What Is The Law of Attraction and Your 5-Step Power Guide to Apply It

What Is The Law of Attraction and Your 5-Step Power Guide to Apply It

Learn How to Apply the Law of Attraction for Real Life Results by Understanding the Science. 


“If you want to find the secrets of the world, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

I start with a quote by one of the greatest scientific minds of the 19th century (and I’d argue throughout history) to show you that the Law of Attraction (LOA), when understood properly, is rooted in science and energy — not in modern self-help. To really understand it, you have to suspend your doubt. 

What is the law of attraction – from the mystique to physics

The Law of Attraction, in its most basic form, states that the energy you embody, whether positive or negative, is what you will attract back into your life. Essentially, if you stay focused on the positive — you will attract more of this. If you are down in the dumps, or pessimistic, you will only attract more of this negativity back to you.

Now if you think back to Newton’s 3rd Law, we know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So you might be thinking — shouldn’t the opposite of what you project be more likely to happen? Yes and No. Yes — somewhere in the Universe, the opposite may be occurring. But No is a much stronger answer. Here’s why:

Newton’s laws were only based on physical actions and reactions. Much later, we discovered thermodynamics, gravity, and quantum mechanics. In quantum theory, we are looking far below tangible matter. We are looking at the subatomic elements or potentials of reality. Here, possibility and probability of a potential outcome is the key. At the subatomic level, energy influences the outcome of physical reality. This is where the Law of Attraction is premised. 

To ask yourself what is the law of attraction — you must understand that this quantum or subatomic level is what it’s all about. And we know that Newton’s laws, and even Einstein’s gravity and relativity principles, aren’t the laws of the land here. Rather, ‘strange’ phenomenon that we can’t always wrap our heads around govern. For instance, Entanglement and the Observer Effect are both quantum principles. Entanglement describes a permanent connection between subatomic matter that far outlasts its physical or observable relationship. The Observer Effect tells us that a potential outcome is affected by the Observer of the phenomenon.

So in the quantum realm — where all energy is the director and precursor of matter — the Law of Attraction makes much more sense. We can create into physical reality that which we think, feel, and visualize. Hopefully, this scientific grounding makes it easier to see why this law isn’t fluff, and that it has value to offer us when we practice it with intention and credence. Now let’s talk about how to do that.

What is the law of attraction – the universal principles 

The law of attraction is broken down into three simple principles. Learn and reflect on them first, before you go on to implement the 5-Step guide. The reason for this is that for the Law to work, you must understand these so well that you can move on into the ’embodiment’ — this is where the action happens. You need to be proficient in the principles to embody them in the deeper layers of the mind, particularly your subconscious mind. That is the only way for LOA to work in your life. Let’s take a look at these universal principles:

LOA Principle #1: Like Attracts Like

When you are working with the Law, you’re not in the opposites attract space. In this quantum possibility layer — the vibration signal you create attracts a similar vibration in return. All thoughts, feelings, perceptions, attitudes create these vibration signals. So remember, a positive mindset and beliefs will attract the same positivity.

In sum, positive thinking attracts positive and desirable experiences in life; negative thinking attracts negative experiences.

LOA Principle #2 – Nature Abhors a Vacuum

We know it’s important to remove mental clutter, cognitive dissonance, and discordant beliefs to make space for better things. Similarly, when you remove negativity from your life, you make space for more positive things. It’s important to fill the void in your mind with positivity immediately. That’s how the law of attraction works. Otherwise you will revert. 

LOA Principle #3 – The Present is Always Perfect as Is

This one is so critical! You must leave the past behind. Everything that has happened until now is perfect as is.

Even if there was pain, suffering, loss, disappointment, heartache — we must let it go. We not only let it go, but we realize all of it brought us to this moment. This moment is perfect. It is in this present that you realize, you are exactly where you need to be to create your brightest future and attract the very best.  

Apply the law of attraction: Your 5-Step Power Guide

As the age-old adage informs us, “where attention flows, energy goes.”  This is how you create or manifest your own reality — by focusing on the things you want to attract in your life. When you wholeheartedly concentrate your attention on what you desire, your energy and vibratory signature will bring it to you.

Besides these LOA benefits, these tips will also work to revitalize your mindset and attitude. Even if you’re still skeptical about the Law itself, you’ll sow the seeds for benefits in your brain and life. 

To start attracting what you really want, make sure you practice these techniques daily. So start by setting aside the time to practice the law of attraction. And remember to learn and embody the foundational beliefs to making the Law work first. 

How to Apply the Law of Attraction Step #1 – Accept LOA as Principles of Energy 

Again, for the Law to work fully, you must believe that it is a vital, fundamental principle of energy mechanics at play. You must believe that you have Power. This is what it means to be empowered. If you think that your mind has little impact, then you will marginalize and sabotage yourself before you even get started with the Law. 

A simple way to start is with one day – the day in front of you – in mind. In the morning, start by intentionally visualizing how you want your day to unfold. Build a clear image of the hours of your day and see yourself accomplishing key tasks. Imagine yourself happy, fulfilled and strong while you are doing it. 

