Understanding The True Nature of Boredom

Understanding The True Nature of Boredom

Boredom’s Hidden Potential: How Embracing Restlessness can Fuel Creativity and Personal Growth

Boredom is a universal feeling that most of us experience at some point in our lives. It can strike when we have nothing to do or when the activities we engage in fail to capture our interest. While many dismiss boredom as a simple state of mind, recent research suggests that it may be more complex than meets the eye.

At its core, boredom is an emotional and cognitive response to an unsatisfying situation or task. It arises when our minds are not fully engaged or stimulated, leading to feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction. Psychologists believe that boredom serves as a signal from our brains, indicating that we need to seek out new experiences or challenges. Furthermore, studies have shown that individuals who frequently experience boredom tend to have difficulty staying focused and are more prone to depression and anxiety.

Understanding the true nature of boredom can help us better cope with this often-misunderstood emotion.

Understanding the true nature of boredom

Embracing boredom as a catalyst for creativity

Boredom is often seen as a negative emotion to be avoided at all costs. However, research suggests that embracing moments of boredom can actually be beneficial for boosting creativity. When we allow ourselves to experience periods of inactivity and mental restlessness, our minds are given the opportunity to wander and explore new ideas.

Boredom provides an environment that encourages daydreaming and imagination. As our brains have no immediate stimuli to engage with, they are free to make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts and come up with innovative solutions. Studies have shown that individuals who embrace their boredom tend to exhibit higher levels of divergent thinking – the ability to generate multiple ideas or solutions. By allowing ourselves to feel bored, we create space for our minds to wander and stumble upon fresh perspectives.

The idea of embracing boredom may seem counterintuitive. We often seek constant stimulation and distraction, fearing that boredom is unproductive and a waste of time. However, embracing boredom can actually be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, creativity, and enhanced productivity. By reframing our relationship with boredom, we can unlock new opportunities and tap into our full potential. Here’s why and how you can embrace boredom to unleash your productivity and personal growth:

1. Igniting Creativity:

Boredom provides a fertile ground for creativity to flourish. When we allow our minds to wander and daydream, new connections and ideas can emerge. Boredom breaks us free from the constraints of routine thinking and opens up space for innovative solutions and fresh perspectives. By embracing moments of boredom, we give ourselves the freedom to explore uncharted territories and tap into our creative potential.

2. Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Reflections:

Boredom offers an opportunity to practice mindfulness and self-reflection. When we’re not constantly occupied with external stimuli, we can turn inward and engage in introspection. Boredom invites us to reflect on our goals, values, and aspirations. It encourages us to examine our current circumstances and consider whether we’re living in alignment with our true passions and desires. Through introspection, we can gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and make intentional choices that align with our personal growth.

3. Enhancing Productivity:

Paradoxically, embracing boredom can lead to increased productivity. When we allow ourselves moments of stillness and boredom, we recharge our mental energy and prevent burnout. Boredom acts as a reset button for our brains, enabling us to approach tasks with renewed focus and vigor. By intentionally scheduling periods of downtime and embracing moments of boredom, we can optimize our productivity and perform at our best when engaged in tasks that require our full attention.

4. Developing Patience and Resilience:

Boredom challenges us to develop patience and resilience. In a world of instant gratification and constant stimulation, we can become accustomed to seeking quick fixes and constant entertainment. By willingly experiencing moments of boredom, we build resilience to discomfort and develop the patience to tolerate temporary periods of unstimulated time. This resilience and patience can transfer to other aspects of our lives, enabling us to navigate challenges with greater ease and perseverance.

5. Embracing New Learning Opportunities:

Boredom can be a catalyst for seeking new learning opportunities. When we’re bored, we’re more likely to explore new hobbies, read books, engage in intellectual pursuits, or take up creative endeavors. Boredom invites us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace novelty. By embracing boredom, we open ourselves up to new experiences and knowledge that contribute to our personal growth and development.

So how can you embrace boredom and harness its potential?

