The Negative Impact of Multitasking

The Negative Impact of Multitasking

Beyond productivity: Unveiling the Real Effects of Multitasking in Modern Life

Multitasking has become a buzzword in today’s fast-paced world, with many of us believing that doing multiple things at once is a skill to be proud of. However, the reality is that multitasking can have detrimental effects on our cognitive abilities, memory, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will delve into what multitasking truly means and explore the negative consequences it can have on our brains and bodies. Brace yourself for some eye-opening insights into the hidden dangers of multitasking.

Unveiling the Negative Impact of Multitasking<br />

It is the act of performing multiple tasks simultaneously or switching between tasks rapidly. It involves dividing attention and focus among different activities. In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking has become a common practice as individuals try to juggle multiple responsibilities and deadlines.

There are various ways in which multitasking is commonly practiced. Some examples include answering emails while participating in a meeting, texting while driving, or working on multiple projects simultaneously. Multitasking often involves dividing attention between tasks that require different cognitive skills or mental resources.

While multitasking may seem like an effective way to maximize productivity, research has shown that it can actually have negative effects. Multitasking can reduce overall productivity and efficiency as switching between tasks requires time and mental effort. It can lead to errors and lower quality output as attention is divided, and tasks may not receive the necessary focus and attention.

Multitasking can also negatively impact decision-making abilities. When attention is divided between multiple tasks, it becomes harder to make well-informed and thoughtful decisions. This can result in impulsive or less informed choices, leading to suboptimal outcomes.

Furthermore, multitasking can inhibit creative thinking and problem-solving skills. When attention is divided, it becomes harder to think deeply and generate innovative ideas. Multitasking can limit the brain’s ability to engage in focused thinking and reflection, hindering the creative process.

While multitasking may seem like an efficient way to accomplish more in less time, it can have negative effects on productivity, decision-making, and creative thinking. It is important to consider the detrimental impacts of multitasking and find strategies to prioritize tasks and focus on one task at a time for optimal performance.

Different Ways In Which Multitasking Is Commonly Practiced

Multitasking is a common practice in today’s fast-paced society, where people often find themselves juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously. There are several ways in which multitasking is commonly practiced:

  • Switching between tasks: This involves rapidly shifting attention from one task to another, often without completing any one task fully. For example, a person may start working on an email, then switch to a phone call, and then switch to a different project, constantly moving between different activities.
  • Task overlapping: This occurs when one task is started before another task is completed. For instance, a person may start writing an article while attending a virtual meeting, trying to work on both tasks at the same time.
  • Task interleaving: This involves working on different tasks simultaneously, but in a sequential manner. For example, a person may spend a few minutes on one task, then switch to another task for a few minutes, and continue alternating between tasks.

While multitasking may seem like an effective way to get more done in less time, research has shown that it can actually have negative effects on productivity and efficiency. It can lead to reduced focus, increased errors, and a decrease in overall performance. Additionally, multitasking can impair decision-making abilities and inhibit creative thinking and problem-solving skills. It is important to recognize the limitations of multitasking and prioritize tasks in order to work efficiently and effectively.

The Negative Impact of Multitasking On Productivity and Efficiency

Multitasking, the act of performing multiple tasks simultaneously, is often seen as a valuable skill in today’s fast-paced world. However, the reality is that there are negative effects of multitasking that can have an impact on productivity and efficiency.

When we multitask, our attention becomes divided among various tasks, which leads to decreased focus and concentration. As a result, each task takes longer to complete, and our overall productivity suffers. Switching between tasks also incurs a “switching cost,” as it takes time for our brains to refocus and get back into the flow of a task.

Additionally, multitasking can lead to more errors and mistakes. When our attention is split between multiple tasks, it becomes easier to overlook important details or make hasty decisions. This can result in lower quality work and the need for time-consuming rework or corrections.

Furthermore, multitasking can contribute to increased stress levels. Trying to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously can lead to feelings of overwhelm and a constant sense of urgency. This can negatively impact our mental well-being and overall job satisfaction.

To illustrate the negative impact of multitasking on productivity and efficiency, consider the following points:

  • When we multitask, it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to regain our full focus on a task after being interrupted.
  • Studies have shown that frequent multitaskers have decreased cognitive control and struggle with filtering out irrelevant information.
  • Multitasking can decrease our ability to retain information and negatively impact our long-term memory.

