What is Neuro-Performance Training for Business?

What is Neuro-Performance Training for Business?

Neuro-performance training for business is powerful investment in the neuro-agility of your workforce, and will help you achieve unprecedented results.


Training your brain is as important as training your body.

While neuro-performance training found powerful early utility in professional sports, the same techniques — optimizing mindset, focus, quick decision making, and mental bandwidth – have clear and vast benefits in business. Neuro performance sharpens the brain like any muscle.

Though all human brains share evolutionary and physiological commonalities — all of us function differently. Indeed, there are over 100 billion neurons, with an almost unimaginable sum of connections between them (10 x 15th power) that govern your life. 

The way your brain functions is unique and exceptional. From your memory to personality, everything is based on the strength, connectivity, and optimization of your individual brain. And the best part — thanks to the last fifteen years of neuroscience advancement (specifically in the field of neuroplasticity) — your brain is highly malleable and can be continually optimized by you. This means with some training, there truly are no limits. 

Let’s begin by understanding more about neuro-performance. As neuroscience is continues advancing, we have now managed to create techniques and methods to augment the function of our brain, promoting its ability to rewire and reorganize itself. Based on these breakthroughs, neuro-performance is an industry that has been growing at an exponential pace.

Many leading businesses across industries have begun to incorporate this scientifically-based training into their employee-leadership, wellness, stress management, and/or executive programs to foster individual ongoing growth and boost business success. Building brain power is the name of the game. 

Neuro-performance training for business 

Neuro-performance training has two broad arms when it comes to business. One is the use technologies that focus on changing brain waves or harmonizing coherence. This can be done through light augmentation, sound augmentation, pulses or electro-boosts using a wearable device or in professional settings under the care of a specialist using specialty devices. 

The second arm of neuro performance training is through specialized education on the brain in practice (how it functions, what does what, why something evolved to be a certain way) in a way that is useful and practical to our modern lives and how we work, think, feel, and make decisions today. When this second arm of neuro performance is combined with a methodology of practice –> we get actual and true brain change. When done sustainably for a period of weeks, this boosts neurogenesis, changes functionality, and rewires circuits. We get real permanent optimization of brain power. 

In highly dynamic business environments, neuro-performance training helps improve key brain functions like learning, thinking, creating, and problem-solving that we need every day. 

Businesses that want to fast-track their milestones and success, are well-served by improving the cognitive map and speed of processing in each employee (especially leaders) and fostering a culture where people are continually in growth/ plasticity states. This unlocks individual and organizational potential. Neuro-performance training for business is crucial to develop your best people, lead your company into new areas, and dominate your industry. 

In fact, if you are an executive, entrepreneur, manager or high-level professional who wants to see the widespread business transformation neuro performance training brings about at both the individual and organization level — start with Refathom’s free Neuro-Performance Workshop. It’s paradigm-shifting and exciting. See how to sharpen this most vital asset with an effective scientific methodology. 

If you represent an organization, our team is happy to send you a corporate guide to neuro-performance. Just reach out to us here and let us know.  

Before You start Neuro-Performance – Make Sure Your Brain Building Blocks are in Place:

While neuro performance in business will center around how we can maximize the skills and strengths needed for executive decision-making, emotional intelligence, people and project leadership, focus and flow, and creative (non-linear) problem-solving, start by taking these simple steps to start boosting your brain function now. 

#1 -Challenge Yourself and Question Perception

When you take up a new challenge or a new skill, your brain stays engaged and active. It improves your ability to learn faster, enhances your working memory, increases neuroplasticity and processing speed. For instance, consider your brain as a muscle, the more you exercise, the stronger your muscle becomes. Our brain functions in a similar manner too. The best mental exercises to keep your brain active are to continue acquiring new knowledge and challenge yourself to do new things that you may have not done before.

While new challenges can keep our brain engaged, our perceptions can impact the way it functions. Negative perceptions can cause greater cognitive decline. It’s important to give your brain positive and powerful thoughts. The more you repeat positive thoughts, your brain pathways become stronger and that becomes your new behavior, until your break old habits. This also reduces stress in your life and as such will change how your perception is able to reach and be processed by your executive brain. 