Embracing boredom and harnessing its potential can be a transformative experience that leads to personal growth, creativity, and a deeper understanding of oneself. Here are some strategies to make the most of moments of boredom:

  • Create Space for Boredom: Intentionally set aside time in your schedule for moments of boredom. Allow yourself to disconnect from distractions, put away digital devices, and simply be present with yourself and your thoughts. 
  • Engage in Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness meditation or other mindfulness techniques to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and emotions during moments of boredom. Embrace the stillness and observe any arising ideas, insights, or creative sparks.
  • Pursue New Interests and Hobbies: Use moments of boredom as an invitation to explore new interests, hobbies, or learning opportunities. Engage in activities that challenge you intellectually, creatively, or physically.
  • Embrace Solitude: Spend time alone without external distractions. Allow yourself to engage in activities that don’t require constant stimulation, such as taking solitary walks,

Key Takeaways:

Embracing boredom can be a transformative practice that unlocks our productivity and personal growth potential. By reframing our perception of boredom, we recognize its value as a catalyst for creativity, mindfulness, self-reflection, and resilience. Embracing moments of stillness and allowing ourselves to experience boredom enables us to tap into our creative wellspring, enhance our productivity, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves. It is through these moments of boredom that we can discover new passions, gain clarity, and embark on a path of continuous growth and self-improvement.

So, the next time you find yourself feeling bored, resist the urge to fill every moment with distractions. Embrace the opportunity to slow down, be present, and engage with your inner world. Embrace boredom as a friend and ally on your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment. Embrace the power of boredom and unleash your true potential.

Next Steps to Consider:

Unlock your true potential through our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs, where your secret genius comes to life. In just 12 weeks, experience a comprehensive transformation that touches every aspect of your existence: from career and daily performance to health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy levels, and even personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to the brain—the very foundation of all transformative endeavors.

Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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10 Simple Steps on How You Can Create an Effective Vision Board

10 Simple Steps on How You Can Create an Effective Vision Board

Blueprint for Success: How to Create a Goal Oriented Vision Board

How to create a vision board

“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.”

– Buddha

A vision is a timeless seed that will grow and blossom over the course of a lifetime. It is something to be nurtured, protected, and cultivated. A vision is not a destination; it is a journey. 

It is the light that guides us through the dark times and the hope that propels us forward. A vision gives life purpose and meaning. It is what makes us unique individuals with something special to offer the world.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a tool used to help manifest your dreams and goals. The process is simple: create a board with images and words that represent what you want to achieve. Looking at your vision board daily will help to keep you motivated and on track to achieving your goals. Creating a vision board is a fun and easy way to get started on making your dreams a reality.

10 Steps On How To Create Vision Board

1. Setting Intentions 

Find a quiet place where we can clear our minds and be in a relaxed manner. Try to jot down goals and what we want to achieve in the next few months. 

These goals may be for your health, career or wealth. Whatever goals you set make sure that it is beyond your capacity to do things.

“You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for.” —Ted Turner

Setting Goals

2. About You

Knowing ourselves is about discovering what makes us tick. It means learning our likes and dislikes, beliefs and values, personality, our personal boundaries and so on. Learning these things will increase our self-awareness. Being more self aware leads to enhanced self-development, acceptance, and proactivity while benefiting our overall mental health. We’ll be more confident, make better decisions, have stronger relationships, and be more honest.

So in step 2 of creating our vision board is the “About You” part.  Here, we need to list down our skills, talents and our best characteristics. This should also include the weaknesses and skills that we want to develop.

3. Three-Month Vision 

Having a vision proves to be extremely important. Given the trials and tribulations that may come our way, when we have a clear vision of what we want to happen, we can make better decisions. 

Write down things that we want to achieve in different areas of our lives in 3 months. These areas includes:

  • Home family, personal
  • Health, Well-being
  • Friends, Relationships
  • Growth, learning, spiritual, 
  • Money and Finances
  • Career business, work

4. Looking Back

Looking back on the past allows us to study the nature of ourselves and helps us recognize why we do what we do. Looking at our past lets us know what we can improve on.

Find the perfect spot for you to think and set the mood with music. Take some time to think about the past years and reflect on what we’ve done or our what ifs. Then you can ask yourself these questions:

  1. What experiences made you happy?
  2. What experiences changed you?
  3. What held you back?
  4. What have you achieved in different parts of your life?
  5. How was your physical and mental health?
  6. How did you build relationships? 