Multitasking may seem like an efficient way to tackle multiple tasks, the reality is that it often leads to decreased productivity, more errors, and increased stress. Developing strategies to minimize multitasking and focus on one task at a time can greatly enhance our efficiency and overall job performance.


The Negative Impact of Multitasking on Decision-making Abilities

Multitasking, the act of performing multiple tasks simultaneously, has become a common practice in our fast-paced world. However, it is important to recognize the negative effects that multitasking can have on decision-making abilities.

When we try to do multiple tasks at once, our attention becomes divided, and we are unable to fully focus on each task. As a result, our ability to make thoughtful and well-informed decisions is compromised. We may make impulsive or hasty decisions without fully considering all the available information. This can lead to mistakes, poor judgment, and missed opportunities.

Furthermore, multitasking can cause information overload and cognitive overload, making it difficult to process and retain information effectively. It becomes challenging to weigh the pros and cons of a decision, analyze complex situations, and think critically. Our cognitive resources are stretched thin, preventing us from making sound decisions.

Here are some negative effects of multitasking on decision-making abilities:

  • Reduced attention and focus: Multitasking diverts our attention from important details, leading to oversight and mistakes in decision-making.
  • Increased errors: Attempting to juggle multiple tasks increases the likelihood of errors and oversights in decision-making.
  • Impaired analysis: Multitasking limits our ability to thoroughly analyze information and consider all relevant factors before making decisions.
  • Decreased creativity: Multitasking inhibits the creative thinking necessary for innovative and out-of-the-box decision-making.
  • Poor judgment: Divided attention and cognitive overload can impair our ability to make informed and strategic decisions.

To enhance decision-making abilities, it is crucial to prioritize tasks, eliminate distractions, and focus on one task at a time. Giving each task your complete attention allows for better analysis, critical thinking, and ultimately, more effective decision-making.

Key Takeaways:

In conclusion, multitasking may seem like an efficient way to handle multiple tasks, but it actually has negative consequences. It reduces productivity, leads to errors, impairs decision-making, and inhibits creativity. Prioritizing tasks and focusing on one task at a time is essential for optimal performance. By minimizing multitasking, we can improve productivity, make better decisions, and foster creativity. It’s important to recognize the limitations of multitasking and embrace a more focused approach to work and life. This will help us unlock our true potential and achieve greater success.

Action Steps To Cultivate

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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How To Develop A Growth Mindset

How To Develop A Growth Mindset

How a growth mindset can help you achieve your goals.

How To Develop Growth Mindset

“Individuals who believe their talents can be developed have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve more than those with a more fixed mindset” – Carol Dweck

A growth mindset is a term used in psychology to describe a person’s belief that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

The following is a definition of growth mindset according to Carol Dweck, a researcher in the field of mindset: “A growth mindset is the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. With a growth mindset, you believe that your intelligence and talents can be developed. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment” (Dweck, 2006). A growth mindset is all about embracing challenge and effort, instead of avoiding them or giving up when things get tough. People with a growth mindset don’t shy away from hard work – they see it as an opportunity to improve their skills and become smarter and more talented.

What is a growth mindset?

In order to achieve success in any area of life, it’s essential to have a growth mindset. But what exactly is a growth mindset? A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence can be developed. It’s a view of intelligence that sees it as something that can be improved with effort and practice. People with a growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. They’re more likely to take risks and challenge themselves. People with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, believe that intelligence is set in stone. They see failure as a sign of personal inadequacy.

This way of thinking leads to increased motivation, because individuals feel like they are in control of their own success. People with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, believe that their talents and abilities are predetermined and unchangeable. This can lead to decreased motivation, because individuals feel like they have no control over their success.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. –W. Churchill

These wise words by Churchill unfold what the growth mindset is all about: seeing opportunities instead of obstacles.

That means seeing failure as a chance to develop your abilities further.

Power of a growth mindset

Most people are familiar with the concept of a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset, but don’t fully understand the implications of each. A fixed mindset is the belief that your abilities and traits are set in stone – you are either good at something or you’re not. A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that your abilities and traits can be developed over time through effort and perseverance.

