Understanding the Value of Emotional Intelligence for Your Success

Understanding the Value of Emotional Intelligence for Your Success

Learn How You Can Translate Emotional Intelligence into Success.

Awareness to emotional intelligence

“When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life.”Tara Meyer Robson

In order to be successful, it’s critical for us to develop a high level of emotional intelligence. What does that translate into in real life?

This means being aware of and managing one’s own emotions, as well as being able to understand and respond effectively to the emotions of others. Those with strong emotional intelligence skills are typically better able to manage relationships, communicate effectively, and handle stress. While some people are naturally more emotionally intelligent than others, it is possible for anyone to develop these skills with practice.

Defining emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of and manage one’s own emotions, and the emotions of others. It also refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it’s an inborn characteristic.

It is a relatively new concept, having only been coined in the early 1990s, but it has quickly gained traction as a key predictor of success, both personal and professional. 

Those with high emotional intelligence can navigate through life’s challenges with relative ease and are better equipped to build strong relationships.


In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it’s more important than ever to have a strong emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. It’s about being able to regulate your emotions, respond effectively to emotions in others, and create positive relationships.

There are many benefits that come with having high emotional intelligence. One benefit is that individuals who are emotionally intelligent tend to be more successful in their careers. They’re able to develop a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the people they work with. This allows them to create more productive and efficient teams.

Another benefit of being emotionally intelligent is that it leads to healthier relationships. Individuals who are good at managing their emotions tend to be better communicators. They’re able to understand the feelings of others and respond in a way that leads to positive outcomes.

Effects of Low Emotional Intelligence

People with lower emotional intelligence might find it harder to accurately identify emotions, recognize how other people feel, or express and honor emotional needs.

It’s true that these tendencies could create problems within relationships. Having lower emotional intelligence doesn’t make you a bad person, though. You can work to develop your emotional intelligence by managing your stress and emotions.

Low Emotional Intelligence

5 components of emotional intelligence at work

Emotional intelligence in the workplace can have a lot of benefits aside from a positive work environment.

1. Self Awareness

The ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards. You can use self-awareness at work to appreciate how you are viewed by your colleagues.

Anyone who is dedicated to self-improvement, personal development or the higher goal of spiritual growth needs to actively seek to understand oneself. This is because only when one understands where one lacks, can he or she focus their efforts on what to improve.

Self-awareness is the capacity that a person has to introspect. It includes gaining an understanding of and insight into one’s strengths, qualities, weaknesses, defects, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, ideals, responses, reactions, attitude, emotions and motivations. Thus introspection also includes assessing how one is perceived by others and how others are impacted based on one’s behavior, responses and conduct.

2. Self Regulation

The ability to monitor and manage your energy states, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that are acceptable and produce positive results such as well-being, loving relationships, and learning. Controlling your emotions on the job by adjusting your feelings to keep a professional appearance in front of your colleagues. 

It is how we deal with stressors and as such, lays the foundation for all other activity. Developing this ability requires self-awareness, emotional intelligence, efficient filtering of sensory stimulation,  coping effectively with stress, relating well to others, and sustaining focus.

3. Motivation

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what helps you lose extra weight, for instance, or pushes you to get that promotion at work. In short, motivation causes you to act in a way that gets you closer to your goals.

In everyday usage, the term “motivation” is frequently used to describe why a person does something. It is the driving force behind human actions. Motivation includes the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate human behavior.

4. Empathy

The ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else’s position and feeling what they are feeling. For instance, when a coworker is showing signs of dismay, you can react with empathy to ease a situation that might have become worse.

Empathy leads to:

  • stronger, more meaningful relationships
  • success in the workplace
  • better health and quality of life

90% of top performers in the workplace have high emotional intelligence! The more people can understand their own thoughts, feelings and emotions the more they can understand someone else’s. When we become better listeners, we become better people.