How to Apply the Law of Attraction Step #2 – Set Daily Priorities, Stay Focused

This can be applied on the micro scale of a day and with big-picture goals. Always write down what you hope to achieve – it will help you stay clear about the internal thoughts you have. Even if you think the task is small and not highly ambitious, if it adds value to your day, write it down.

If you want to hit your goals on time, successfully, write them down and create a clear thought signature.


How to Apply the Law of Attraction Step #3 – Get into Positive Vibratory States Often 

Feeling tones are powerful influences on our thoughts, and in turn the vibrations we project out. So you have to stay in a positive vibratory state as often as possible. It’s impossible all the time — we’re bound to have a few lows — but revert back to a higher state as fast as authentically possible. 

Think about all the good things in your life. Think about everything you’ve already managed to do and accomplish.

Don’t focus on that endless to-do list. Don’t dampen your success by thinking that it’s small or inconsequential compared to the work that remains. Don’t compare yourself to others who are already “there.” 

This is why gratitude is such a key practice. When we dip into the pool of gratitude, acknowledging even the small and simple things, we automatically resonate at a higher energetic level. 

How to Apply the Law of Attraction Step #4 – Visualize the Big Picture with Physical Representations

Get creative and prepare a dream board. This should contain images and words that represent your life goals. The act of preparing it and seeing it will help you create this reality in your mind’s eye. As you visualize, you will set out the vibrations for this perception to become physical reality — the reality of your future.

It is also a visual aid that reminds you of what’s at stake and all that is possible. Leave it out in the open and refer to it often, particularly early on in your LOA practice.

Use it to set your intentions.

How to Apply the Law of Attraction Step #5 – Reaffirm the ‘Small’ Victories

In the evening, take a moment to reflect on your day. If you would like to share it with your family at the dinner table, tell them what you have managed to achieve through the day and what you loved the most. This process acts like reaffirmation. 

It also brings you back to a high mental state where LOA is ripe for action. Especially in the evening, or right before bed — this is a potent time for you to access the subconscious realm with your intentions, energy, and desires for the future. 


When you combine the 3 foundational principles with our 5-step power guide, you’re sure to see results. If you have doubts, look into quantum physics. Look at other people who stand by how the law has worked for them. Even consider times when you “psyched” yourself up into doing something well and it worked.

Always remember to put embody positive energy authentically. Gratitude, mindfulness, and reflection are vital to attracting success in your life. The truth of the matter is that the law of attraction works when you work it.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 

Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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How to Improve Emotional Intelligence: Put this 4 Step EQ Plan in Play

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence: Put this 4 Step EQ Plan in Play

Learning how to improve emotional intelligence at work will change your performance and instill a sense of peace. See how.


It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Whether it’s at work or in our personal lives, we all know that one person who excels at active listening, stress management, collaboration, and putting out those pesky perpetual ‘fires’ for the benefit of all.

Let’s define emotional intelligence first

Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is the ability to effectively recognize, understand and manage your own effectively, along with being able to manage the emotions of others in real-world settings. Wow. Right there we can see that this is no easy task. Not only must you master yourself, but you must also master communication, interpersonal skills, and people — on your feet and perhaps in the ‘heat of the moment.’

It takes a lot of training and practice to do this. The reason is that no amount of hypothetical scenarios can mimic the myriad of complexities at play when communication breaks down into conflict or confrontation. Ideally, everyone would be able to avoid the conflict. But when deadlines are tight, the stakes are high, our fight or flight stress response is on overdrive. In those moments, only those with a high emotional intelligence can take calm, considerate action. 

This is what makes emotional intelligence such a highly valued and sought after skillset in the corporate world.

When end-stage deliverables require teamwork, effective management, or client interface — emotional intelligence becomes the cornerstone of every product and relationship. EQ will showcase who really are (both positive and negative traits), directly impact our performance and wellbeing, and affect all those we interact with daily. 

It’s clear that we can’t over emphasize the importance of EQ. In today’s corporate world, intelligence quotient (IQ) or academic performance is just not enough to be highly successful. While IQ is still an important factor, more hiring practices are gauging EQ levels and rewarding high emotional intelligence with more opportunities.

We can further define emotional intelligence as consisting of four key behavioral patterns. Those with a high EQ will have and utilize a broad set of skills in each of these categories: (1) Self-Management; (2) Self-Awareness; (3) Social Awareness; and (4) Relationship Management. Luckily no matter what your baseline is today, you can take definitive steps to finesse your EQ abilities. Read on for our key steps and practice these to reap professional and personal benefits. 

How to increase your emotional intelligence: Your 4 steps

For clarity and ease, we used the behavioral patterns described above, which are commonly attributed to a high EQ, as the backbone of our 4-step guide. 