The power of a growth mindset lies in its ability to help you overcome obstacles and achieve success. People with a fixed mindset tend to give up more easily when they encounter difficulties, because they believe that they don’t have the ability to improve. People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, view obstacles as challenges to be overcome. They are more likely to persevere in the face of adversity and ultimately achieve their goals.

How do I develop a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed. This is in contrast to a fixed mindset, which is the belief that intelligence and abilities are predetermined and cannot be changed.

In order to develop a growth mindset, it is important to understand the process that is involved. There are three main steps in the growth mindset process: recognizing your current mindset, developing a new mindset, and practicing the new mindset.

Step #1 Accept that your thinking needs adjusting.

We live in a skillset-driven society that emphasizes learning new skills and improving the ones we’re weakest at. This often fosters the belief that we need more education in order to achieve our goals. Some people go back to school, others take seminars and workshops or read books, always looking for that silver bullet skill set that will make everything fall into place.

Steps on how to develop a growth mindset

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not downplaying the value of skill sets; but more often, it’s our mindsets that need adjustment. The good news is, it’s a lot less expensive and much faster to change your mindsets than to go learn a new skill. So step one is simply to acknowledge that you’re going to work on your mindsets first.

Step #2 Develop a new mindset.

This involves adopting new beliefs about yourself and your abilities. These beliefs should be based on evidence and supported by your experiences. It is important to be realistic in setting your goals and expectations for yourself.

Step #3 Practicing the new mindset.

This involves putting the new beliefs into action and testing them out in different situations. It is like you are living the growth mindset on a daily basis. Put in mind that you have to embrace changes and challenges. Despite failures, you still have to persevere. These actions are only a few signs that you have a growth mindset. 

What are the benefits of having a growth mindset?

One of the key benefits of having a growth mindset is that it allows people to learn from their mistakes. People with a growth mindset know that they can always improve and grow, no matter how successful they are. This makes them more open to learning new things and trying new things, which helps them become better at what they do.

Benefits of having a growth mindset

People with a growth mindset also tend to be more creative and innovative. They are not afraid to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. This can help them solve problems in ways that others have not thought of before.

Lastly, people with a growth mindset tend to be more motivated and persevering. They know that success does not happen overnight, and they are willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve their goals.

What are the negative effects of having a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset can have a negative effect on individuals in many different ways. For one, people with a fixed mindset often give up easily when they encounter setbacks. They believe that they are not good at tasks or activities and, as a result, they do not try very hard or persist when things get difficult. This can lead to a lot of frustration and unhappiness because people will not be able to accomplish anything if they do not try. Additionally, people with a fixed mindset tend to be very judgmental of themselves and others. They are always looking for mistakes and flaws in their own performance as well as the performance of others. This can cause a lot of tension and conflict in relationships. Lastly, people with a fixed mindset tend to be inflexible and closed-minded.

Key takeaways on developing a growth mindset

Having a growth mindset can have many benefits in all aspects of your life. It is important to start developing a growth mindset at an early age in order to see the greatest benefits.

In a world where everything is fast-paced, having a growth mindset is vital to our career. People need to continuously learn to be competitive enough. According to a report by McKinsey, up to 375 million workers worldwide will need to change roles or learn new skills by 2030. Research shows that your mindset predicts achievement. 

It’s not how good you are but how good you want to be that matters

Next steps to consider

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Genius knows no bounds and comes in various forms, and our program is designed to help you tap into your individual brilliance by fostering learning, knowledge, and profound personal evolution. Discover the incredible journey that awaits you by exploring our programs.

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5 Keys to Joyfully Conquer Your Goals in 2022

5 Keys to Joyfully Conquer Your Goals in 2022

Conquer your goals in 2022 and mindfully master your headspace by following these easy-to-implement steps. 

Conquer Your Goals

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

Take a deep breath and instill this maxim in your core. The stress of this pandemic-filled few years has just compounded the chronic stress most people  were already under. So to make 2022 something different — promising, exciting, successful — begin by changing the one thing you can control: the fabric of your mental landscape.