5. Social Skills

Social skills is a very broad term, but it is also used quite specifically in the context of Emotional Intelligence. 

In emotional intelligence the term “social skills” refers to the skills needed to handle and influence other people’s emotions effectively. 

This may sound like manipulation, but it can actually be as simple as understanding that smiling at people makes them smile back, and can therefore make them feel much more positive. 

How to improve your emotional intelligence

If you’re looking to improve your emotional intelligence, there are a few things you can do. First, try to be more aware of your own emotions. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and why. This will help you better understand yourself and manage your emotions more effectively.

Second, try to be more aware of the emotions of others. Pay attention to the cues they’re giving off and try to understand how they’re feeling. This will help you better interact with them and build stronger relationships.

Finally, seek a professional in managing your emotions. There are tons of webinars for you to choose from. You can start free with it by signing up for a master workshop on neuro-performance which also includes tips on training the mind to banish burnout for good.

Key takeaways on emotional intelligence

In conclusion, emotional intelligence is a critical life skill that everyone should work to develop. It can help you in your personal life by making you more self-aware and therefore able to manage your emotions better. It can also help you in your professional life, as it can make you better at managing difficult conversations, handling conflict, and networking. If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, there are many resources available to help you, including books, articles, and courses.

Awareness of our emotions – cognitive, behavioral, and biological responses to the situations and environment in which we find ourselves – provides a great deal of self-knowledge and valuable input into the goals we set and how to work toward them.

Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

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Stop Giving Up On Your Goals – Use this Powerful Floor & Ceiling Method

Stop Giving Up On Your Goals – Use this Powerful Floor & Ceiling Method

Giving up on our goals chips away our confidence, stalls personal & professional growth, and blocks forward momentum. Read on for a potent plan to make continual progress and ensure you don’t slide back. 

How to Achieve Your Goals

“No matter how hard you try, you can’t fall off the floor.”

The cost of giving up our goals is high. It affects everything from our future potential to our present mental health. There’s also a high energy and time cost. You can learn to stop giving up by adopting what I call the “Floor and Ceiling Method” for key parts of daily behavior related to your goals.

Done well, and implemented right, crafting your Floor and Ceiling will help propel you forward while preventing those tricky slips and slides down the mountain of progress back to the beginning. It also helps you slowly and gently raise your outcome bar progressively, if that’s something you desire (sometimes more isn’t ideal). You can make progress/aim for better or more without putting extra pressure on yourself.

What this is then is both your framework to move forward as well as your safety net to prevent adding stress to the journey. A low-stress journey usually helps reversion back to the old status quo, while protecting your mental and physical wellbeing in the process.

The four attributes of goal progress: 

(1) Clarity (and specificity) — You can read more about how to get essential goal clarity here:

(2) Strong desire & and intention (bordering on obsession) — You really have to want it, you need to know why it matters, and visualize what it looks like.

(3) Action Plan – Your overall action plan isn’t the topic of discussion here, and we’ll have another article that gets into how to craft a goal action plan. But I’ll give you a quick synopsis of what works very well:

Take the big goal and break it down to a sub-goal achievable in 3 months. This is pretty much how far the brain can realistically process working towards something. Beyond this we start getting into abstraction, which means it feels so big (too big) that you’ll push it off and never actually make progress.

So now you have your realistic 3-month goal. Next, break that down into a Month 1 milestone. Milestone = a result you can measure or quantify, and the general gist of actions (just bullet a few points) it would take to hit that target. Repeat this for Month 2 & Month 3.

Now, we only focus on the Month 1 Milestone. Create mini-milestones for each week. [Remember, a milestone (or here a mini-milestone) has two attributes: (a) quantifiable measurement; (b) list of general actions (few bullet points) to get there.] By the end of this, you’ll have a general roadmap for the actions you need to take to hit your target each week and check off all 4 mini milestones.

