive role to get the job done to the end. 

As you can see, soft skills span a range of critical skills. I’ve never been been a fan of the term “soft” as it implies these are less coveted or essential. But the opposite is true. Not having them will be a deal breaker at some point, while developing them will set you apart from the flock.

Though soft skills are not as easy to methodically cultivate as technical prowess, they are well worth the resource investment. Indeed, the benefits even blossom beyond the professional realm and into your personal life.   

What are the benefits of soft skills?

Investing in learning soft skills has long term benefits. Whether you are negotiating a contract or networking at an event, your retinue of soft skills will influence your interactions and efficacy.

According to a recent study, about 75% of your career success is dependent on your soft skills and only 25% on technical skills.

Here’s just a few of the many benefits of acquiring these most in-demand skills.

#1 – Boost Productivity

This is one of the benefits of having great self-drivers. Category (a) above. Many of us are excellent at starting projects, but to finish them into completion is another story. Execution requires that you are an excellent self-motivator, you have a positive attitude even when setbacks occurs, and that you are next-level when it comes to time management. None of this is easy when projects are complex.

Our dopaminergic system rewards us for starting new challenges, but it doesn’t keep that going for finishing existing ones. Until we train it. This is not straightforward, but the brain is highly adaptable to our habits. We can reshape it. 

#2 – Stronger Leadership

Soft skills create great leaders. Your self-driving skills set the example for those around you. And your interpersonal skills will inspire those under you to improve their own EQ and communication. For instance, if your employees see you listening and incorporating feedback, they will do the same. They will be more apt to take ownership of problems that arise and come up with a viable resolution. 

Your soft skills will set the tone for the culture and morale of your team. 


#3 – Genius Solutions (Extraordinary Problem-Solving)

While problem-solving itself is a soft skill, genius or out-of-the-box solutions for even rote issues are what create breakthroughs in every industry. The more you work on your soft skills, the more cognitive bandwidth you have for creativity. Creativity is all about the unexpected. It relies on integration of right and left brain hemispheres, and it hinges on excellent stress management of the everyday.  

Even being able to recognize risks or potential concerns, and finding a way to implement solutions proactively is the domain of your soft skills. Every organization thrives on those employees who are able to problem-solve in extraordinary ways. 

#4 – Better Teamwork and Efficiency

A high-performing team is one that works as a cohesive unit. This only happens when 1- they see it in action and feel supported from top-down; and 2- when each team member works to cultivate their own soft skillset. This takes more than good communication — or even EQ — it requires each part of the team to go back and execute on their part of the shared objective.

Soft skills are what turn your organization’s vision for tomorrow into reality.

Teams are the backbone of the organization. Think of soft skill development like working on your core strength. When it improves, your whole body (in this case the whole organization) benefits. 

Tips on How to cultivate soft skills

The above are just a few benefits of the many that soft skills offer. Here are a few tips for getting started on cultivating these essentials.

  • Have a learning or growth mindset
    Know that you are never too old to learn something new. Soft skills like resilience, emotional intelligence, and agility will impact your professional and personal life. Growth mindset hinges on learning from setbacks instead of giving up.
  • Align soft skill development with your business goals and work culture
    At organizations with the best employee satisfactions, interpersonal and self-driving skills are valued and their development is something that the organization is keen to invest in — especially for existing or potential leaders.
  • Be open to feedback
    If you are seeking to improve your soft skills, it’s essential to accept constructive feedback. Also, take the time to observe your strengths and identify areas that are ripe for development. Try not to take criticism negatively even if the approach could be better. A key realization is to know you are not static. Incorporate feedback like any data and allow it to feed your ongoing transformation.
  • Do Professional Training, Course, or Coach
    I’m partial to this because I know that a top-notch program will dramatically change your trajectory. Sometimes we think we should figure everything out ourselves, but if there are methods and roadmaps that work, there is no sense in doing things the hard way. Working a system can be life changing and prioritizing self-development is key. Otherwise you’ll always be spending your energy putting out pesky “fires” – essentially you’ll keep doing what you’ve been doing because you won’t have the internal resources or bandwidth to do anything new. Especially for those on a leadership path, training will radically shift your paradigm, perception, and perspective.



Both hard skills and soft skills are important for a successful career. Many professionals frequently engage in continuing education to sharpen their technicals skills and to keep up with trends and new data. We should aim to do the same when it comes to soft-skills rather than viewing our present traits and abilities as fixed. Start devoting a few hours a week to this and the impact will be a game-changer. 

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. You’ll experience value across the board. 

Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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