Make looking at your past a habitual practice. It will not only help you now, but it will assist you in planning for the future.

5. Think About the Future 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

Thinking about the future can lead us to generous and fulfilled lives. It gives us an edge and helps us anticipate changes that others might have a hard time spotting. 

Now let’s envision our next year. Think about goals and how we will envision it to be. Reflect on the WHY of each goal listed and make sure they are driven with intentions.

6. Making Decisions 

Our decisions affect people. Nearly every decision we make will affect different people in one way or another. It’s important to be aware of the influence our decisions will have, and understand what the “human cost” will be. The decisions we make demonstrate our values.

List some decisions that we’re trying to consider. Then list the options, consequences, advantages and disadvantages. This can prevent us from making impulsive decisions and lesser mistakes. 

7. My Core Values 

Core values are the fundamental beliefs you have about your life. They guide your behaviors, decisions, and actions. They bring about a sense of purpose and self-worth. They remind you what’s important to you and what you want more of in your life.

When you know what’s important to you, you can live in alignment with those values. This leads to greater fulfillment, clarity and self-awareness.

This self-awareness allows you to discover your purpose.

From the given list of core values, circle each core value that resonates with you. Group similar values from the list in any way that makes sense to you. Prioritize and create a maximum of five groups.

8. Find Images and Words for the Vision Board 

Go through a stack of magazines, then clip everything you like—colors, words, interesting images. But, we can also hunt for images and words that are related to our goals. If there’s a goal or intention that we can’t find a good image for, hop on the computer and do an image search then print it.

Vision Board

9. Assemble the Vision Board 

Now it’s time to arrange our images and words on our poster board.

So, with your poster board, and pile of images at hand, go through the images and decide what belongs on the poster board and place it roughly in the section it will go. Trim backgrounds away or crop images as we go. Then continue through the pile of clippings.

10. Glue or Tape Everything Together

See if you can go deeper with your placement. Are there multiple ways to read an area? Can you see this vision board evolving with you for a the near future? Great. Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, stick it down. Working with one image or word at a time, turn it over, apply a layer of adhesive, then stick it to the poster board or construction paper. 

Tip: Save scrap paper and cut up magazines to use as gluing surfaces.

Once we have all of our goals and dreams represented on the board, take a look at it. How does it look?

What are the benefits of having a vision board?

Creates Better Intentions

No matter what you put on your vision board, you must have the intention to achieve it. Having a vision board creates better intentions as you use your vision board to start every day with a focus. 

Makes Your Dreams Clear 

A vision board is essentially a visual representation of your goals and dreams. This means your dreams are clear and vivid every day as you look at your vision board to keep you moving forward.

Improves Creativity  

When you have goals and dreams in life set in place, and provide a visual such as the vision board, creativity is naturally improved as you work to find new ways to achieve these goals and dreams.

Provides Motivation

Let’s face it, some days are hard! That’s why having a vision board is a brilliant idea to provide motivation for those less than stellar days when motivation is lacking.

Boosts Chances of Success

One of the biggest benefits of having your own vision board is that it helps boost your chances of success. Having a vision in life and work helps you remain focused on said success regularly.

Takeaways on how to create a vision board

Through the combined power of visualization, affirmation, and goal-setting, a vision board can become a transformative tool for enhancing mental wellness. By focusing on our aspirations and remaining positive, we can reduce stress, increase motivation, and boost self-esteem. Remember that your vision board is a personal representation of your dreams and desires, and it has the potential to shape your reality.

So, take a leap of faith and start crafting your vision board today. As you embark on this creative journey, you’ll find that not only will you gain a clearer sense of purpose and direction, but you’ll also witness a positive shift in your mental well-being. Embrace the magic of your vision board, and watch as it becomes a powerful catalyst for personal growth and a fulfilling life.

Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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4 Powerful Cognitive Benefits of Daydreaming

4 Powerful Cognitive Benefits of Daydreaming

Daydreaming isn’t just relaxing, it’s highly beneficial for how you learn and think. Read on to see how and what to do. 