Tip: don’t over plan-.Do mini-milestones for only Month 1. Get specific about the list of actions for Week 1 as that’s right in front of you. Don’t get overly detailed about Week 2-4 actions right now because you’ll need to stay fluid and adaptable, incorporating what you learn/process and the insights you gleam as you go.

Finally, break into 1-2 concrete daily priorities and as many subtasks as needed. That all depends on the complexity of the goal. For instance, if it’s a main part of your business or sales plan, you’ll need more subtasks. If it’s a personal development goal, hobby, or healthy habit, it won’t require the same type of subtasks.

Tip: the subtasks are easy to turn into Pomodoro sessions.

Now here and in #4 is where our configuration of our floor-and-ceiling will come into play. We’ll get into this below.

(4) Consistency. This is also where floor-to-ceiling system is a goal-saver / game-changer.

So, as you can see we’ll hone in with particular focus on #3 and #4 as the lack of a *REALISTIC* Action Plan and Consistency with Implementation are the main reasons people stop forward progress on goals and even slide backwards into undesirable behavior. Learning floor-to-ceiling is going to help you change all that.

Read on to understand, design, and implement this impenetrable method that is going to ensure you learn how to stop giving up and falling off your goals!

Stop Giving Up Goals with the Powerful Floor-to-Ceiling Method

What is the Floor-and-Ceiling Method?

This is both a mindset and a logistics plan to support your daily progress forward and especially prevent (a) stagnation, (b) giving up, (c) and the dreaded slippery slope down to reactionary or negative habits

Tip: even if this goal doesn’t involve correcting a negative habit, one can manifest because the Emotional guilt from not going forward / giving up often loops into a new reactionary/numbing coping mechanism because you feel bad about yourself and want to escape. Obviously, this is the last thing we want when aspirational goal setting (which is all about improving status quo) but often what happens without good floor-and-ceiling. This is also why after a few cycles of this loop, folks give up entirely and revert back to their old comfort zone.

#1 – Stop Giving Up Your Goals: The Floor is Your Daily Baseline (Your M.E.D.)

Simply put, M.E.D. stands for “Minimum Effective Dose.” What is the Minimum Effective Dose of a habit, practice, or task that you need to do to have an impactful effect?

In pharmacotherapy, we have a range for therapeutic efficacy of a medicine. What’s the lowest needed in the blood or at the site of action to create the intended action?

This is similar to that. But here your M.E.D. has nothing to do with a real med, and everything to do with your baseline action that needs to be taken to achieve that day’s goal breakdown (the 1-2 tasks you take to make sure you hit that mini weekly milestone).

Let me give you two real world examples:

EXAMPLE NUMBER 1:  You want to increase your sales/earnings. You set a concrete 3 month goal with the sales target and a brainstormed lists of actions you can take to get there. You create your Monthly milestones with numbers to hit the gist of actions you’ll focus on each month (might be the same month-to-month, perhaps you switch up your customer profile or try a new form of prospecting in month 2).

For month 1, you get specific about a list of actions you can take to hit that Month 1 Milestone. Then you break it into those mini-milestones for  4 weeks. (Tip: Doing these mini-milestones helps you win in two ways: (1) It helps you visualize success for the week; (2) It bridges your big-picture goal (aspirational) with the day-to-day (actionable). This relation is vital to good execution.)

Now you’re in the final stage of breaking down that Week’s mini milestone into daily priorities/associated tasks.

Here’s where your M.E.D. comes in to create your floor: What’s the least you’re going to do to feel the smallest, but tangible sense of progress each day. Maybe your M.E.D. is reaching out to 5 new people on LinkedIn or sending out 5 emails to clients outside your ideal customer base.

Again, depending on the complexity of the goal, the time & number of tasks devoted to it, and its overall weight in your life/work – your M.E.D. is going to vary. We know goals come in all shapes and sizes.

The key here. And this is the absolute KEY: Your M.E.D. has to be very realistic — so realistic that it is doable no matter the external circumstances (new or unexpected challenge, distraction, etc.) or your internal state (emotional energy, physical energy, mood.) Why?