#2 – Sleep is Not a Luxury — It’s Critical for Brain Bandwidth

Research conducted by the Sleep Health Foundation demonstrates that lack of sleep can impair the supply of nutrients and oxygen to your brain cells. Sleep deprivation can lead to reduced attention span, negatively impact your learning and memory, reduce quality of life, and cause cognitive decline. Just like food, sleep is something we cannot afford to ignore. Practice having a certain routine to give your brain essential repair, healing, and growth.


You can take schedule time to relax at least an hour before going to bed. Avoid food, alcohol, and using screens. As cumbersome as it may sound at first, an evening routine optimized for your circadian rhythm is foundational to brain health.

#3 – Dietary Building Block Necessities

To protect neurons from injury or degeneration, it’s imperative to have a well-balanced diet. Your diet must contain vegetables, fruits, fish, polyphenols, and healthy fats to help with neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. For the optimal health of your brain, we recommend you stay away from food items containing high in saturated fats, added salt, and sugars. For instance, include Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) as a crucial part of your diet. It will help you improve working memory performance, boost brain functions, and develop more efficiently. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced by our body and must be obtained from food item s like fish, nuts, plant oils, and seeds.

Importance of neuro-performance training for business

Our brain is constantly building new pathways and evolving. To boost the performance of our brain, we must constantly challenge and keep it engaged. Neuro performance training can work magic. As an organization, if you decide to help your workforce improve their brainpower, you are investing in neuro-agility. With the help of neuroscience, your organization can unleash the unlimited potential of your workforce. Let’s take a look at the importance of neuro-performance training for business.

Developing critical skills — Neuro-performance training for businesses helps train their employees into becoming leaders who are capable of critical thinking, even during high-pressure instances.

Building neural connections — The more your practice your skill, talent, or belief, the stronger the neural connections become

Forming powerful habits — With the help of neuro-performance training, you are able to focus more and eliminate any distractions. It combines and develops new emotional and cognitive skills that are imperative for your personal growth.

Performance improvement — Neuro-performance training for business can be highly impactful in talent development, performance improvement, and organizational learning.

Fostering growth mindset — Through sustained effort and constant neuro-performance training, you are able to develop a growth mindset. It makes you believe in your innate skills, talents, and abilities.


It’s important to train your body and mind. In this era, neuro-performance training for business has now become a strategic necessity. Businesses are investing in their people to help them focus and perform better, remember more, and learn faster.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 

Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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3 Best Cognitive Skills Elite Athletes and Successful Entrepreneurs Share

3 Best Cognitive Skills Elite Athletes and Successful Entrepreneurs Share

Along with the right mindset, the best cognitive skills and their foundational practices are ones you should cultivate to reach the top.


Whether it’s about winning gold medals, getting venture-backing or reaching some new success milestone, both groups not only adopt similar mindset traits, they both possess a critical cognitive skillset. 

If you want to accelerate your performance and progress, aim to prioritize these practices daily. 

Before we discuss the 3 Best cognitive skills, let’s touch on a few attributes of a winning mindset.

1- People at the top take the time for clarity. You must know what you want to achieve. It’s important to take the time to understand your goals whether that task is big or small. This way you have a clear objective to work towards.

2- Once you’ve done that, act without a fear of failure. The idea of failure is a fallacy. The only time you really fail is if you don’t bounce back.

When something goes wrong, you don’t need to stagnate or obsess. You can learn, adapt quickly, and move forward. This mental agility is seen again and again at the height of success, no matter what the game or venue. 

3- Healthy competition or pressure can be helpful when approached without self-criticism. Don’t berate yourself or unduly compare yourself to others. Look at the leaders in your field and learn from them. In a gentle way, allow their success to fuel your own growth, feed your passion, and foster your drive.

Keep these mindset traits at the forefront and you’ll have the drive to go forward and the stamina to reach your goal. Now let’s focus on the cognitive skills that elite athletes and entrepreneurs share, and that you too can develop to flourish. 

What are the Best Cognitive skills?