“Daydream because you can’t accomplish what you’ve never fully imagined.” – Anonymous zen quote

Have you ever found yourself gazing out a window and losing track of time and your sense of awareness? Have you chastised yourself after as wasting time? Don’t. It was time well spent. 

Many of us are taught to believe that daydreaming is an unproductive bad habit that should be discouraged. The opposite is true. Daydreaming is freedom — and it’s part of the magic of our human experience. And beyond how good it feels to take a break from an active task, the benefits of daydreaming on your brain and health are vast. Research cognitive research indeed proves that our stigma about daydreaming is not warrant. 

One recent study by Dr. Eric Schumacher and Christine Goodwin at Georgia Tech found that daydreamers are smarter, more creative and have active brains.

So give yourself the permission to go off script, and reap the benefits. 

How does daydreaming work?

Before we get into the cognitive benefits of daydreaming, let’s talk about what daydreaming actually is.

A study published in Psychological Science by researchers from the University of Wisconsin and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, discuss daydreaming as a critical function of our working memory.

When your mind lapses into internal thoughts, memories, or future plans, you become less aware of your external environment. Your attention shifts from the moment into a place of your own. Essentially your transitioning from the physical realm to an inner world. And psychologists agree this is a hallmark of an active, engaged brain. 

One key caveat here is that if your inner thoughts are worrying or stress-inducing, then that is not daydreaming. Daydreaming is not added pressure, anxiety, overwhelm or to-do lists. It is not about emotional shame or guilt. It is inherently light and relaxed. So only when the inner realm of your thoughts is here — in freedom, abstract imagery, and calm recollection or positive ideas about the future can we call it daydreaming. Otherwise, it is worry — a wholly unproductive disruption and not conducing to wellbeing.  

4 Cognitive Benefits of Daydreaming

While daydreaming is a state of mind that occurs unintentionally, and not something you have to schedule, it’s worth mentioning that many smart people do create intentional blocks of time to reflect or contemplate in an unrestrictive stream of consciousness style without engaging in anything else.

They are intentional daydreamers. You can make time for it too, and observe how it impacts you. See if you experience these benefits right away or if they are delayed. 

#1 – Heightened focus

When you daydream (again not worry or any active busy thought), you’ll find an actual boost in your focus when you return to the task at hand.

This is particularly true of more complex cognitive tasks like research, brainstorming, problem-solving, and writing or explaining difficult concepts. This is because your brain, already using 20% of your energy intake baseline, requires more energy for complexity.

But it’s not just a physical energy depletion, it’s mental stamina that gets drained. Our brains work in rhythms and they can only go so long without rest. However, most of the so-called ‘rest’ we take now is actually in the form of tech and other distractions, which exacerbate its cognitive overload. 

Daydreams, on the other hand, relieve the cognitive overload as opposed to adding to it. 

#2 – Learning and Memory

Your tendency to daydream is directly correlated with your brain’s ability to retain and recall information. In the aforementioned Max Planck study, students were given a monotonous task followed by a series of complex math and memory problems. Those who daydreamed during the rote task, performed better and remembered more.  

This is because the right brain and subconscious were already engaged. So rote tasks are also an opportunity to flex your daydreaming muscles. 


#3 – Improved mental health

Another cognitive benefit of daydreaming is that it offers a host of benefits on your mental health. Again, because this is free, unscripted time for the brain, it stays engaged while being in a fully rested state.

Since the majority of our thoughts are repetitive and many of these stem from evolutionary negativity bias which feeds our worry and activates stress mechanisms, daydreaming is an ideal antidote.

Pleasant thoughts also help to release endorphins to counter and down-regulate chronic stress. 

#4 – Creativity and problem solving

There are a multitude of great minds, who credit daydreaming to their best ideas. As a former patent attorney, I’ve come across several instances where patent inventions, which require novelty for patentability, were born from an applicant’s out-of-the-blue daydreaming session.