Because YOU are going to do your M.E.D. irrespective of whatever else is going on inside or outside. There are no excuses when it comes to your M.E.D. — this is your habit vitamin. This is your floor. This is how we make sure you truly digest how to stop giving up and falling off your goals.

This bare minimum is not up for debate, analysis, thought, or circumvention. (Obvious exceptions include serious illness, trauma, etc.)

EXAMPLE NUMBER 2: Your goal is regular physical activity in your life. You go through the process of setting your 3-month goal, monthly milestones, weekly mini milestones, etc.

Now here’s where it comes time to decide what is the bare minimum you can and will commit to doing every day. It’s time to know your floor or your M.E.D.

I’ll tell you mine: I do interval running for just one mile every day. This takes me 15 minutes. 15 minutes is totally doable for me. 15 minutes is even fun. I get to listen to pumped up music and get my dopamine and endorphins firing. My brain is in the zone. It’s a natural anti-anxiety (check out the book Spark) M.E.D. & med, and gets me excited for the day.

Now, about two days a week my legs are sore/ muscles stiff. I don’t skip those days. I just walk instead and do some extra stretching. BOOM. That’s my beautiful, implementable, actionable, joyful activity M.E.D.

Tip: When you think about your M.E.D, what’s going to get you excited? What other sensory factors can you add in to make your M.E.D. fun if that’s doable? Music, a podcast, being in nature. What is realistic? What will you commit to (and minutely tweak if needed) to make sure you don’t halt progress or do the dreaded slide back?

Stop Giving Up Your Goals

#2 – How to Stop Giving Up Your Goals: The Ceiling is Your Aspirational without Overkill – (your A.I.M.s)

Let’s talk about A.I.M.s in another article (Tip: I love acronyms because they’re amazing mnemonics which go beyond memory but allow your brain to see and act in patterns, which it loves to do. This also frees up cognitive and energetic bandwidth.)

Your A.I.M. is your Absolute Ideal Maximum. Like M.E.D.s this comes up in a lot of different contexts when applied to life and work systems, as well as behavioral psychology.

Your A.I.M. is your ceiling. What is the most you’re going to bust out on the best days where your external and internal circumstances are solid. These are for the days you’re in the zone, able to step into flow, and work/perform like you’re a seasoned elite athlete just playing a low stakes pre-season game. What I mean is – your confidence is high, your career isn’t riding on the A.I.M. attainment, and you can even enjoy yourself.

Why are the stakes low? Because you don’t have to do your A.I.M. — you just gotta do your M.E.D. There’s no pressure, you’re just making the most out of favorable conditions.

Now the KEY with designing your A.I.M. is a little different than what you might expect me to say. It’s not to go all out and be 5-10 levels above your M.E.D., it’s to only be 3-4 levels above your M.E.D. In other words — don’t fly too high Icarus or you’ll get burned by the sun.

What I mean here (and please pay close attention because this is one of the top reasons people keep up the cycle of quitting) — you’re going to burn out fast if you’re A.I.M. is too high. By trying to be EXTRA/ do the MOST/ get your max hustle on – whatever turn of phrase suits you here — you are busting out of the upper limits of your system and breaking it top down.

This is doable once or twice, but energy doesn’t work that way. The laws of thermodynamics tell us that there’s an equal and opposite reaction for every action. So A.I.M. too high, you’re not engaged in a sustainable process. You’ll overtire yourself, slip, fall off doing your M.E.D.s for a few days, and eventually QUIT.

Your Key Takeaways on How to Stop Giving Up on Your Goals

Takeaway #1 – Finesse your floor-and-ceiling design with balance. The gap between M.E.D. and A.I.M. should be incremental (1-2 levels) not radical.