Conquer your goals – but first your mental landscape

Various philosophical and spiritual frameworks — stoicism, jainism, buddhism, gnosticism, and others — instruct us to ignore what is outside of our control, and focus fully on where our power lies. This is the whole of the fabric our minds. 

Your mind isn’t just what you knowingly think, decide, and do. It’s all the deep, often unknown to you, activity happening behind-the-scenes. This is the purview of your subconscious, and this above all else predicates the majority of your mental activity. 

This subconscious domain is comprised of your beliefs (many downloaded from society, environment, and family) and core values (again, many are inherited). These give rise to the background “noise” in your head that doesn’t often agree with the conscious “you.” The thoughts floating around when you’re not paying attention, the moods you feel without cause or reason, and the decisions you make in a split-second. 

When you start paying attention to all of this, you can begin to declutter and slowly, methodically realign the “noise” to be harmonious — like a symphony of support. When the stoics and zen teachers say take charge of what’s inside you, this is what they mean. Go deep —  to these levels of subconscious. Once the subconscious is on the same page as “you” (the person you identify with/ want to be), then you’ll enter states of power strong enough to influence the world around you. 

Think about that again. By readjusting your focus onto the one area where your power actually resides now (in reorganizing the fabric of your internal landscape), you will grow your power in your life and the world. 

Now if that sounds good, keep reading for the five shifts to make to mindfully master your headspace, conquer your goals in 2022, and become your most powerful self yet. 

Five Shifts to Conquer your goals in 2022

Step #1 – Critically Inventory Your Internet Intake and Minimize These 3 Categories:

How you use the internet — what you read, watch, engage in, and what communities are influencing you — are going to shape your subconscious. Everything you take in are sets of sensory inputs designed, often intentionally, to hijack your emotional responses. They mesh together to form that ever-present internal landscape — either the noise or symphony in your head. 

Unfortunately, the online world where we ‘live’ much of our lives is more conducive to cacophony and discord. Because platforms and websites derive their income from keeping you on longer, they are engineered to specifically induce specific feelings, and thereby not only affect subconscious but also dangerously alter your physiological biochemistry. 

So there’s a lot at stake. It’s not just harmless internet surfing. Be skilled in your inventory. What sites / how are you spending your online time? Figure out which ones fall into these three buckets and reduce and eliminate: 

(1) Junk info clickbait  – designed to trigger a quick dopamine hit for supposed novelty/newness – usually very unsatisfying, little novelty is delivered.  

(2) Anger/outrage scenarios –  be wary of group think (even if it feels justified); will send cortisol flying off the charts putting you into an acute stress state. This is for stuff you can’t control (hello stoics) and will make you despair for humanity (not helpful). 

(3) Envy inducers – stealth serotonin stealing – usually related to people you don’t know or never see. Why give them real-estate in your head? Impacts your confidence, self-worth, long-term wellbeing, and much of it is fabricated/ staged/ altered. 

Be ruthless in your assessment. Identify your sources for the above and cut them out. They will marginalize you into powerlessness and invade your headspace like invisible puppet masters. 

If you’re wondering how this helps you conquer your goals — you can’t focus on what you want to achieve, let alone take action steps to get there, if you’re in a haze of discord and noise. That’s why you prune out the unhelpful first. 

Your Goals in 2022

Step #2 to Conquer Your Goals: Get Quiet — Marie Kondo mental clutter

Ever since Marie Kondo swept the world with her material minimalism how-to a few years ago, many of us became conscious of what we own, buy, and consume from a “stuff” standpoint. The growing climate crisis is an even greater impetus for conscientious buying and minimalism.

But we are nowhere near as conscientious with our mental clutter. We just let it float around in our heads all day, doing whatever it wants, without cleaning it up. It’s like taking a mental bath in dirt. The residue of the dirt/ clutter is going to stick to all your other mental activities. 

This makes you slower, exhausted, ineffective. 

Get observant, and be okay in quiet. Your head shouldn’t be a hamster wheel of thoughts. 

Marie Kondo’s method for material clutter is simple — 1) Do you use it? 2) Does it bring you joy? We can replicate this with our mental clutter. 

Anytime an unbidden, especially negative thought pops up, ask yourself those questions. If the answer isn’t yes, then make a point to throw it away. 