First, let’s start by understanding cognition simply to then digest why the following are the best cognitive skills. Your cognitive abilities can be defined as your mental capacities to: remember, reason, hold attention, solve problems, think, process, learn, assimilate new ideas, and make decisions. Amazingly, because of the brains remarkable neuroplasticity — your abilities are never in a state of stagnation. In fact, to keep your brain healthy, it’s essential to practice these skills and evolve.

This is why cognitive ‘skill’ is a more apropos term than ‘ability.’ They are flexible, and no matter your baseline — very much in your control.

In sum, cognitive skills are core skills that your brain uses to process information, learn, think, evaluate, decide, and act. But these skills don’t exist alone in their own silos. Rather, they are cultivated by developing habits that nurture them.

In that sense, the following three must-haves may be better understood as foundational practices that will help you exponentially enhance all your other best cognitive skills across the board.  

Let’s talk about the three must-haves cognitive practices:

#1 – Supreme Focus

Supreme focus or sustained attention is one of the most important skills that you’ll find common in both high performing athletes and successful entrepreneurs. This is so critical that without it, you’ll deplete other essential (and finite) resources like energy, time, and stamina — often without even realizing it.

To illustrate the point — consider for a moment how often you’re working on something important, and the next thing you know an hour is lost because you followed the trail of a random thought down an internet rabbit hole? Or perhaps you gave priority to a silly interruption? Maybe you answered an email or texted someone to the same end. Perhaps afterwards, you even rationalized your lost time as well-spent because you managed to tick off some admin task or other back burner item.

But when you’re honest with yourself, you know the original, high-value objective got neglected and all because you seeded your focus to something much less important. 

Further, engaging in distractions actually fractures cognition and thrusts the brain into ADD-like states. These neural pathways cement themselves the more you engage in distractions while working.

On the flip side, when you learn to channel focus like a laser beam, everything becomes much easier. In a practical day-to-day way, you find yourself excelling at meaningful work. This kind of laser-like focus also gives you an endorphin rush, boosts happiness, and helps you feel fulfilled. Think about how much easier life would be if you could just keep your eye on the prize — the task at hand in front of you. No one but you is usually stopping you. 

I refer to athletes because they’re a great source of inspiration when it comes to practice, dedication, and focus. Their visual and conscious attention is always on what’s happening now. Not what took place five minutes ago or the anticipated challenges that might show up later.

Why? Because they realize the game is being played each moment. There is no room to jump timelines into the past or future. Similarly, you must stay present and concentrate on each play as it happens, not mindlessly multitask or prioritize interruptions. 

Supreme focus is not an easy skill, but it is the most rewarding. Use a pomodoro timer, ignore all distractions (even the tempting ones like viral videos or funny memes) and concentrate fully for each interval. This is the only way to use your talent effectively. This is how to get to the top with ease.

#2 – Consistent Reflection

Another vital skill both entrepreneurs and athletes share is regular reflection. This takes self-awareness, a desire to improve, and devoting regular time.

Top athletes are often known to watch video footage of their past games. Rather than being harsh, they look at their abilities and actions with a growth-minded approach. This is key.

Similarly, entrepreneurs often create MVPs (minimal viable products) or prototypes when they first develop a new product or service. When they do this, they know they’re not going to get it right on that first shot. In fact, they don’t even aim to because they know that to create the best version of their idea in the end requires a bit of ‘failing’ at first, reconfiguring and optimization.

Choose the right neuroscience training for you

We too can adopt this practice of regular reflection. It’s as simple as bullet point journaling for five minutes each evening. Think back on your day. Jot down two or three learning lessons and make a point to highlight what you did well. Be kind, honest, and balanced in your assessment.

Doing this will enhance your understanding of self. It will also give you parameters for what to improve, elevate your confidence because you took the time for well-deserved acknowledgement where you excelled, and boost your cognitive abilities across the board. 

#3 – Daily Training

For athletes, intense daily training is a must. They know, you know, and I know that practice is a part of their jobs. The G.O.A.T.s (Greatest of All Time) athletes like Michael Jordan are upfront about the number of free throws or layups he practiced before he was able to score his average 65 points a game.