Post-it notes are a staple in our work lives – we even use the digital version of these on our smart phones. Their creator —  Arthur Fry — thought of the idea while daydreaming in church. The idea of duplicating DNA fragments by Kary Mullis, which earned him a Nobel Prize in chemistry was also a result of daydreaming.

Einstein was a big fan of daydreaming. And Silicon Valley is jam packed with entrepreneurs, whose original idea inception started in a daydream.


As we can see from above, daydreaming often sets the foundation for creating and crafting new things. It helps your creative energy flow and opens your thoughts up for nonlinear possibilities. Here’s a few tips you can use to practice daydreaming:

Let your imagination run wild —  Set some time aside in your busy schedule to let your imagination run wild. It could be during your tea break or a nature walk. You’ll be amazed at how it unleashes your innovative powers.

Pivot your attention away from the world around you — Unfocus your attention from the present moment and wander into the space of your mind with a wild, positive scenario. This, constructive daydreaming is a way to pick up the trail from a conscious thought to the abstract connections it can form across your neural networks.


These days, we are daydreaming less and using technology as a distraction. Ironically daydreaming has a negative reputation while technology is deemed okay. But all the research on how tech impacts us plus the cognitive benefits of daydreaming prove that it’s better to zone out and let your mind wander.

When you allow your thoughts to wander, you give your mind the opportunity to find solutions for your challenges or even bigger solutions to larger problems that can impact communities and society for the better. Just put it into practice. That right there – your implementation of this is the key. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 

Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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How to Achieve Flow State: Practice 5 Key Steps

How to Achieve Flow State: Practice 5 Key Steps

Learn how to achieve flow state and reap the benefits of focus, joy, creativity, ease, and fulfillment in your work.


‘The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times…The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something worthwhile.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow – The Pyschology of Optimal Experience

While the science of flow is still being researched, read on for our 5-step roadmap to help you reach this super state faster.

Flow State – a Quick Breakdown

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt ‘in the zone’, so focused on the task in front of you that all the noise and chaos in the background seemed to melt away? Flow is all about immersion, which requires present-state awareness to the exclusion of everything else. And everything else here is not just limited to the external. It is all your other thoughts, ideas, compulsions, and obligations.

This is what makes flow so powerful. It requires (1) the pursuit of a worthwhile, meaningful activity that challenges our mind or body; (2) unification with that activity such that our conscious and subconscious minds also become united. At this stage the experience itself, rather than the product or outcome, becomes truly enjoyable.

You’ve probably experienced flow before doing something you love. Now let’s talk about how we can get you there faster, and with regularity. Heads up, it’s not easy. For any mental super state, practice and patience are a must. 

How to achieve flow state – your 5-Step daily Protocol 

Achieving Flow State Step 1: Choose a Worthy Priority 

Let’s get honest with ourselves first. 80% of tasks are not ‘exciting’ enough to achieve true flow state. Now there are many similarities between ‘flow’ and ‘zen’ states. And indeed, you can and should get zen with anything you do. For example, sweeping the floor or chopping your vegetables are tasks you can be fully present, calm, and enjoy doing. This is what zen is all about. Simply bringing the light of awareness to a task.

Being zen means being mind”full” instead of mind”less”. But true flow, and the unparalleled joy it delivers, requires a few extra components. It requires choosing an activity that is both (a) meaningful to you; and (b) challenging.

(a) Deciding what’s meaningful to you can take some time. You need to most past the reactive mind and get to know your deeper self. What gives you purpose? What makes you feel alive? How do these tie into your work, passion, or hobby? Take time to explore the answers.

If you can, find the meaning in every area of your life — especially your work. Writing and finding new ways to explain and teach concepts, for instance, is very meaningful to me.

(b) Choose something that is challenging. Perhaps you want to reach the next level of expertise at something you’re already proficient at. Or maybe you want to pursue something new that always felt just out of reach. For example – I often see in my male clients, a proclivity to enter flow state when they do something supposedly gender non-conforming (at least per the social conditioning they may have received). Learning how to dance is one I often recommend. It requires full focus, challenges subconscious bias, engages brain-body coordination, boosts learning and memory, and much more. All of this works together to push them into and through the unfamiliar and into flow. They feel more alive than ever. And their confidence and self-esteem shoot up as a result. 