Increase Emotional Intelligence Step 1: Build Up Your Self-Awareness Tools and Practices

This isn’t easy. We can spend a lifetime learning about ourselves, getting in touch with our thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Building an arsenal of self-awareness tools is critical if you’re going to go it alone. I created a whole methodology to help my clients do this. It takes five weeks to learn because we go layer by layer into the mind using neuroscience, psychology, and step-by-step modern day mindfulness.  


The reason I created a system is because I saw countless professionals struggle with it. Organizing and understanding the complexities of the mind and our own behavior are enough to make anyones head spin (which ironically adds chaos instead of helping us). Yet, identifying this is essential because we can’t make space for the great stuff (ideas, creativity, passions, dreams) if we don’t sort past/existing thoughts, habits, and deeper workings of our conscious and subconscious minds.  

Remember, on top of identifying your thought and emotional triggers, you need to see what your programmed reactivity is. These are your pain points. Be honest with yourself about where you are without any judgement. You need to be as neutral as possible to move the needle in the right direction.

As often as you can but at least 3x a day, do a ‘self- check-in.’ You can start by asking yourself these three questions:

  • How do I feel right now? 

  • Do things feel easy or difficult now?

  • Am I more likely to smile or frown and what’s the reason behind it?

This may feel silly at first, but realize that you’re giving yourself and your brain valuable feedback. As you become consciously aware of yourself, it will become easier to intervene and reshape your patterns. 

You can add to your toolkit by engaging in activities that boost self awareness such as yoga or a martial art. These will also help you with the next step.  

Increase Emotional Intelligence Step 2: Implement a Variety of Self-Regulation Techniques

What does it mean to self-regulate? It means to put a pause between the triggers or pain points we’ve identified and our reaction. This is another one of those things that’s easier said than done. The reason for this is how we’ve reacted in the past encodes our present moment reactivity. 

Part of my methodology in my neuroperformance course is about cultivating this ‘space’ between action and reaction, then learning to redirect. We need time for messages to reach higher brain regions so that we can use reason, logic, even goodwill and common sense to shape our actions. 

When pressure and stress take over, it becomes difficult for us to think clearly and be present in the moment. Instead, we’re in states that harken us back to some past similar instance and before you know it, you’ve responded the same way again.

It’s so hard for us to stop and self-regulate because it’s unnatural during times of true stress. Consider if you were being chased by a predator, would calm self-regulation or heightened reactivity be more optimal? The latter, of course. But since predators are a rarity in the corporate world, other triggers have overtaken our primal instants. 

Practice meditation, breathing, tai-chi, yoga, or anything else that slows down the rush of feelings. The better you get at acting, the less you’ll react. With time, you’ll get better at managing the changing circumstances and controlling whatever impulse would propel you into reactivity. 

Increase Emotional Intelligence Step #3: Practice Reading Social Awareness Cues Daily

Social awareness means identifying and interpreting how others feel, through verbal and non-verbal cues. This is a critical interpersonal skill both your professional and personal life. Consider how much better off you might be if you could mind-read what others thought every time you spoke or interacted with them?

While mind reading isn’t something we can do, there are people who’ve made an art out of reading others. Some use it for magic or illusion, other use it to make sales, and still others use it to date or score points with the opposite sex.

An easy place to start is to make it an intentional practice to notice the expressions, words, and other cues others display after you say or do something. Perhaps you’re saying the right words but something about your nonverbal communication suggests you’re not really open to collaborating. The only way you’ll improve is by first observing.

The art of effective communication is all about a two-way street. So none of us can truly excel at it if we don’t stop to assess the impact of our communication. This widely expands to all forms of communication — not just words. Maybe what you didn’t say or your body language had a larger impact than your words.

From building relationships to conflict management, social awareness skills help you communicate better without negative outcomes. Your expressions, tone of voice and body language are all critical factors that contribute to positive social interactions. Becoming masterful at reading social awareness cues, will also help you manage and influence other people’s emotions in productive, positive ways.

Increase Emotional Intelligence Step 4: Use Levity, Humor, and Lightness Authentically

In charged or potentially stressful situations, humor and laughter are natural antidotes to conflict. They can play a crucial role to calm you and the other people around you down. But it’s important not to use humor to avoid the problem or ignore someone else’s feelings or input.

Most people have an ingrained authenticity detector. They can tell when you’ve used a joke or anecdote as a momentary pause to diffuse a situation, or when you’re doing it inauthentically to make light of something they value.

Some people naturally have the right balance on when to use humor and when to avoid it. The rest of us might need some practice, and will make mistakes, but this is a worthwhile tactic to hone. The reason is straightforward — we all want to be around people that are fun, funny, and know how to make us feel good. 

But remember, while humor is great to blow out the fuse — disagreements also don’t have to be roadblocks in relationships. Effective relationship management means you also constructively resolve conflict. This actually helps you strengthen bonds and build trust.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Building your EQ levels is a way to change your behavior for the best, in a way that can withstand pressure and stress. It is all about being present and emotionally aware of yourself and the people around you. Developing your emotional intelligence is crucial to create a professional success story. This is your chance to get ahead and standout as a super star leader and team player. Modern HR statistics all confirm that people with high emotional intelligence in the workplace are valuable because:

  • They are the most useful and diverse team members.
  • They help boost the morale of the workplace.
  • They are open to feedback and are self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They know how to handle a high-pressure scenario and tough conversations.