Step #3 to Conquer Your Goals: Get Intentionally Specific

Check out our Five Step Goal Map here that will help you with all the levels of specificity and detail you need. 

On a macro level, think about it like this — if you don’t know your destination, how do you know when you get there? We plug in physical locations into google maps every day. Why? So we know when to turn, what to pass, and what the destination is. Yet, we don’t practice this our goals. They’re just fluffy and fuzzy, and “I’ll know it when I see it,” ambiguous blobs. 

It’s hard to achieve an ambiguous blob though, right? You need to know what your endgame is in order to know when you got there. What does “it” look like? Turn the “it” into the future you that’s achieving it. What do you look, feel, think like when you achieve it? 

Go through a sensory exercise of yourself there, look around you, look inside you. Boom — now you really know what you want and what it feels like. This has a double boost affect by influencing your subconscious positively (the antithesis of all that low-value internet intake). Remember, this behind-the-scenes mind pays attention to everything. It’s paying attention to this sensory picture of you achieving your goal that you just created. Now it can support you.

Step #4 – Start Simple and Small (Rule of Three) or Risk Overwhelm and Stalemate

Conquer Your Goals this Year

I recommend the Rule of Three: 

Set  goals for yourself for the next 3 months (a year can feel too expansive and you’ll imagine you have plenty of time, but 3 months is concrete).

This major step is going to free you to take action. This will get you out of the planning stage and into the creating momentum stage. It will also stop the overwhelm in its tracks so you’re not in self-induced checkmate. 

Step #5 to Conquer Your Goals in 2022 – Concrete Action Wins the Day 

The path to your goals is a day-by-day journey. Take action every single day. In a clean notebook, write down your 3 goals for the next 3 months. Use simple language; be positive and clear. 

Now each day, take one small step to help you achieve each one. So our Rule of 3, just got a third. 

3 goals for 3 months with 3 daily concrete action steps (one per goal). 

Now these action steps will change as you make progress so the best (most fluid way) to do this is to review your goals each evening and jot down the 3 steps (again one per goal) you will take the next day. 

(a) Each step should have a reasonable time commitment (short and simple is usually a winner, but depends on the goal and how it relates to your life). I recommend 15 minutes max at first especially if you’re building a new habit. 

(b) Make sure you phrase your action step in a fun way: “I get to listen to my favorite playlist as I run for 15 minutes tomorrow.” This primes you with the helpful emotions and mindset. 

(c) Check off, star, “good job” yourself for the day before in writing. It’s important to acknowledge mini victories. This will only take a minute. One sentence or less to celebrate yesterday, just like one sentence to plan for tomorrow. 

That’s it — your 3 x 3 x 3 Rule Roadmap! 

Your takeaways on keys to conquer your goals in 2022

#1 – Mindfully inventory your intakes and subconscious noise to master your mental landscape (a la all the great philosophies above)  

Remember this is what you can actually control. Before you can focus on what’s going to come next, you must take stock of what’s flying into your head (especially from the internet) and floating around in your subconscious all day. Otherwise it’ll drain you, demoralize you, and defeat you with chaos before you can even get started. 

#2 – Get clear and take daily concrete action 

You need to get out of planning mode and into execution mode. To do that, you need absolute clarity. You need to paint the sensory picture. You also need to take daily action steps. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to fool yourself into thinking you’re acting towards your goals, when you’re really just thinking (i.e. planning) them endlessly. 

Conquer your goals by Creating momentum with practice

Remember, these are all easy-to-implement steps to conquer your goals in 2022 when you actually implement them. 

The problem with a lot of us these days is that we are information collectors, but we don’t take action. We find something (perhaps this article) that inspires us and guides us on what to do, but we don’t follow through. Instead, we just keep collecting more information because it feeds the dopamine. 

But this year, if you find something promising — don’t search for more — first, put it into action. Take the time to do your internet inventory. Write it down. If you try to hold it in your head, it’ll just add more clutter. Prune out what doesn’t work. Be clear about what you want. Write down your 3 x 3 x 3.

That’s your path to crushing it and succeeding! And while the effort is a must, you don’t have to think about the “how” — this is is your guide to that part. If you follow this, you’ll definitely realize your dreams instead of just dreaming them in the abstract. 

Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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How to be Successful – Develop 3 Key Executive Skills

How to be Successful – Develop 3 Key Executive Skills

The 3C’s have worked to skyrocket professionals in all fields to the top. 


Great executives that run a sustainable, scalable and profitable operation share a number of common skills that support their success. Three of the most prized toolkits are what I call the 3C’s of Executive Success – Clarity of Vision, Arrow-like Concentration, and Cognitive Flexibility.

Focus on mastering this trifecta, and you’ll catalyze your growth. 

Consider this – you might be a charming salesman at a Fortune 500, or the genius idea guy at your startup, or the woman with unparalleled technical expertise — but your existing attributes will only take you so far. 

Why? Because truly successful people — at the top of their fields — have to do a bunch of things at once. They need to inspire and they need to execute. They need to see the big picture and understand how the pieces fit together in everyday operation.

You must wear the roles of many, taking them on and off as the particulars require. And all this must be happening in your head, lightening fast, in order to perform with expertise and ease. 

That’s where the 3C’s come in to guide your growth and mastery. Cultivating the 3C’s will not only help you get to the top, but they will help you fulfill the role with grace once you get there. 

How to be successful — your 3c roadmap

While there are several traits that round out any leadership success story, these three C’s really do much of the heavy lifting. The reason is simple: other skills will help you get, but in the absence of these, you’ll end up in a survival state — burned out, lacking in internal resources, scrambling — instead of thriving.

Eventually that catches up and you can’t sustain an upward trajectory. In fact, this is how most people flat line in their careers.  

How to be Successful #1 – Get Your Clarity 

An executive leading a high-performing team must-have clarity of vision.

Clarity is about knowing your: (1) Purpose – the why?; (2) Plan – the how?; and (3) Projection – the what? 

(1) Your Purpose is two-fold. First, find and refine the big picture purpose you have. You can explore our 5-step clarity roadmap to help you do that. Then get specific about the purpose of the task or challenge at hand, and how that feeds into the big picture. Do this with all your undertakings to practice the method, and turn it into a habit.

(2) Your Plan is about taking the purpose and transforming it into a step-by-step guide. Of course, you’ll have to amend it as problems arise, but the more detail you put into what this plan looks like, the more likely you won’t get exhausted, lose yourself in a fruitless rabbit hole, or lose sight of what’s next.

(3) Your Projection is the endgame. Be confident you know what it looks like or you won’t know when you’ve reached it. This might be obvious for a client deliverable, but it’s harder when it comes to more complex goals. Even when it comes to your personal life, projections are key.

While clarity of purpose tells you why something matters, clarity of plan gives your team a working roadmap. The projection outlines the endgame.

It’s essential to have clarity of vision for your own goals and especially as a leader of others. Don’t just manage people, keep them motivated, inspired, accountable and excited.

How to be Successful #2 – Harness Concentration Like an Arrow

To give attention to a task at hand and ignore distractions is perhaps the most valuable skill for any professional, and imperative for a leader.

In this fast-paced, tech-fueled world, we are constantly interrupted and distracted. The brain is overstimulated and cognition is fractured each time. A lot of energy and time is wasted getting back on track so start developing your concentration skills now. Don’t wait until you have even more responsibility.


We can borrow here from sports psychologists, Kremer and Moran, who highlight the five principles of effective concentration:


  • Concentration is a deliberate choice that requires mental effort. Don’t force it, but choose it. 
  • You can only focus on one thing at a time (despite all the multitasking myths). 
  • Form a mind-body connection. Even if you’re sitting at a desk and typing, close your eyes. Visualize what you want to achieve. Imagine your head and fingers coordinating to get you there. 
  • Forget everything else but the task at hand. Jot down other thoughts or to-do’s but don’t let them compete for attention. 
  • During moments of anxiety, redirect your focus to a physical act like breathing or walking for a few minutes. 

How to be Successful #3 – Practice Cognitive Flexibility

This is definitely the hardest of the three C’s. Cognitive flexibility is your ability to perceive, think, problem-solve, take action, and engage with others in new and nontraditional ways. It’s a nonlinearity inside your head.