Mihaly Csikskentmihalyi, who is credited with coining the term flow state and is a notable positive psychologist, observed:

“Most enjoyable activities are not natural; they demand an effort that initially one is reluctant to make. But once the interaction starts to provide feedback to the person’s skills, it usually begins to be intrinsically rewarding.” 

Achieving Flow State Step #2: Alert Your Brain and Body to Exclusive Focus  

Now that you’ve chosen a valuable activity to induce flow state — let’s communicate the message to your brain and body that upcoming is a session of worthwhile exclusive focus. In an ideal situation, we wouldn’t have to add the limiting descriptor of ‘exclusive’ since focus by its nature should be targeted. But because we’ve been misled into believing multitasking is a talent, and conditioned by the internet along with the modern workforce to continually multitask (especially in our minds), we must specify this message of ‘exclusive focus’ to the brain until it relearns what focus is all about.

I suggest you communicate this message by creating a flow state ritual in a few important ways:

(1) State your intention to yourself clearly. Be specific here about what you’re about to do and why.

(2) Relax. Use deep breathing to ease any tension. Anxiety and stress are roadblocks to flow.

(3) Do a physical activity that you reserve for flow. Drink a specific type of tea, jog in place for a few minutes, or listen to a particular type of instrumental music.

By combining the above three steps into your own unique flow state ritual, you are creating a trigger to alert the brain and body that deep focus is about to follow. This new habit will help you cue flow mindset soon. 

Achieving Flow State Step #3: Ignore Distractions at Every Turn

To make progress at inducing flow, you must train yourself to stay in a ‘single-track mindset.’ 

This means ignoring both external and internal distractions. Start by doing this for a specified amount of time. For example, a single pomodoro session of 25 minutes. Then work your way up to several pomodoros or ideally until a preset chunk of your activity is completed. 


External distractions like emails or phone calls are easier to avoid.

Internal distractions that come in the form of pesky thoughts, unsettling emotions, charged memories, future worries — these are much harder to ignore and take methodological training. That’s because they get wired into automation by the subconscious.

In my neuroperformance course, I help clients identify, understand, resolve, and redirect all kinds of these negative internal habits. One of the huge benefits is later when we cover how to achieve flow state, they’re able to do it with ease. 

Achieving Flow State Step #4: Learn Your Peak Performance Times

While it’s not easy to understand the nuances of your energetic state, which is influenced by dozens of variables and is often in flux, it’s important to start noticing it. Start by identifying your natural proclivities when it comes to difficult tasks.

For most of us, mornings are ideal. We are rested, with a fresh and alert mind. This is the best time to take up challenging work suitable to achieve flow.

On the other hand if the activity isn’t work-related, early evenings are excellent. At this point in your day, you should give yourself permission to get fully immersed in your hobby or passion. Go all in and don’t fret about work the next day or any other obligation. Fretting is one of those pesky internal intrusions that will zap you right out of flow.

Also, start to pay attention to what foods, exercise, and stress-relief works best for you. These are what I call daily keystones and they highly impact your energetic state. When you are in low-energy or low-mood, flow is next to impossible.

Recognize your peak performance times and patterns to help your mind get and stay in flow state. 

Achieving Flow State Step 5: Get Reflective About Your Flow

This final one is essential to answer your own how to achieve flow state. Consider this — you need to understand what it feels like for you. To reach somewhere, it’s much easier to know where you’re going. Perhaps the first few times you get lost (before google maps), but eventually you learn the signs and hallmarks of the journey to your destination.

The more we practice achieving flow, the more we’re likely to get ‘there’ and stay there. But after a while you must know what ‘there’ is right? So take the time to reflect on this journey and endpoint daily. It can be a stream of conscious journalling or as simple as jotting down a few bullet points in whatever note-taking app you use.

Soon you can review this and figure out what to add to your own how to achieve flow roadmap. A few moments to contemplate and reflect will go far in guiding your way.

Creating momentum with practice

Initially, it might not be easy to achieve the Flow state, but with constant practice, you can achieve the Flow state. Start with a shorter time frame, and train your mind to stay focused. At first, you may find yourself wandering off to do other tasks, but stay away from temptations and don’t get discouraged.