Emotional intelligence will help you better manage your stress, build relationships, make effective decisions, and even enjoy your daily life. A perfect blend of both IQ and EQ is key to become successful.

Like every other valuable skill, you can boost your EQ with practice. As you take time to implement the roadmap above, you will skyrocket your ability to be self-aware, self-regulate, read social cues, and manage relationships.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. Once emotional intelligence becomes your strength, the benefits are unlimited.

Next steps to consider

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How to Achieve Flow State: Practice 5 Key Steps

How to Achieve Flow State: Practice 5 Key Steps

Learn how to achieve flow state and reap the benefits of focus, joy, creativity, ease, and fulfillment in your work.


‘The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times…The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something worthwhile.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow – The Pyschology of Optimal Experience

While the science of flow is still being researched, read on for our 5-step roadmap to help you reach this super state faster.

Flow State – a Quick Breakdown

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt ‘in the zone’, so focused on the task in front of you that all the noise and chaos in the background seemed to melt away? Flow is all about immersion, which requires present-state awareness to the exclusion of everything else. And everything else here is not just limited to the external. It is all your other thoughts, ideas, compulsions, and obligations.

This is what makes flow so powerful. It requires (1) the pursuit of a worthwhile, meaningful activity that challenges our mind or body; (2) unification with that activity such that our conscious and subconscious minds also become united. At this stage the experience itself, rather than the product or outcome, becomes truly enjoyable.

You’ve probably experienced flow before doing something you love. Now let’s talk about how we can get you there faster, and with regularity. Heads up, it’s not easy. For any mental super state, practice and patience are a must. 

How to achieve flow state – your 5-Step daily Protocol 

Achieving Flow State Step 1: Choose a Worthy Priority 

Let’s get honest with ourselves first. 80% of tasks are not ‘exciting’ enough to achieve true flow state. Now there are many similarities between ‘flow’ and ‘zen’ states. And indeed, you can and should get zen with anything you do. For example, sweeping the floor or chopping your vegetables are tasks you can be fully present, calm, and enjoy doing. This is what zen is all about. Simply bringing the light of awareness to a task.

Being zen means being mind”full” instead of mind”less”. But true flow, and the unparalleled joy it delivers, requires a few extra components. It requires choosing an activity that is both (a) meaningful to you; and (b) challenging.

(a) Deciding what’s meaningful to you can take some time. You need to most past the reactive mind and get to know your deeper self. What gives you purpose? What makes you feel alive? How do these tie into your work, passion, or hobby? Take time to explore the answers.

If you can, find the meaning in every area of your life — especially your work. Writing and finding new ways to explain and teach concepts, for instance, is very meaningful to me.

(b) Choose something that is challenging. Perhaps you want to reach the next level of expertise at something you’re already proficient at. Or maybe you want to pursue something new that always felt just out of reach. For example – I often see in my male clients, a proclivity to enter flow state when they do something supposedly gender non-conforming (at least per the social conditioning they may have received). Learning how to dance is one I often recommend. It requires full focus, challenges subconscious bias, engages brain-body coordination, boosts learning and memory, and much more. All of this works together to push them into and through the unfamiliar and into flow. They feel more alive than ever. And their confidence and self-esteem shoot up as a result. 

Mihaly Csikskentmihalyi, who is credited with coining the term flow state and is a notable positive psychologist, observed:

“Most enjoyable activities are not natural; they demand an effort that initially one is reluctant to make. But once the interaction starts to provide feedback to the person’s skills, it usually begins to be intrinsically rewarding.” 

Achieving Flow State Step #2: Alert Your Brain and Body to Exclusive Focus  

Now that you’ve chosen a valuable activity to induce flow state — let’s communicate the message to your brain and body that upcoming is a session of worthwhile exclusive focus. In an ideal situation, we wouldn’t have to add the limiting descriptor of ‘exclusive’ since focus by its nature should be targeted. But because we’ve been misled into believing multitasking is a talent, and conditioned by the internet along with the modern workforce to continually multitask (especially in our minds), we must specify this message of ‘exclusive focus’ to the brain until it relearns what focus is all about.

I suggest you communicate this message by creating a flow state ritual in a few important ways:

(1) State your intention to yourself clearly. Be specific here about what you’re about to do and why.

(2) Relax. Use deep breathing to ease any tension. Anxiety and stress are roadblocks to flow.

(3) Do a physical activity that you reserve for flow. Drink a specific type of tea, jog in place for a few minutes, or listen to a particular type of instrumental music.

By combining the above three steps into your own unique flow state ritual, you are creating a trigger to alert the brain and body that deep focus is about to follow. This new habit will help you cue flow mindset soon. 