But many of us working professionals forget that daily training is just as imperative to our own success. The first step is to break down our skills into the key micro-habits we need to excel. Here are the ones that I help clients and students work on no matter their field or area of expertise. You can cultivate these too.

Train yourself on: (1) how to learn; (2) how to remember effectively (short-term and long-term); (3) how to process new information without bias; (4) how to challenge your own ideas; (5) how to be creative in your problem-solving; (6) how to work in flow; (7) and how to make quick rational and intuitive decisions without constantly second-guessing yourself.

Of course there are others as well as ones that will be specific to you, but this is a great place to start. When you take the time to train daily, you not only keep your brain healthy as you age, but you’ll also maximize your performance from a micro-level to the big-picture just like an athlete improves the elements of her game. Put in the daily training and you’ll redefine your own limits.

The benefits of developing cognitive skills

Cognitive skills are both active and constructive. They can help improve every type of workplace situation. Some of the key benefits of having cognitive skills are:

Recognize and address patterns — You are able to recognize patterns by blending logic and reasoning skills. The brain loves patterns. When you work in patterns, every thing else becomes quicker and easier. 

Consistent goal achievement — Cognitive skills help you become highly productive and enact the goals you want to realize.

Confidence — By developing cognitive skills like that of an athlete or an entrepreneur, you are able to improve your confidence in your own abilities. You know no matter what challenge presents — you will find effective solutions.  

Of course, the benefits of heightened cognition are virtually unlimited. This is the space of genius, flow, and creativity.


From our assessment, you can see that the underlying framework here is practice. Cognitive skills in both elite athletes and entrepreneurs don’t magic their way onto a court, field, or boardroom. They take dedication and blossom with time.

Keep your three essentials in mind to get started: develop present-moment heightened focus, be consistently reflective, and build in time to train daily.

This right here is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 


ACTION Steps to Cultivate

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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How to Achieve Your Goals

How to Achieve Your Goals

Learn how to achieve goals by getting essential clarity. Predict your success and ease your hardships.

Imagine starting a race, without knowing when, how far, or even if there is a finish line. Sounds crazy right? Yet, this is exactly how most of us go about our goals. We take a laissez-faire “I’ll know it when I see it” approach. But without essential clarity, we cannot know our route, progress, or if we’ve arrived at the destination.

Wise people create predictors of success by gathering valuable data and analyzing it before determining any course of action. Yet many of us smart folk jump into a daily grind with the blind hope that it’ll move us closer to where we need. We do this without assessing the key pieces so we’re unsure how valuable or worthwhile our efforts even are. Here we’ll take a look at the five key questions that will give each of us essential clarity on our goals, and set into motion our own predictors of success. 

How to Achieve Goals — Your 5 Question checklist:

We’ll go through these questions together. Then for maximum benefit go deeper with your own reflections using this as a guide. In my neuro performance coaching and personal experience, I’ve found solitude and journaling are the best tools to facilitate insight-inducing reflections. With every pass, you’ll dive a bit farther into the sea of your subconscious; additional layers of information will bubble up to the surface. The following questions are an excellent place to begin that journey.

1) What is the pinnacle of my goal?

2) How will I know when I’ve reached it?

3) How do I expect to feel when I achieve my goal?

4) Will I be okay if I don’t achieve it and have to change my course of action?

5) Am I realistic about what it will take to get there and is it worth the cost?

Take your time with these. The more specific answers you come up with, the more information you’ll have to shape your own path. This is high-value personalized data that will only be revealed by you to you. Use it to craft the road ahead.

How to Achieve Goals Q1: What is the specific pinnacle of my goal?

What is the endgame of your goal? Try to expand on the standard short-form: “I want a promotion” or “I want to buy a house” or “I want to start a business.” Be as specific as possible.

Do this by adding in (a) descriptors and (b) the personal why. Descriptors are any narrowing details. For example: “I want a promotion in marketing for a tech company in Seattle.” See how that narrows down the playing field? This lets you create a visual which helps you focus on what you’re working towards.

In (b), you want to add the “why” of it. Why does this specific goal matter to you? What will it provide you that you really want? Again, be specific. Don’t just say “money” or “title” but rather “added income plus experience managing X and Y types of accounts.”