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, your momentum will soon propel you forward. Each step and each day will be easier and smoother than the one before it. 

Next steps to consider

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Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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What is Creativity & Your 6 Step Roadmap to Radically Boost Yours

What is Creativity & Your 6 Step Roadmap to Radically Boost Yours

Learn to be creative by practicing this skillset in abundance.

Boost Creativity

‘You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have’ – Maya Angelou

Indeed, creativity is at the heart of our humanness. It is the key to solving our personal, professional, and societal problems. As we cultivate the micro habits, we can harvest creative thinking in all aspects of our lives.

What is creativity? – the mystique

Philosophers, scientists, artists, psychologists and mystics have long debated this question. Yet, there isn’t a single cohesive definition agreed upon by or within any expert group. Perhaps the absence of a coherent answer in itself is informative. Definitions inherently limit or set the boundaries on an idea. They are useful in providing us with a construct — something our logical, rationale-dominated left brains can grapple with and understand.

But creativity by its own nature is unlimited. It exists and flourishes in the abstract. This beautiful skill roots itself in the inner workings of the right brain, but even then – neuroscientists know that it is far more complex than simple right-brain domination. It’s about integration and cross-mapping of neural networks. Whether or not it dominates in certain physiological locales, ongoing research in neuroplasticity shows us that the brain is quite capable of reallocating skills to different structures, a sort of localized outsourcing if you will.

The essence of the mystique surrounding creativity and our efforts to understand it also inform us of a second vital facet of it. The answer to “what is creativity” can only be answered through our individual experience of it. And this experience varies from person-to-person, and also within each individual depending on what actions we take.  

The following six steps are a general roadmap to help you answer the question what is creativity for yourself. Remember, skills are built through practice. The journey to becoming more creative is a joyful one. When you take it, you will undoubtedly see that the benefits spill onto every facet of your life. 

How to be more creative: Your 6-Step Roadmap

How To Be More Creative Step #1: Challenge and Change Your Mindset

Many people think creativity is a natural-born talent —  one is either born with or it is simply absent. This is a fallacy. 

The notion that creativity isn’t for all of us is a limitation in thinking, approach, and somewhat ironically a failure of status-quo application of a creative mindset. Your creativity is malleable.

In fact, it’s important to start with the opposite presumption: Creativity is more a skillset than a talent. Sure, people have different raw material starting points – levels of innate ability — but each person must work to develop that baseline with tangible action.

If we step back, the whole concept of creativity revolves around looking at life, ideas, and problems from different angles. It centers around combining what we know with the unlikely to form new solutions. This informs us that it cannot be fixed, but rather reshapes with experience, knowledge, and application.

The second fallacy people often have about creativity is that even if one could develop it, it’s only worthwhile pursuit for artists, writers, musicians, film makers, etc. That, for every one else, especially in more traditional office work jobs, creativity offers a limited utility. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else has ever thought.” – Albert Einstein

Indeed, imagine how much richer your life would be if you thought the unusual instead of the ordinary? Perhaps you might be inspired to start a side business solving a need no one else is addressing. Or you may find yourself finding a hidden passion that lights your inner fire, and becomes a new avenue for meaning and purpose in your life. Even more likely — you’ll get better at your job, become the go-to person for brainstorming, or just be more joyful in your interpersonal dealings. There is no cap on the applications of creativity.

How To Be More Creative Step #2 – Commit to One Creative Exercise Daily

Your daily creative activity can come in many forms. You can start with something as simple as creating a mind map or a “brain tree” for a problem you are trying to solve.

When you force your brain to start thinking of alternate solutions, new ideas will emerge. 

The connection between previously unlinked neurons becomes stronger as you exercise creativity. Soon you’ll be able to apply creative or “outside of the box” thinking in your daily life. 

How To Be More Creative Step #3: Stay Curious but Make Deep Connections

Be ready to step outside your bubble. Look up the answer to a question on Quora, read a synopsis on Wikipedia, or watch a Youtube video about something you normally wouldn’t. But don’t go down the internet rabbit hole.