Achieving Flow State Step #3: Ignore Distractions at Every Turn

To make progress at inducing flow, you must train yourself to stay in a ‘single-track mindset.’ 

This means ignoring both external and internal distractions. Start by doing this for a specified amount of time. For example, a single pomodoro session of 25 minutes. Then work your way up to several pomodoros or ideally until a preset chunk of your activity is completed. 


External distractions like emails or phone calls are easier to avoid.

Internal distractions that come in the form of pesky thoughts, unsettling emotions, charged memories, future worries — these are much harder to ignore and take methodological training. That’s because they get wired into automation by the subconscious.

In my neuroperformance course, I help clients identify, understand, resolve, and redirect all kinds of these negative internal habits. One of the huge benefits is later when we cover how to achieve flow state, they’re able to do it with ease. 

Achieving Flow State Step #4: Learn Your Peak Performance Times

While it’s not easy to understand the nuances of your energetic state, which is influenced by dozens of variables and is often in flux, it’s important to start noticing it. Start by identifying your natural proclivities when it comes to difficult tasks.

For most of us, mornings are ideal. We are rested, with a fresh and alert mind. This is the best time to take up challenging work suitable to achieve flow.

On the other hand if the activity isn’t work-related, early evenings are excellent. At this point in your day, you should give yourself permission to get fully immersed in your hobby or passion. Go all in and don’t fret about work the next day or any other obligation. Fretting is one of those pesky internal intrusions that will zap you right out of flow.

Also, start to pay attention to what foods, exercise, and stress-relief works best for you. These are what I call daily keystones and they highly impact your energetic state. When you are in low-energy or low-mood, flow is next to impossible.

Recognize your peak performance times and patterns to help your mind get and stay in flow state. 

Achieving Flow State Step 5: Get Reflective About Your Flow

This final one is essential to answer your own how to achieve flow state. Consider this — you need to understand what it feels like for you. To reach somewhere, it’s much easier to know where you’re going. Perhaps the first few times you get lost (before google maps), but eventually you learn the signs and hallmarks of the journey to your destination.

The more we practice achieving flow, the more we’re likely to get ‘there’ and stay there. But after a while you must know what ‘there’ is right? So take the time to reflect on this journey and endpoint daily. It can be a stream of conscious journalling or as simple as jotting down a few bullet points in whatever note-taking app you use.

Soon you can review this and figure out what to add to your own how to achieve flow roadmap. A few moments to contemplate and reflect will go far in guiding your way.

Creating momentum with practice

Initially, it might not be easy to achieve the Flow state, but with constant practice, you can achieve the Flow state. Start with a shorter time frame, and train your mind to stay focused. At first, you may find yourself wandering off to do other tasks, but stay away from temptations and don’t get discouraged.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, your momentum will soon propel you forward. Each step and each day will be easier and smoother than the one before it. 

Next steps to consider

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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What is Creativity & Your 6 Step Roadmap to Radically Boost Yours

What is Creativity & Your 6 Step Roadmap to Radically Boost Yours

Learn to be creative by practicing this skillset in abundance.

Boost Creativity

‘You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have’ – Maya Angelou

Indeed, creativity is at the heart of our humanness. It is the key to solving our personal, professional, and societal problems. As we cultivate the micro habits, we can harvest creative thinking in all aspects of our lives.

What is creativity? – the mystique

Philosophers, scientists, artists, psychologists and mystics have long debated this question. Yet, there isn’t a single cohesive definition agreed upon by or within any expert group. Perhaps the absence of a coherent answer in itself is informative. Definitions inherently limit or set the boundaries on an idea. They are useful in providing us with a construct — something our logical, rationale-dominated left brains can grapple with and understand.

But creativity by its own nature is unlimited. It exists and flourishes in the abstract. This beautiful skill roots itself in the inner workings of the right brain, but even then – neuroscientists know that it is far more complex than simple right-brain domination. It’s about integration and cross-mapping of neural networks. Whether or not it dominates in certain physiological locales, ongoing research in neuroplasticity shows us that the brain is quite capable of reallocating skills to different structures, a sort of localized outsourcing if you will.

The essence of the mystique surrounding creativity and our efforts to understand it also inform us of a second vital facet of it. The answer to “what is creativity” can only be answered through our individual experience of it. And this experience varies from person-to-person, and also within each individual depending on what actions we take.  

The following six steps are a general roadmap to help you answer the question what is creativity for yourself. Remember, skills are built through practice. The journey to becoming more creative is a joyful one. When you take it, you will undoubtedly see that the benefits spill onto every facet of your life. 

How to be more creative: Your 6-Step Roadmap

How To Be More Creative Step #1: Challenge and Change Your Mindset

Many people think creativity is a natural-born talent —  one is either born with or it is simply absent. This is a fallacy. 

The notion that creativity isn’t for all of us is a limitation in thinking, approach, and somewhat ironically a failure of status-quo application of a creative mindset. Your creativity is malleable.