Part of the reason why it’s difficult is because it’s so abstract. What does it mean to do something non-traditionally? How can you think creatively instead of using only direct logic?

Well you get good at it, the more you practice it. A few recommendations:

(1) Be flexible often. If you always do things a certain way, take steps to try new ways. Get a little uncomfortable. You won’t know what you won’t know until you know it. 

(2) Use other industries for inspiration: look at someone in a whole different field and imagine how they might solve your problem.

(3) Don’t isolate yourself in belief bubbles. This is the antithesis of making new neural connections, which require as a prerequisite that you learn new things. If you’re in an echo chamber, you’ll own cement what’s already there. This doesn’t bode well for success because eventually you will come across an obstacle that needs out-of-the-box thinking. Additionally, you’ll narrow the pool of people you can learn and engage with to those that already think like you.


Hopefully, it’s clear why cultivating the 3C Executive Skills will accelerate your professional growth and help you lead with ease once you’re at the top. As this becomes part of your mental toolkit, you’ll find that the benefits expand into your personal life as well. Imagine how much faster you would achieve your life goals with the 3C’s skills embedded into the way your brain works. Just practice!

Remember, implementation is the key to making it all work. Your action creates momentum and once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. 


Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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What Are Soft Skills – Accelerate Your Career by Developing These

What Are Soft Skills – Accelerate Your Career by Developing These

Soft skills will leapfrog you ahead of the flock and offer a wide range of benefits that extend beyond the professional realm. 


Your technical or hard skills might get you noticed — whether it’s a new job, a business deal, or backing for your own venture — but it’s the “soft skills” that make you standout and leapfrog your opportunities.

They are the attributes that make you an irreplaceable asset to every organization and individual.  

And for years, soft skills were either entirely overlooked or grouped into the non-integral “nice-to-have” category – across many industries. Technical fields like scientific research or software development particularly relegated these to the back burner. But in the modern workforce, that viewpoint has changed. In fact, soft skills are often what get you ahead of your competition and actually secure the deal (employment, partnership, venture, whatever). Then they accelerate your upward trajectory.   

Consider, a recent survey by Indeed, which asked 1000 hiring managers to rate the key skills possessed by their top performers. The top of the list attributes were:

(1) Problem-Solving; (2) Effective Communication (3) Self-Direction; (4) Drive/Motivation; (5) Adaptability 

All of these fall into the soft skills bucket. So exactly what are soft skills? Let’s break that down. 

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are all the non-technical skills that are imperative in driving your own performance and your success in dealings with others. I like to break it down into two broad arms. 

(a) Your self-driving skills. These include your motivation, ambition, ability to carry out and execute projects to completion, manage your time and resources well, deal with crises or setbacks with grace, and effectively problem-solve. 

(b) Your interpersonal skills. These days, we’re often working in teams, on external client calls, or managing others in our vertical  — all of these require you to engage effectively with others. Whether they are peers, employees, partners or clients, you need to have a plethora of skills in place to collaborate, lead, and influence others well. This usually comes down to your Emotional Intelligence and your Communication. 

We talk about a roadmap for building your Emotional Intelligence (also called EI or EQ) here. 

Communication can be broken down into your ability to actively listen, convey the right message depending on the audience, and incorporate nonverbal strategies such as body language and eye contact. A lot of this involves the striking the right balance of allowing others space to be their best (for example, the best brainstorming occurs in a judgement free climate) and taking a more assertive role to get the job done to the end. 

As you can see, soft skills span a range of critical skills. I’ve never been been a fan of the term “soft” as it implies these are less coveted or essential. But the opposite is true. Not having them will be a deal breaker at some point, while developing them will set you apart from the flock.

Though soft skills are not as easy to methodically cultivate as technical prowess, they are well worth the resource investment. Indeed, the benefits even blossom beyond the professional realm and into your personal life.   

What are the benefits of soft skills?

Investing in learning soft skills has long term benefits. Whether you are negotiating a contract or networking at an event, your retinue of soft skills will influence your interactions and efficacy.

According to a recent study, about 75% of your career success is dependent on your soft skills and only 25% on technical skills.

Here’s just a few of the many benefits of acquiring these most in-demand skills.