Limit your intake to an overview or restrict yourself with time boundaries. There are two important reasons for this. First, over-consumption of information, facilitated by nonstop internet access, has led us to cognitive overload. Quite literally, we are at maximum capacity for processing. Second, for creativity to truly spark, you need to connect that new information with what you already know.

Think about this information like a meal. Once the initial absorption of nutrients occurs, there are still several more steps that must take place. These include digestion, metabolism, and excretion. Similarly, you want to make sure you contemplate and rehearse the new information in order to digest and metabolize it into other useful components.

If you skip these key middle steps, your brain will engage in neural pruning or simply discarding the information as non-useful.


How to be Creative Step #4: Encourage Your Use of Color, Drawings, and Lists

This might sound like something apropos for an academic setting, but nontraditional for a workplace. That might be so, but you’ll never look back once you start doing it.

There are two reasons for this. First, your brain loves patterns. Your left brain will be quickly able to categorize what you’re working on when you make lists or use different color palettes to organize or symbolize information.

By doing this, you also free up your mental resources for abstract thinking. The result is unconventional. 

Second, drawing [even a rudimentary doodle] allows your brain to capture information without strict constructs. It facilitates the nonlinear processes preferred by the right brain. 

The simultaneous assimilation of information by both brain hemispheres will lead to much more powerful understanding. When you understand concepts better, you can apply them with ease and novelty.


How to be Creative Step #5: Capture Your Ideas in a Central Place

Having your own idea database is radically effective at boosting creativity. What I suggest to my clients is two-fold. First, allow yourself to engage in a stream of conscious writing. This is most effective when you actually write versus type, for example, in a notebook or journal. The physical act of writing is beneficial for learning and it’s also therapeutic.

Second, take the time to review the stream-of-consciousness work periodically. Don’t judge or “edit” it for grammar or structure — in fact, doing so would be more detrimental than constructive. Instead, review it for a few key points. Then add these key points to your central electronic repository. You can use One Note, Evernote, the Notes App — whatever you like.

The essence is you are capturing your best ideas in a central place going forward, while also giving your brain the freedom to be nonsensical when first contemplating something new. 

How to be Creative Step #6: Challenge Yourself Continually

Challenge yourself with new projects and pursuits. A host of recent clinical studies on aging and dementia show us that is a great way to keep our brains plastic, robust, and healthy. It’s also highly effective as a natural anti-anxiety tool. Both of these contribute to how we can use our cognitive faculties. 

By engaging in new pursuits, especially ones that feel uncomfortable at first, you are teaching your brain to be resourceful.

It has to recruit cells and create new neural networks to get you passed that initial discomfort. In the meantime, new dopaminergic pathways are activated to motivate you to keep going. This is a much better use of dopamine than the quick highs we get from social media or binge TV. Soon the activity actually becomes pleasurable, and you’re swimming in natural endorphins. 

Now, your brain is not only working in new ways, it’s also creating natural stress-relief. When you’re in these restful states, creativity is bound to happen. You may find yourself even entering flow state. In flow, you’re in the zone and “zenned” out at the same time.

This is a peak brain state where any endeavor becomes easier. You’re more likely to solve a difficult problem or come up with a novel idea when simultaneously engaged and relaxed. Genius thinkers in the past have often attributed going deep into unrelated hobbies to find the solutions they were searching for to begin with in their primary work. 



As you boost your creative skillset, you’ll be able to see hidden patterns and make extraordinary connections. The result is new thoughts, ideas, and paradigms — ones you’ve never noticed before, and perhaps ones that maybe no one else has seen. You can continue to develop the best ones into a physical model — a tangible medium. 

Creativity is undoubtedly a skill of the future. As advances in machines and robotics start replacing some of the human workforce, HR departments are already touting right brain thinkers as key to the next generation workforce.

As we see above, creativity is prime for development. Just stay fluid, question your own assumptions, and experiment in low-risk ways with the unknown. Then follow this six-step roadmap to develop your own creativity into a full set of skills. Just remember to practice. That right there is the key: your implementation — your action. Once you get going, the benefits will be self-evident. 


Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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