In fact, it’s important to start with the opposite presumption: Creativity is more a skillset than a talent. Sure, people have different raw material starting points – levels of innate ability — but each person must work to develop that baseline with tangible action.

If we step back, the whole concept of creativity revolves around looking at life, ideas, and problems from different angles. It centers around combining what we know with the unlikely to form new solutions. This informs us that it cannot be fixed, but rather reshapes with experience, knowledge, and application.

The second fallacy people often have about creativity is that even if one could develop it, it’s only worthwhile pursuit for artists, writers, musicians, film makers, etc. That, for every one else, especially in more traditional office work jobs, creativity offers a limited utility. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought.” – Albert Einstein

Indeed, imagine how much richer your life would be if you thought the unusual instead of the ordinary? Perhaps you might be inspired to start a side business solving a need no one else is addressing. Or you may find yourself finding a hidden passion that lights your inner fire, and becomes a new avenue for meaning and purpose in your life. Even more likely — you’ll get better at your job, become the go-to person for brainstorming, or just be more joyful in your interpersonal dealings. There is no cap on the applications of creativity.

How To Be More Creative Step #2 – Commit to One Creative Exercise Daily

Your daily creative activity can come in many forms. You can start with something as simple as creating a mind map or a “brain tree” for a problem you are trying to solve.

When you force your brain to start thinking of alternate solutions, new ideas will emerge. 

The connection between previously unlinked neurons becomes stronger as you exercise creativity. Soon you’ll be able to apply creative or “outside of the box” thinking in your daily life. 

How To Be More Creative Step #3: Stay Curious but Make Deep Connections

Be ready to step outside your bubble. Look up the answer to a question on Quora, read a synopsis on Wikipedia, or watch a Youtube video about something you normally wouldn’t. But don’t go down the internet rabbit hole.

Limit your intake to an overview or restrict yourself with time boundaries. There are two important reasons for this. First, over-consumption of information, facilitated by nonstop internet access, has led us to cognitive overload. Quite literally, we are at maximum capacity for processing. Second, for creativity to truly spark, you need to connect that new information with what you already know.

Think about this information like a meal. Once the initial absorption of nutrients occurs, there are still several more steps that must take place. These include digestion, metabolism, and excretion. Similarly, you want to make sure you contemplate and rehearse the new information in order to digest and metabolize it into other useful components.

If you skip these key middle steps, your brain will engage in neural pruning or simply discarding the information as non-useful.


How to be Creative Step #4: Encourage Your Use of Color, Drawings, and Lists

This might sound like something apropos for an academic setting, but nontraditional for a workplace. That might be so, but you’ll never look back once you start doing it.

There are two reasons for this. First, your brain loves patterns. Your left brain will be quickly able to categorize what you’re working on when you make lists or use different color palettes to organize or symbolize information.

By doing this, you also free up your mental resources for abstract thinking. The result is unconventional. 

Second, drawing [even a rudimentary doodle] allows your brain to capture information without strict constructs. It facilitates the nonlinear processes preferred by the right brain. 

The simultaneous assimilation of information by both brain hemispheres will lead to much more powerful understanding. When you understand concepts better, you can apply them with ease and novelty.


How to be Creative Step #5: Capture Your Ideas in a Central Place

Having your own idea database is radically effective at boosting creativity. What I suggest to my clients is two-fold. First, allow yourself to engage in a stream of conscious writing. This is most effective when you actually write versus type, for example, in a notebook or journal. The physical act of writing is beneficial for learning and it’s also therapeutic.

Second, take the time to review the stream-of-consciousness work periodically. Don’t judge or “edit” it for grammar or structure — in fact, doing so would be more detrimental than constructive. Instead, review it for a few key points. Then add these key points to your central electronic repository. You can use One Note, Evernote, the Notes App — whatever you like.

The essence is you are capturing your best ideas in a central place going forward, while also giving your brain the freedom to be nonsensical when first contemplating something new. 

How to be Creative Step #6: Challenge Yourself Continually

Challenge yourself with new projects and pursuits. A host of recent clinical studies on aging and dementia show us that is a great way to keep our brains plastic, robust, and healthy. It’s also highly effective as a natural anti-anxiety tool. Both of these contribute to how we can use our cognitive faculties. 

By engaging in new pursuits, especially ones that feel uncomfortable at first, you are teaching your brain to be resourceful.

It has to recruit cells and create new neural networks to get you passed that initial discomfort. In the meantime, new dopaminergic pathways are activated to motivate you to keep going. This is a much better use of dopamine than the quick highs we get from social media or binge TV. Soon the activity actually becomes pleasurable, and you’re swimming in natural endorphins. 

Now, your brain is not only working in new ways, it’s also creating natural stress-relief. When you’re in these restful states, creativity is bound to happen. You may find yourself even entering flow state. In flow, you’re in the zone and “zenned” out at the same time.

This is a peak brain state where any endeavor becomes easier. You’re more likely to solve a difficult problem or come up with a novel idea when simultaneously engaged and relaxed. Genius thinkers in the past have often attributed going deep into unrelated hobbies to find the solutions they were searching for to begin with in their primary work. 