#1 – Boost Productivity

This is one of the benefits of having great self-drivers. Category (a) above. Many of us are excellent at starting projects, but to finish them into completion is another story. Execution requires that you are an excellent self-motivator, you have a positive attitude even when setbacks occurs, and that you are next-level when it comes to time management. None of this is easy when projects are complex.

Our dopaminergic system rewards us for starting new challenges, but it doesn’t keep that going for finishing existing ones. Until we train it. This is not straightforward, but the brain is highly adaptable to our habits. We can reshape it. 

#2 – Stronger Leadership

Soft skills create great leaders. Your self-driving skills set the example for those around you. And your interpersonal skills will inspire those under you to improve their own EQ and communication. For instance, if your employees see you listening and incorporating feedback, they will do the same. They will be more apt to take ownership of problems that arise and come up with a viable resolution. 

Your soft skills will set the tone for the culture and morale of your team. 


#3 – Genius Solutions (Extraordinary Problem-Solving)

While problem-solving itself is a soft skill, genius or out-of-the-box solutions for even rote issues are what create breakthroughs in every industry. The more you work on your soft skills, the more cognitive bandwidth you have for creativity. Creativity is all about the unexpected. It relies on integration of right and left brain hemispheres, and it hinges on excellent stress management of the everyday.  

Even being able to recognize risks or potential concerns, and finding a way to implement solutions proactively is the domain of your soft skills. Every organization thrives on those employees who are able to problem-solve in extraordinary ways. 

#4 – Better Teamwork and Efficiency

A high-performing team is one that works as a cohesive unit. This only happens when 1- they see it in action and feel supported from top-down; and 2- when each team member works to cultivate their own soft skillset. This takes more than good communication — or even EQ — it requires each part of the team to go back and execute on their part of the shared objective.

Soft skills are what turn your organization’s vision for tomorrow into reality.

Teams are the backbone of the organization. Think of soft skill development like working on your core strength. When it improves, your whole body (in this case the whole organization) benefits. 

Tips on How to cultivate soft skills

The above are just a few benefits of the many that soft skills offer. Here are a few tips for getting started on cultivating these essentials.

  • Have a learning or growth mindset
    Know that you are never too old to learn something new. Soft skills like resilience, emotional intelligence, and agility will impact your professional and personal life. Growth mindset hinges on learning from setbacks instead of giving up.
  • Align soft skill development with your business goals and work culture
    At organizations with the best employee satisfactions, interpersonal and self-driving skills are valued and their development is something that the organization is keen to invest in — especially for existing or potential leaders.
  • Be open to feedback
    If you are seeking to improve your soft skills, it’s essential to accept constructive feedback. Also, take the time to observe your strengths and identify areas that are ripe for development. Try not to take criticism negatively even if the approach could be better. A key realization is to know you are not static. Incorporate feedback like any data and allow it to feed your ongoing transformation.
  • Do Professional Training, Course, or Coach
    I’m partial to this because I know that a top-notch program will dramatically change your trajectory. Sometimes we think we should figure everything out ourselves, but if there are methods and roadmaps that work, there is no sense in doing things the hard way. Working a system can be life changing and prioritizing self-development is key. Otherwise you’ll always be spending your energy putting out pesky “fires” – essentially you’ll keep doing what you’ve been doing because you won’t have the internal resources or bandwidth to do anything new. Especially for those on a leadership path, training will radically shift your paradigm, perception, and perspective.



Both hard skills and soft skills are important for a successful career. Many professionals frequently engage in continuing education to sharpen their technicals skills and to keep up with trends and new data. We should aim to do the same when it comes to soft-skills rather than viewing our present traits and abilities as fixed. Start devoting a few hours a week to this and the impact will be a game-changer. 

Remember, right there is the key to making it all work. Your implementation — your action. Once you get going, you’ll feel no desire to turn back. You’ll experience value across the board. 

Next steps to consider

We help you learn all of this and more in our groundbreaking neuro-performance programs.

This 12-week transformation profoundly benefits every aspect of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, emotional growth, and beyond. That’s because unlike any other program, we focus on the brain - the root of all change.

Unlocking your full potential is about learning, knowing, and transforming into your highest self. Our trainings help you unleash yours. Explore our programs now. 

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