Think about the height of a standard room. Sure, it might have vaulted ceilings and be larger than average, but usually the space between floor and ceiling is fairly standard. 12 feet, 16 feet, maybe 20 feet. But not 100 feet. Unless we’re talking some old palace or castle, we measure the height of buildings in fairly standard stories.

Similarly, your M.E.D. should be doable, achievable, reproducible daily irrespective of circumstance (internal or external). Your A.I.M. should be slightly more aspirational for those ideal days when no emergencies have come up and you’re in the zone. You’re feeling good, in flow, and able to push a bit harder. The gap between the two should not be much.

Slowly, you’ll learn to periodically assess your ceiling and raise it up higher if that’s what you want. It’s not a forever limitation of your outcome or reflection of your abilities. It’s your way of moving to create momentum, achieving the doable, and increasing the target in a sustainable, joyful way.

Takeaway #2 – Consistence is Key – Persist in Your System without Overanalyzing

Another way we waste time and energy is hyper analyzing how it’s going and getting bummed out about the results. Tip: You’re not going to see the results you want in the first few weeks. Keep going. Trust. That’s why you created your Mini-Milestones for all four weeks of Month #1.

Now, I did mention not to be too specific about the tasks you’re going to be engaging in in the later weeks right off the bat. This is true. Finely tweak your M.E.D. and your A.I.M. for Weeks 2-4. But don’t blow them out of the water by completely changing them. You are not in a position to evaluate whole-scale and just toss them away.

This is because you are in what I call the “change-phase.” In the change-phase, your effort is high, your internal resistance is high, and your visible results are low. You are not going to enjoy the change-phase too much, but it keeps getting easier. Literally, day-by-day, it gets easier. In a few weeks, you’ll notice the shift. You’ll also face much less internal resistance. So, just keep doing your M.E.D.s without much alteration. Only minor tweaks allowed that first month.

For example, you might find that a task is actually more time consuming (often happens) than you budgeted for when designing your original M.E.D. — okay, scale it down a notch or two. But don’t say, “oh this sucks, I’m getting nowhere.” Because scrapping it altogether will get you nowhere.


Next steps to consider

Experience the extraordinary with our groundbreaking neuroperformance programs. Over the course of just 12 weeks, witness a remarkable transformation that permeates every facet of your life: career, daily performance, health, wellness, cognitive function, habits, relationships, energy, and personal and spiritual growth. What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on the brain as the ultimate catalyst for change.

Unleash your full potential as we guide you through a journey of learning, self-discovery, and profound metamorphosis into your highest self. To witness the magic firsthand, explore our home-page brimming with captivating videos that promise to inspire and revolutionize your life. Take the first step today and embark on the path to unlocking your true potential. Explore our programs now.

How to Achieve Your Goals

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5 Keys to Joyfully Conquer Your Goals in 2022

5 Keys to Joyfully Conquer Your Goals in 2022

Conquer your goals in 2022 and mindfully master your headspace by following these easy-to-implement steps. 

Conquer Your Goals

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

Take a deep breath and instill this maxim in your core. The stress of this pandemic-filled few years has just compounded the chronic stress most people  were already under. So to make 2022 something different — promising, exciting, successful — begin by changing the one thing you can control: the fabric of your mental landscape.

Conquer your goals – but first your mental landscape

Various philosophical and spiritual frameworks — stoicism, jainism, buddhism, gnosticism, and others — instruct us to ignore what is outside of our control, and focus fully on where our power lies. This is the whole of the fabric our minds. 

Your mind isn’t just what you knowingly think, decide, and do. It’s all the deep, often unknown to you, activity happening behind-the-scenes. This is the purview of your subconscious, and this above all else predicates the majority of your mental activity. 

This subconscious domain is comprised of your beliefs (many downloaded from society, environment, and family) and core values (again, many are inherited). These give rise to the background “noise” in your head that doesn’t often agree with the conscious “you.” The thoughts floating around when you’re not paying attention, the moods you feel without cause or reason, and the decisions you make in a split-second. 