As you boost your creative skillset, you’ll be able to see hidden patterns and make extraordinary connections. The result is new thoughts, ideas, and paradigms — ones you’ve never noticed before, and perhaps ones that maybe no one else has seen. You can continue to develop the best ones into a physical model — a tangible medium. 

Creativity is undoubtedly a skill of the future. As advances in machines and robotics start replacing some of the human workforce, HR departments are already touting right brain thinkers as key to the next generation workforce.

As we see above, creativity is prime for development. Just stay fluid, question your own assumptions, and experiment in low-risk ways with the unknown. Then follow this six-step roadmap to develop your own creativity into a full set of skills. Just remember to practice. That right there is the key: your implementation — your action. Once you get going, the benefits will be self-evident. 


Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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How To Be Productive – Dramatically Increase Productivity with Way Less Stress

How To Be Productive – Dramatically Increase Productivity with Way Less Stress

Learn how to be productive by letting go of control. Use this 8-Step Roadmap as your guide for powerful, widespread benefits. 

We micromanage because we often believe this is the only way we will realize our goals. But in reality, this desire to control every detail works against us causing cognitive overload, stress, and eventually burnout. Here, I’ll show you 8 steps on how to be productive while releasing control. The result is healthy productivity and decreased stress.

Raise a hand if you are part of the hyper-control club. Let me break that down: Do you feel the need to micromanage the little details of life? Does it frustrate you when you can’t? Do you believe it’s innate to who you are as an overachiever or Type A personality? Are you convinced this is the path of success and accomplishment? Or that this level of control comes hand-in-hand with being driven? No judgment here. My hand is up too – or at least it was for a very long time.

How to be productive and break free of your old molds

#1 – See the desire to control for the illusion that it is:

I talk about this with clients not only because I see them struggling, but because I’ve experienced it directly myself. A lot. For years, I did not see any way to release the reigns without failing. Because my roles as a clinician, lawyer, teacher, and trainer have always been about assisting others, I assumed being a controlling, perfectionist just came with the territory. Someone’s welfare was always on the line. If I relaxed or let up, I might make mistakes and someone else would suffer.

I reasoned then that I had to micromanage. Everything. Extreme organization and meticulous planning were a given. Being prepared in my book also meant predetermining all outcomes (as if I were Sherlock Holmes) and then, ensuring everything unfolded according to plan. Of course, no one can truly control an outcome. So I just worked on overdrive, all the time, believing the illusion that I could. Sound familiar?

In retrospect, I see this is clearly fear-based thinking.

How? I’ll show you. Let’s reframe the discussion to capture the alternatives imagined:

Reframed statement: “If I don’t plan, then ______ “
Unspoken answer: “everything will fall apart”; “I won’t succeed”; “chaos will reign”
Now we can see the dramatization happening behind the spinning gears of an uneasy mind. All of these are concocted worst-case scenarios we embed in our lives by giving them attention. They stem from our fears: of the unknown, of uncertainty, and of change. But no matter what illusion we create, we can’t mitigate this fear by controlling the details. 

The only thing to do is to accept that fear is part of the natural order of human life and attempt to work through it. That requires release, not control. Control is the illusion. Release is the acceptance of truth.

I arrived here to the path of release, through a culmination of my professional research, the specific trials of my personal life, and my meditative practice. Once I began to experience the wonders of this change, I researched it deeper and created methods that I use to help others in my habit coaching. Let’s go deeper. 

#2 – Accept that micromanaging starts from your generalized fear of the unknown: 

Micromanaging is a way of coping with fear and the unfamiliar, similar to overeating, porn, or drugs. It’s human nature to need security. Security involves knowing. This is heightened because our brain evolved in-part based on pattern recognition. The future and its inherent unknowns often make us insecure and fearful. Depending on our risk aversion, this leads to implementing control everywhere we can.

It becomes an unhealthy way of coping with that fear just like other addiction. However, since micromanagement doesn’t come with the severe physiological or psychological profiles of other addictions, it doesn’t appear as categorically unhealthy. This is what adds to its danger — it runs rampant and goes unchecked for years. And yes, while it doesn’t give us the dopamine highs and crashes of other addictions do, it does have its own neurotransmitter signatures. We might be addicted to the stress chemicals it creates (yes, this is possible — adrenaline rush).

Other times, we view our control as a personality trait. Many of us even credit our success to it. To the contrary, you succeeded in spite of micromanaging. Remember: planning and organizing isn’t the problem. In fact, those are great skills. It’s the hyper vigilance, the need to monitor and fret about details. It’s the worry that things will go astray, and the takeaway that if it does — you failed. None of that ever helped. 


#3 – Wake up with a sense of “being” not “doing”

Your morning often sets the tone for your day. Yes, you can overcome a bad morning but that requires more effort.

Instead of waking up and automatically thinking about everything you have to do, just spend five minutes existing.