How to Achieve Goals Q2: How will I know when I’ve reached it?

This one is vital because without it you will treat yourself like the donkey chasing the carrot on the stick. The carrot always moves and you set yourself up to feel awful and exhausted.

Make your endpoint realistic. If the goal is complex or has phases, be sure to create milestones that serve as markers on your race.

This will also help your mind register the reward for its efforts. More goals can always be added. But chasing one that never ends is thankless.

Brain Benefits, Applied Neuroscience

How to Achieve Goals Q3: What do I expect to feel when I achieve my goal?

This one is very revealing about — you guessed it — your expectations. If you pin all your hopes to the endpoint, that’s a strong indication that the journey itself needs to change. The path should also be rewarding. 

For example, if you think “I will feel happy” when “I get the promotion,” then you are creating a condition for your happiness. This messaging is internalized by the mind, which believes “only when I get the promotion will I be happy.”

It misses opportunities to cultivate this on the inside, along the way. Creating your own happiness is essential. And it is mostly done in the small moments, not the few and far between big ones.

Also, if you attach any part of your wellbeing to the goal, you’re gambling your internal harmony on an outcome often outside your control. Let’s say, the company decides to hire from a competitor or decides to cut the position because of stock losses. Then what? You plan to be miserable? I hope not.

How to Achieve Goals Q4: Will I be okay if I don’t reach it and have to change my course of action?

No matter your unique drive or ambition, it is safe to have a contingency (or a couple) and be okay with any of them. 

Sure this isn’t your first choice. You want to realize your goal, but life can be unpredictable. The only real control you have is the ability to be adaptive. So yes, go all-in on your vision, but don’t fear change. Know that you are more important than any singular goal. As long as you have you, you can do anything (even the unplanned). 

How to Achieve Goals Q5: Am I realistic about what it will take to get there and is it worth the cost?

What will you have to spend to make this goal happen? Time and money are just the easy-to-measure external costs.

What about your internal costs? These are the precious resources that we neglect to account for because they’re hard to quantify. We don’t notice until they’re spent and we’re left depleted.

Big ones: Your energy, relationships, attention, rest, ease, stress, sleep, wellness, family time, hobbies.

Be honest with yourself about these costs. Then do a cost-benefit analysis. Is your goal truly worth what you will invest, sacrifice, and deplete?

If it is, then you can proceed with both eyes wide open about what the toll it will cost you.

And if it isn’t, now you have that as essential clarity. You figured it out before toiling for years. The goal wasn’t as important or at least not compared to the resources it’ll bleed. All of this is valuable insight.

THE BENEFITS OF A complete picture:

Armed with this data, you can make more informed decisions at every level. 

Specific Goal — You know just what it is you’re working towards.

Well-designed Path — Milestones and markers to guide you forward and give you pause to reflect. Is the course still the right one? Does it need to change at all?

Alternatives — You’re more prepared in case circumstances throw a wrench in your plans. You’ve got this. You aren’t obsessed with the goal.

Rewards along the way — The journey is as important as the pinnacle. So you invest in cultivating skills to be happy/well now instead of deferring it.

Realistic accounting of costs  —  If you decide to pursue your goal, you’re much more likely to succeed if you know how much of you it’s going to take. This preparation will serve you well.


How does this feel? Do you have more clarity now? Can you explore this more in your journaling? How has this changed your goals?

We break this exact process down for you and go much deeper than what we can show you in this article in our goals and objectives 2023 workshop. It’s a powerful session that talks about goals in a whole new way — helping you understand what your brain prioritizes, how that competes with what you want, how to bridge the gap and get your brain onboard so it supports you.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Taking the time to work through the steps. The art is in our implementation and action. Spending a short amount of time now to reflect, analyze and decide yields a major return in time, energy, resources, and emotional heartache avoided.  

Take it a step further, people set goals but don’t actualize them and a lot of that has to do with the brain’s defaults and priorities. Don’t let this be another year, especially with the pandemic we’ve lost a lot of time.


Next steps to consider

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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