When you start paying attention to all of this, you can begin to declutter and slowly, methodically realign the “noise” to be harmonious — like a symphony of support. When the stoics and zen teachers say take charge of what’s inside you, this is what they mean. Go deep —  to these levels of subconscious. Once the subconscious is on the same page as “you” (the person you identify with/ want to be), then you’ll enter states of power strong enough to influence the world around you. 

Think about that again. By readjusting your focus onto the one area where your power actually resides now (in reorganizing the fabric of your internal landscape), you will grow your power in your life and the world. 

Now if that sounds good, keep reading for the five shifts to make to mindfully master your headspace, conquer your goals in 2022, and become your most powerful self yet. 

Five Shifts to Conquer your goals in 2022

Step #1 – Critically Inventory Your Internet Intake and Minimize These 3 Categories:

How you use the internet — what you read, watch, engage in, and what communities are influencing you — are going to shape your subconscious. Everything you take in are sets of sensory inputs designed, often intentionally, to hijack your emotional responses. They mesh together to form that ever-present internal landscape — either the noise or symphony in your head. 

Unfortunately, the online world where we ‘live’ much of our lives is more conducive to cacophony and discord. Because platforms and websites derive their income from keeping you on longer, they are engineered to specifically induce specific feelings, and thereby not only affect subconscious but also dangerously alter your physiological biochemistry. 

So there’s a lot at stake. It’s not just harmless internet surfing. Be skilled in your inventory. What sites / how are you spending your online time? Figure out which ones fall into these three buckets and reduce and eliminate: 

(1) Junk info clickbait  – designed to trigger a quick dopamine hit for supposed novelty/newness – usually very unsatisfying, little novelty is delivered.  

(2) Anger/outrage scenarios –  be wary of group think (even if it feels justified); will send cortisol flying off the charts putting you into an acute stress state. This is for stuff you can’t control (hello stoics) and will make you despair for humanity (not helpful). 

(3) Envy inducers – stealth serotonin stealing – usually related to people you don’t know or never see. Why give them real-estate in your head? Impacts your confidence, self-worth, long-term wellbeing, and much of it is fabricated/ staged/ altered. 

Be ruthless in your assessment. Identify your sources for the above and cut them out. They will marginalize you into powerlessness and invade your headspace like invisible puppet masters. 

If you’re wondering how this helps you conquer your goals — you can’t focus on what you want to achieve, let alone take action steps to get there, if you’re in a haze of discord and noise. That’s why you prune out the unhelpful first. 

Your Goals in 2022

Step #2 to Conquer Your Goals: Get Quiet — Marie Kondo mental clutter

Ever since Marie Kondo swept the world with her material minimalism how-to a few years ago, many of us became conscious of what we own, buy, and consume from a “stuff” standpoint. The growing climate crisis is an even greater impetus for conscientious buying and minimalism.

But we are nowhere near as conscientious with our mental clutter. We just let it float around in our heads all day, doing whatever it wants, without cleaning it up. It’s like taking a mental bath in dirt. The residue of the dirt/ clutter is going to stick to all your other mental activities. 

This makes you slower, exhausted, ineffective. 

Get observant, and be okay in quiet. Your head shouldn’t be a hamster wheel of thoughts. 

Marie Kondo’s method for material clutter is simple — 1) Do you use it? 2) Does it bring you joy? We can replicate this with our mental clutter. 

Anytime an unbidden, especially negative thought pops up, ask yourself those questions. If the answer isn’t yes, then make a point to throw it away. 

Step #3 to Conquer Your Goals: Get Intentionally Specific

Check out our Five Step Goal Map here that will help you with all the levels of specificity and detail you need. 

On a macro level, think about it like this — if you don’t know your destination, how do you know when you get there? We plug in physical locations into google maps every day. Why? So we know when to turn, what to pass, and what the destination is. Yet, we don’t practice this our goals. They’re just fluffy and fuzzy, and “I’ll know it when I see it,” ambiguous blobs. 