Don’t check your phone, contemplate meetings, or consider problems.

Just uncork your body with a gentle stretch. Get into your senses. Enjoy your tea. Relax! You’re a human, not a robot.

#4 – Be proactive in planning and not reactive to what pops up

When you’re ready, jot down 1-2 priorities for the day. That’s it. Don’t make a long to-do list. Don’t focus on details. Try to see the big picture of what’s ahead.

Try not to approach any of this from a worry mindset. Don’t anticipate problems because you’re undercutting the chances of your own success. Think of it like shorting the stock of a company you own.

#5 – Get specific about the imagined “or else”

This is the specific fear you have imagined in addition to the generalized fear of the unknown.

Remember my example above and extreme outcomes I imagined would happen if released the micromanagement lifestyle? It’s time to get specific about what you think will really happen. Try to vary the phrasing here so the your brain receives the message multiple ways and in your own inner voice.

I must manage every aspect of Task A or else ____ ”  Or else what? Is the world going to spin in the opposite direction? Is your life going to crumble brick by brick? 

No. So what might happen? Unless you’re a neurosurgeon, there’s usually a chance for revision. Worst case, you’ll make a mistake and you’ll fix it.

The reality is even with hyper control, you may still make err. In fact, mental fatigue will increase those chances. Also, re: micromanaging has nothing to do with your actual skills. You’re good at what you do! Finally, if things change, you’ll adapt. Even if you hate surprises, you’re cultivating resourcefulness and that’s a high-value skill.

#6- Create a positive mantra for uncertainty and change

This is a mix of getting philosophical about life and empowering yourself.

“Change is the nature of life. I find it refreshing and I know that I can handle anything that comes my way!”

“I can’t predict what happens outside of me, but I’m confident in my ability to respond.”

Play with this. See what works for you. Then repeat this often throughout the day. Start it in your mornings and it’ll charge you up. Every time, you feel the controlling tendencies creep up, focus on it right away. Say it out loud to jolt you out of the overwhelm. Repeat it silently for at least a minute.  

#7 – Celebrate your accomplishments every day

Man oh man, this is hard for overachievers. We barely register accomplishment. 

Many of us even do this with our major milestones. We treat them like just another item checked off the to-do list. Even if we invest loads of time and energy to make a goal happen, when it does we act like it’s no big deal. Only when it doesn’t — the sky is falling. 

This is not great for the brain. If you don’t acknowledge all the cool things you do, your mental environment is all stress, expectations, and sprinkles of disappointment. Imagine, your mind feels like a mistreated factory worker: unrewarded, undervalued, and subjected to awful working conditions. 

Also, we can try not to conflate our inability to celebrate with humility. This isn’t about sharing or posting something with others. It’s just about you celebrating you. Inside you.

We should do this every day for one thing. Even if you didn’t do what you set out to do, there was something today that deserved recognition. Jot it down if you’re able. Take the time to internalize it.

#8 – Think in growth, amend plans often

Learn from the day that just happened. If you don’t have the time to journal, you can incorporate one or two things you noticed into your priorities & plans for the next day. Perhaps, you were surprised about the complexity of a problem or learned a task that required additional research. Great, make sure to tailor in what’s next with this info.

This is important so that you don’t set yourself up for a perceived fail. It also helps you become more realistic with your expectations for yourself. Plus, the more you practice altering plans daily, the easier it becomes. You’re creating a new skillset — adaptability — and gaining confidence from seeing how comfortable you are doing it.

How to be productive – The benefits soon after implementing:

Do you see how peaceful it will feel to work without the panic and how productive you can still be? Here are some other key benefits when you release control:

Capable — You can tackle anything, no matter how it changes because now you have loads of practice. You’re relaxed because you know you can be.

Energized — Once you get going, you’ll save a ton of energy. Being relaxed is moving in flow. You’re not wasting thoughts and emotions on predicting worst case, unlikely scenarios. Think about how resistance exercises require more energy to carry out. You don’t want resistant mental activity that you have to overcome just to do your work.

In Control — This one’s funny but it’s so true. You could never control those external circumstances and that led to major overwhelm. Now that you’ve accepted this and focused instead on building an adaptive skillset, you know you can influence the most important element — You — no matter the circumstance.

Joy — This one is incredible when you notice it. The joy is in knowing that you can “do” while feeling your  state of being. Does that make sense? You are cultivating your fundamental humanness. You are learning to equate worth with existing, not accomplishing. You feel a sense of wholeness as you.

Relief —  This one is a given because of all the discarded stress. It’s a gift to your body. From your blood pressure to your digestion, everything will become more aligned. Even if you’re too young to experience any present health issues, know that you’re mitigating what usually arises at those chronic stress levels.  


How to be productive – CREATe MOMENTUM WITH your PRACTICE:

There are many more benefits when we release control. Once you implement these steps, please share your experience below. It inspires others. Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, your momentum will soon propel you forward. Each step and each day will be easier and smoother than the one before it.


Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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