It’s hard to achieve an ambiguous blob though, right? You need to know what your endgame is in order to know when you got there. What does “it” look like? Turn the “it” into the future you that’s achieving it. What do you look, feel, think like when you achieve it? 

Go through a sensory exercise of yourself there, look around you, look inside you. Boom — now you really know what you want and what it feels like. This has a double boost affect by influencing your subconscious positively (the antithesis of all that low-value internet intake). Remember, this behind-the-scenes mind pays attention to everything. It’s paying attention to this sensory picture of you achieving your goal that you just created. Now it can support you.

Step #4 – Start Simple and Small (Rule of Three) or Risk Overwhelm and Stalemate

Conquer Your Goals this Year

I recommend the Rule of Three: 

Set  goals for yourself for the next 3 months (a year can feel too expansive and you’ll imagine you have plenty of time, but 3 months is concrete).

This major step is going to free you to take action. This will get you out of the planning stage and into the creating momentum stage. It will also stop the overwhelm in its tracks so you’re not in self-induced checkmate. 

Step #5 to Conquer Your Goals in 2022 – Concrete Action Wins the Day 

The path to your goals is a day-by-day journey. Take action every single day. In a clean notebook, write down your 3 goals for the next 3 months. Use simple language; be positive and clear. 

Now each day, take one small step to help you achieve each one. So our Rule of 3, just got a third. 

3 goals for 3 months with 3 daily concrete action steps (one per goal). 

Now these action steps will change as you make progress so the best (most fluid way) to do this is to review your goals each evening and jot down the 3 steps (again one per goal) you will take the next day. 

(a) Each step should have a reasonable time commitment (short and simple is usually a winner, but depends on the goal and how it relates to your life). I recommend 15 minutes max at first especially if you’re building a new habit. 

(b) Make sure you phrase your action step in a fun way: “I get to listen to my favorite playlist as I run for 15 minutes tomorrow.” This primes you with the helpful emotions and mindset. 

(c) Check off, star, “good job” yourself for the day before in writing. It’s important to acknowledge mini victories. This will only take a minute. One sentence or less to celebrate yesterday, just like one sentence to plan for tomorrow. 

That’s it — your 3 x 3 x 3 Rule Roadmap! 

Your takeaways on keys to conquer your goals in 2022

#1 – Mindfully inventory your intakes and subconscious noise to master your mental landscape (a la all the great philosophies above)  

Remember this is what you can actually control. Before you can focus on what’s going to come next, you must take stock of what’s flying into your head (especially from the internet) and floating around in your subconscious all day. Otherwise it’ll drain you, demoralize you, and defeat you with chaos before you can even get started. 

#2 – Get clear and take daily concrete action 

You need to get out of planning mode and into execution mode. To do that, you need absolute clarity. You need to paint the sensory picture. You also need to take daily action steps. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to fool yourself into thinking you’re acting towards your goals, when you’re really just thinking (i.e. planning) them endlessly. 

Conquer your goals by Creating momentum with practice

Remember, these are all easy-to-implement steps to conquer your goals in 2022 when you actually implement them. 

The problem with a lot of us these days is that we are information collectors, but we don’t take action. We find something (perhaps this article) that inspires us and guides us on what to do, but we don’t follow through. Instead, we just keep collecting more information because it feeds the dopamine. 

But this year, if you find something promising — don’t search for more — first, put it into action. Take the time to do your internet inventory. Write it down. If you try to hold it in your head, it’ll just add more clutter. Prune out what doesn’t work. Be clear about what you want. Write down your 3 x 3 x 3.

That’s your path to crushing it and succeeding! And while the effort is a must, you don’t have to think about the “how” — this is is your guide to that part. If you follow this, you’ll definitely realize your dreams instead of just dreaming them in the abstract. 

Next steps to consider

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